
Defines functions print.solute_properties print.filter_properties print.instr_settings print.instr_desc print.summary_generic_spct summary.generic_spct is.any_summary_spct is.summary_chroma_spct is.summary_solute_spct is.summary_object_spct is.summary_reflector_spct is.summary_filter_spct is.summary_response_spct is.summary_source_spct is.summary_cps_spct is.summary_raw_spct is.summary_generic_spct summary_spct_classes print.generic_mspct print.generic_spct

Documented in is.any_summary_spct is.summary_chroma_spct is.summary_cps_spct is.summary_filter_spct is.summary_generic_spct is.summary_object_spct is.summary_raw_spct is.summary_reflector_spct is.summary_response_spct is.summary_solute_spct is.summary_source_spct print.generic_mspct print.generic_spct print.summary_generic_spct summary.generic_spct summary_spct_classes

# print -------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Print a spectral object
#' Print method for objects of spectral classes.
#' @param x An object of one of the summary classes for spectra
#' @param ... not used in current version
#' @param n	Number of rows to show. If NULL, the default, will print all rows if
#'   less than option dplyr.print_max. Otherwise, will print dplyr.print_min
#' @param width	Width of text output to generate. This defaults to NULL, which
#'   means use getOption("width") and only display the columns that fit on one
#'   screen. You can also set option(dplyr.width = Inf) to override this default
#'   and always print all columns.
#' @return Returns \code{x} invisibly.
#' @export
#' @note This is simply a wrapper on the print method for tibbles, with
#'   additional information in the header. Curently, \code{width} applies only
#'   to the table of data.
#' @name print
#' @examples
#' print(sun.spct)
#' print(sun.spct, n = 5)
print.generic_spct <- function(x, ..., n = NULL, width = NULL)
  # Skip checks of validity as we are only printing
  prev_state <- disable_check_spct()
  on.exit(set_check_spct(prev_state), add = TRUE)

  cat("Object: ", class_spct(x)[1], " ", dplyr::dim_desc(x), "\n", sep = "")
  if (nrow(x)) {
    m.wl <- getMultipleWl(x)
    if (m.wl > 1) {
      cat("containing ", m.wl, " spectra in long form\n", sep = "")
    cat("Wavelength range ",
        paste(signif(wl_range(x), 8), sep = "", collapse = "-"), " nm, step ",
        paste(unique(signif(stepsize(x), 7)), sep = "", collapse = "-"),
        " nm \n", sep = "")
  what.measured <- getWhatMeasured(x)
  if (!any(is.na(what.measured))) {
    if (!is.list(what.measured)) {
      what.measured <- list(what.measured)
    names <- names(what.measured)
    if (is.null(names)) {
      names <- "Label: "
    } else {
      names <- paste(names, "label: ")
              sep = "", collapse = "\n"), "\n")
  when.measured <- getWhenMeasured(x)
  if (!any(is.na(when.measured))) {
    if (!is.list(when.measured)) {
      when.measured <- list(when.measured)
    names <- names(when.measured)
    if (is.null(names)) {
      names <- "Measured on "
    } else {
      names <- paste(names, "measured on ")
              sapply(when.measured, as.character), " UTC",
              sep = "", collapse = "\n"), "\n")
  where.measured <- getWhereMeasured(x)
  if (!any(is.na(where.measured))) {
    if (is.data.frame(where.measured)) {
      where.measured <- list(where.measured)
    names <- names(where.measured)
    if (is.null(names)) {
      names <- "Measured at "
    } else {
      names <- paste(names, "measured at ")
    if (all(sapply(where.measured,
                   function(x) {"address" %in% names(x) && !any(is.na(x[["address"]]))}))) {
                sapply(where.measured, `[[`, i = "lat"), " N, ",
                sapply(where.measured, `[[`, i = "lon"), " E; ",
                stringr::str_trunc(sapply(where.measured, `[[`, i = "address"), width = 30, side = "right"),
                sep = "", collapse = "\n"),"\n")
    } else {
                sapply(where.measured, `[[`, i = "lat"), " N, ",
                sapply(where.measured, `[[`, i = "lon"), " E",
                sep = "", collapse = "\n"), "\n")
  if (class_spct(x)[1] %in% c("raw_spct", "cps_spct") &&
      getMultipleWl(x) == 1) {
    if (!all(is.na(getInstrDesc(x)))) {
    if (!all(is.na(getInstrSettings(x)))) {
  if (class_spct(x)[1] %in% c("source_spct", "response_spct")) {
    cat("Time unit ", as.character(getTimeUnit(x, force.duration = TRUE)),
        "\n", sep = "")
  if (class_spct(x)[1] == "filter_spct") {
    if (exists("Tfr", where = x, inherits = FALSE)) {
      cat("Transmittance of type '", getTfrType(x), "'\n", sep = "")
    properties <- filter_properties(x, return.null = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(properties)) {
  if (class_spct(x)[1] == "reflector_spct") {
    cat("Reflectance of type '", getRfrType(x), "'\n", sep = "")
  if (class_spct(x)[1] == "object_spct") {
    if (getTfrType(x) != "total") {
      cat("Transmittance of type '", getTfrType(x), "'(!!)\n", sep = "")
    if (getRfrType(x) != "total") {
      cat("Reflectance of type '", getRfrType(x), "'(!!)\n", sep = "")
  if (class_spct(x)[1] == "solute_spct") {
    if (exists("K.mole", where = x, inherits = FALSE)) {
      cat("Molar ", getKType(x), " coefficient\n", sep = "")
    } else if (exists("K.mass", where = x, inherits = FALSE)){
      cat("Mass ", getKType(x), " coefficient\n", sep = "")
    properties <- solute_properties(x, return.null = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(properties)) {
  if (is_scaled(x)) {
    scaling <- getScaling(x)
    if (all(is.na(scaling[["cols"]]))) {
      cat("Rescaled to '", scaling[["f"]], "' = ", scaling[["target"]],
          " for wavelengths in ", paste(scaling[["range"]], collapse = "-"), " nm\n", sep = "")
    } else {
      cat("Rescaled to '", scaling[["f"]], " of ",
          scaling[["cols"]], "' = ", scaling[["target"]],
          " for wavelengths in ", paste(scaling[["range"]], collapse = "-"), " nm\n", sep = "")
  if (is_normalized(x)) {
    norm <- getNormalized(x)
    normalization <- getNormalization(x)
    if (!is.na(normalization[["norm.wl"]]) &&
        !is.na(normalization[["norm.cols"]]) &&
        !is.na(normalization[["norm.type"]])) {
      if (normalization[["norm.type"]] == "wavelength" ||
          all(is.na(normalization[["norm.range"]]))) {
        cat("Spectral data normalized to ",  normalization[["norm.cols"]],
            " = 1 at ", normalization[["norm.wl"]], " nm (",
            normalization[["norm.type"]], ")\n", sep = "")
      } else {
        cat("Spectral data normalized to ",  normalization[["norm.cols"]],
            " = 1 at ", normalization[["norm.wl"]], " nm (",
            normalization[["norm.type"]], " in ",
            paste(round(normalization[["norm.range"]], 2), collapse = "-"),
            " nm)\n", sep = "")
    } else {
      cat("Spectral data normalized to 1 at ", norm,
          ifelse(is.numeric(norm), " nm \n", " \n"), sep = "")
  if (is_effective(x)) {
    BSWF <- getBSWFUsed(x)
    cat("Data weighted using '", BSWF, "' BSWF\n", sep = "")
  print(tibble::as_tibble(x), n = n, width = width)

# print method ------------------------------------------------------------

#' @describeIn print
#' @param n.members	numeric Number of members of the collection to print.
#' @export
print.generic_mspct <- function(x, ..., n = NULL, width = NULL, n.members = 10)  {
  cat("Object: ", class(x)[1], " ", dplyr::dim_desc(x), "\n", sep = "")
  member.names <- names(x)
  if (length(member.names) > n.members) {
    skipped.members <- length(member.names) - n.members
    member.names <- member.names[1:n.members]
  } else {
    skipped.members <- 0
  for (name in member.names) {
    cat("--- Member:", name, "---\n")
    print(x[[name]], n = n, width = width)
  if (skipped.members > 0) {
        skipped.members, " other member spectra not shown\n", sep = "")
  cat("\n--- END ---")

# names of all spectral summary classes -----------------------------------

#' Function that returns a vector containing the names of spectral summary
#' classes.
#' @export
#' @return A \code{character} vector of class names.
summary_spct_classes <- function() {
  c("summary_raw_spct", "summary_cps_spct",
    "summary_filter_spct", "summary_reflector_spct",
    "summary_source_spct", "summary_object_spct",
    "summary_response_spct", "summary_chroma_spct", "summary_generic_spct")
# is functions for spct summary classes --------------------------------------------

#' Query class of spectrum summary objects
#' Functions to check if an object is of a given type of spectrum, or coerce it if
#' possible.
#' @param x an R object.
#' @return These functions return \code{TRUE} if its argument is a of the queried type
#'   of spectrum and \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @note Derived types also return TRUE for a query for a base type such as
#' \code{generic_spct}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sm <- summary(sun.spct)
#' is.summary_source_spct(sm)
is.summary_generic_spct <- function(x) inherits(x, "summary_generic_spct")

#' @rdname is.summary_generic_spct
#' @export
is.summary_raw_spct <- function(x) inherits(x, "summary_raw_spct")

#' @rdname is.summary_generic_spct
#' @export
is.summary_cps_spct <- function(x) inherits(x, "summary_cps_spct")

#' @rdname is.summary_generic_spct
#' @export
is.summary_source_spct <- function(x) inherits(x, "summary_source_spct")

#' @rdname is.summary_generic_spct
#' @export
is.summary_response_spct <- function(x) inherits(x, "summary_response_spct")

#' @rdname is.summary_generic_spct
#' @export
is.summary_filter_spct <- function(x) inherits(x, "summary_filter_spct")

#' @rdname is.summary_generic_spct
#' @export
is.summary_reflector_spct <- function(x) inherits(x, "summary_reflector_spct")

#' @rdname is.summary_generic_spct
#' @export
is.summary_object_spct <- function(x) inherits(x, "summary_object_spct")

#' @rdname is.summary_generic_spct
#' @export
is.summary_solute_spct <- function(x) inherits(x, "summary_solute_spct")

#' @rdname is.summary_generic_spct
#' @export
is.summary_chroma_spct <- function(x) inherits(x, "summary_chroma_spct")

#' @rdname is.summary_generic_spct
#' @export
is.any_summary_spct <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, summary_spct_classes())

# summary -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' Summary of a spectral object
#' Methods of generic function summary for objects of spectral classes.
#' @param object An object of one of the spectral classes for which a summary is
#'   desired
#' @param maxsum integer Indicates how many levels should be shown for factors.
#' @param digits integer Used for number formatting with \code{\link{format}()}.
#' @param ... additional arguments affecting the summary produced, ignored in
#'   current version
#' @return A summary object matching the class of \code{object}.
#' @export
#' @method summary generic_spct
#' @name summary
#' @examples
#' summary(sun.spct)
summary.generic_spct <- function(object,
                                 maxsum = 7,
                                 digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
                                 ...) {
  z <- list()
  class(z) <- c(paste("summary_", class_spct(object), sep = ""), class(z))

  object.name <- substitute(object)
  z[["orig.name"]] <- if (is.name(object.name)) as.character(object.name) else "anonymous"
  z[["orig.class"]] <- class_spct(object)[1]
  z[["orig.dim_desc"]] <- dplyr::dim_desc(object)
  z[["wl.range"]] <- wl_range(object)
  z[["wl.stepsize"]] <- wl_stepsize(object)
  z[["summary"]] <- summary(as.data.frame(object), maxsum = maxsum, digits = digits, ...)

  z <- copy_attributes(object, z,
                       copy.class = FALSE,
                       which = c(all_spct_attr.ls[["generic_spct"]],

# Print spectral summaries ------------------------------------------------

#' Print spectral summary
#' A function to nicely print objects of classes "summary...spct".
#' @param x An object of one of the summary classes for spectra
#' @param ... not used in current version
#' @export
#' @examples
#' print(summary(sun.spct))
print.summary_generic_spct <- function(x, ...) {
  # ensure backwards compatibility with summary objects created by versions < 0.9.30
  if (!exists("orig.name", x) || is.na(x[["orig.name"]])) {
    x[["orig.name"]] <- "'unknown name'"
  cat("Summary of ", x[["orig.class"]], " ", x[["orig.dim_desc"]], " object: ", x[["orig.name"]] ,"\n", sep = "")
  m.wl <- getMultipleWl(x)
  if (m.wl > 1) {
    cat("containing ", m.wl, " spectra in long form\n")
  cat("Wavelength range ",
      paste(signif(x[["wl.range"]], 8), sep = "", collapse = "-"), " nm, step ",
      paste(unique(signif(x[["wl.stepsize"]], 7)), sep = "", collapse = "-"),
      " nm\n", sep = "")
  what.measured <- getWhatMeasured(x)
  if (!any(is.na(what.measured))) {
    if (!is.list(what.measured)) {
      what.measured <- list(what.measured)
    names <- names(what.measured)
    if (is.null(names)) {
      names <- "Label: "
    } else {
      names <- paste(names, "label: ")
              sep = "", collapse = "\n"), "\n")
  when.measured <- getWhenMeasured(x)
  if (!any(is.na(when.measured))) {
    if (!is.list(when.measured)) {
      when.measured <- list(when.measured)
    names <- names(when.measured)
    if (is.null(names)) {
      names <- "Measured on "
    } else {
      names <- paste(names, "measured on ")
              sapply(when.measured, as.character), " UTC",
              sep = "", collapse = "\n"), "\n")
  where.measured <- getWhereMeasured(x)
  if (!any(is.na(where.measured))) {
    if (is.data.frame(where.measured)) {
      where.measured <- list(where.measured)
    names <- names(where.measured)
    if (is.null(names)) {
      names <- "Measured at "
    } else {
      names <- paste(names, "measured at ")
    if (all(sapply(where.measured,
                   function(x) {"address" %in% names(x) && !any(is.na(x[["address"]]))}))) {
                sapply(where.measured, `[[`, i = "lat"), " N, ",
                sapply(where.measured, `[[`, i = "lon"), " E; ",
                stringr::str_trunc(sapply(where.measured, `[[`, i = "address"), width = 30, side = "right"),
                sep = "", collapse = "\n"),"\n")
    } else {
                sapply(where.measured, `[[`, i = "lat"), " N, ",
                sapply(where.measured, `[[`, i = "lon"), " E",
                sep = "", collapse = "\n"), "\n")
  if (class(x)[1] %in% c("summary_raw_spct", "summary_cps_spct") &&
      getMultipleWl(x) == 1) {
  if (class(x)[1] %in% c("summary_source_spct", "summary_response_spct")) {
    cat("Time unit ", as.character(getTimeUnit(x, force.duration = TRUE)),
        "\n", sep = "")
  if (class(x)[1] == "summary_filter_spct") {
    if (any(grepl("Tfr", colnames(x[["summary"]])))) {
      cat("Transmittance of type '", getTfrType(x), "'\n", sep = "")
    properties <- filter_properties(x, return.null = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(properties)) {
  if (class(x)[1] == "summary_reflector_spct") {
    cat("Reflectance of type '", getRfrType(x), "'\n", sep = "")
  if (class(x)[1] == "summary_object_spct") {
    if (getTfrType(x) != "total") {
      cat("Transmittance of type '", getTfrType(x), "'(!!)\n", sep = "")
    if (getRfrType(x) != "total") {
      cat("Reflectance of type '", getRfrType(x), "'(!!)\n", sep = "")
  if (class(x)[1] == "summary_solute_spct") {
    if (any(grepl("K.mole", colnames(x[["summary"]])))) {
      cat("Molar ", getKType(x), " coefficient\n", sep = "")
    } else if (any(grepl("K.mole", colnames(x[["summary"]])))) {
      cat("Mass ", getKType(x), " coefficient\n", sep = "")
    properties <- solute_properties(x, return.null = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(properties)) {
  if (is_scaled(x)) {
    scaling <- getScaling(x)
    if (all(is.na(scaling[["cols"]]))) {
      cat("Rescaled to '", scaling[["f"]], "' = ", scaling[["target"]],
          " for wavelengths in ", paste(scaling[["range"]], collapse = "-"), " nm\n", sep = "")
    } else {
      cat("Rescaled to '", scaling[["f"]], " of ",
          scaling[["cols"]], "' = ", scaling[["target"]],
          " for wavelengths in ", paste(scaling[["range"]], collapse = "-"), " nm\n", sep = "")
  if (is_normalized(x)) {
    norm <- getNormalized(x)
    normalization <- getNormalization(x)
    if (!is.na(normalization[["norm.wl"]]) &&
        !is.na(normalization[["norm.cols"]]) &&
        !is.na(normalization[["norm.type"]])) {
      if (normalization[["norm.type"]] == "wavelength" ||
          all(is.na(normalization[["norm.range"]]))) {
        cat("Spectral data normalized to ",  normalization[["norm.cols"]],
            " = 1 at ", normalization[["norm.wl"]], " nm (",
            normalization[["norm.type"]], ")\n", sep = "")
      } else {
        cat("Spectral data normalized to ",  normalization[["norm.cols"]],
            " = 1 at ", normalization[["norm.wl"]], " nm (",
            normalization[["norm.type"]], " in ",
            paste(round(normalization[["norm.range"]], 2), collapse = "-"),
            " nm)\n", sep = "")
    } else {
      cat("Spectral data normalized to 1 at ", norm,
          ifelse(is.numeric(norm), " nm \n", " \n"), sep = "")
  if (is_effective(x)) {
    BSWF <- getBSWFUsed(x)
    cat("Data weighted using '", BSWF, "' BSWF\n", sep = "")

# Instrument data ---------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
print.instr_desc <- function(x, ...) {
  if (is.null(x[["entrance.optics"]])) {
    diffuser <- "unknown"
  } else {
    diffuser <- x[["entrance.optics"]][["geometry"]]
  cat("Data acquired with '",
      x[["spectrometer.name"]], "' s.n. ", x[["spectrometer.sn"]],
            "\ngrating '", x[["bench.grating"]],
            "', slit '", x[["bench.slit"]], "'",
      "\ndiffuser '", diffuser, "'",
      sep = ""

#' @export
print.instr_settings <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("integ. time (s): ",
      paste(signif(as.numeric(x[["integ.time"]]) * 1e-6, digits = 3), collapse = ", "),
      "\ntotal time (s): ",
      paste(signif(as.numeric(x[["tot.time"]]) * 1e-6, digits = 3), collapse = ", "),
      "\ncounts @ peak (% of max): ",
      signif(as.numeric(x[["rel.signal"]]) * 100, digits = 3),
      sep = "",

#' @export
print.filter_properties <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Rfr (/1): ",
      paste(sprintf("%#.3f", x[["Rfr.constant"]]), collapse = " + "), ", ",
      "thickness (mm): ",
      paste(sprintf("%#.3g", x[["thickness"]] * 1e3), collapse = " + "), ", ",
      "attenuation mode: ", x[["attenuation.mode"]], ".",
       sep = "",

#' @export
print.solute_properties <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Name: ", x[["name"]][1], ", ",
      "Molar mass (Da): ", round(x[["mass"]], digits = 2), ", ",
      "Formula: ", x[["formula"]][1], ".",
      sep = "",
aphalo/photobiology documentation built on April 1, 2024, 6:48 p.m.