AddDateTags | Adding date derived tags. |
BottomOutlierIdentifier | Bottom outlier identifier. |
BottomOutlierPosition | Bottom outlier positions finder. |
ColMaxes | Sparse matrix column maximums. |
ConvertMultiColumnDataFrameToSparseMatrix | Convert multi-column data frame into a sparse matrix. |
EmptyComputationSpecificationRow | Empty computation specification row. |
ERTMonCollapseFeatureMatrices | Get feature sub-matrices collapsed. |
ERTMonComputeFormula | Compute specified formula. |
ERTMonCreateInterface | Event records transformation dashboard |
ERTMonDataCheck | Check presence of required data. |
ERTMonDataTransformerCheck | Check presence of a data transformer object. |
ERTMonEmptyComputationSpecification | Empty computation specification. |
ERTMonEmptyComputationSpecificationRow | Empty computation specification row. |
ERTMonExport | Export processed data into CSV files. |
ERTMonExportToCSVFeatureMatrix | Export the feature matrix into a CSV file. |
ERTMonExtractFeatures | Extract feature with an already made data transformer. |
ERTMonFailureQ | Failure test for an ERTMon object. |
ERTMonFailureSymbol | Failure symbol for ERTMon. |
ERTMonFeatureMatrixCheck | Feature matrix presence check. |
ERTMonFilterEventRecords | Filtering of event records. |
ERTMonMakeServerFunction | Event records transformation server function |
ERTMonMakeUI | Event records transformation dashboard user interface |
ERTMonMemberPresenceCheck | General member presence check. |
ERTMonObject | Make a ERTMon unit. |
ERTMonPlotFeatureMatrices | Plot rows of feature sub-matrices as time series. |
ERTMonProcessEventRecords | Process the data and make feature matrix. |
ERTMonReadComputationSpecification | Read a computation specification from a file. |
ERTMonReadDataFromDirectory | Read data from a directory. |
ERTMonSetComputationSpecification | Set computation specification. |
ERTMonSetEntityAttributes | Set entity attributes. |
ERTMonSetEventRecords | Set event records. |
ERTMonSimpleTestData | Simple test data generation |
ERTMonStackFeatureMatrices | Make a stack of feature sub-matrices. |
ERTMonTakeAlignmentSpec | Take alignment specification. |
ERTMonTakeComputationSpecification | Take computation specification. |
ERTMonTakeContingencyMatrices | Take feature sub-matrices. |
ERTMonTakeEntityAttributes | Take entity attributes. |
ERTMonTakeEventRecords | Take event records. |
ERTMonTakeFeatureMatrix | Take the feature matrix. |
ERTMonTakeFeatureNamePrefixes | Take feature name prefixes. |
ERTMonTakeTimeCellsInterpretation | Take time cells interpretation. |
ERTMonTakeTimeSeriesDataFrame | Take time series data frame. |
ERTMonTakeTrasformedData | Take transformed data. |
ERTMonTakeValue | Take the value in a ERTMon object. |
ERTMonTakeVariableOutlierBoundaries | Take variable outlier boundaries. |
ERTMonUnit | Make a ERTMon Unit |
ERTMonVerifyDataDirectory | Verify does a directory have ERTMon data files. |
FileColumnsIngest | File columns ingestion. |
FileTriplets | File triplets. |
FileTripletsIngest | File triplets ingestion. |
HampelIdentifierParameters | Hampel identifier parameters. |
ImposeColumnIDs | Impose column ID's to a sparse matrix. |
ImposeRowIDs | Impose row ID's to a sparse matrix. |
IngestMultiValuedDataColumn | Multi-value column ingestion. |
MakeMatrixByColumnPartition | Make a matrix by column partitioning. |
MakePiecewiseFunction | Piecewise function constructor. |
OutlierIdentifier | Outlier identifier. |
OutlierPosition | Outlier positions finder. |
QuartileIdentifierParameters | Quartile identifier parameters |
RowMaxes | Sparse matrix row maximums. |
SparseMatrixToTriplets | Convert sparse matrix into triplets |
SplitColumnOfTags | Split column of tags. |
SPLUSQuartileIdentifierParameters | SPLUS quartile identifier parameters |
SummaryPartitioned | Summary by columns partitioning. |
TagBasketsMatrixIntoItemTagMatrix | Tag baskets matrix into item tag matrix |
ToColumnValueIncidenceMatrix | Convert to incidence matrix by column values. |
TopOutlierIdentifier | Top outlier identifier. |
TopOutlierPosition | Top outlier positions finder. |
TripletsToSparseMatrix | Make a sparse array/matrix from triplets. |
TwoFilesTriplets | Combine two triplets files. |
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