
Defines functions writeNode resultToDet resultToPOS readResult

Documented in readResult resultToDet resultToPOS writeNode

# This file contains functions pertaining to TAPSim

#### Read Data ####

### readResult ###
#' Read TAPSim Results
#' Given a filepath, read in a TAPSim results file.
#' *Currently only implemented for ASCII results files.*
#' @param fp Character. The filepath
#' @param type Character. The file type to be read. Currently, only ASCII is
#'   implemented.
#' @return A `data.frame` with the structure of the TAPSim output.
#' @family TAPSim functions
#' @seealso \url{
#'   http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/imw/mp/forschung/atom_probe_RD_center/howto.pdf
#' }
#' @seealso \url{https://d-nb.info/1138282715/34}
#' @export
readResult <- function(fp, type = "ASCII") {
  txt <- readLines(fp, n = 100) # Not ideal to hard code the max...
  skip <- grep(type, txt)
  dat <- read.delim(fp, header = FALSE, skip = skip)
  n <- ncol(dat)
  if (n == 26) {
    names(dat) <- c(
      "index", "id", "number", "voltage",
      "startX", "startY", "startZ",
      "stopX", "stopY", "stopZ", "tof", "probability",
      "fieldBeforeX", "fieldBeforeY", "fieldBeforeZ",
      "fieldAfterX", "fieldAfterY", "fieldAfterZ",
      "normalX", "normalY", "normalZ", "apexX", "apexY", "apexZ"
  } else if (n == 18) {
    names(dat) <- c(
      "index", "id", "number", "voltage",
      "startX", "startY", "startZ",
      "stopX", "stopY", "stopZ", "tof", "probability",
      "normalX", "normalY", "normalZ", "apexX", "apexY", "apexZ"
  } else {
    warning("Unknown file structure. Returning unnamed columns.")

#### Condition Data ####

### resultToPOS ###
#' Convert TAPSim Results to POS
#' `resultToDet` converts a TAPSim result `data.frame` (as returned by
#' \code{\link{readResult}}) into a \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{pp3}} using
#' [readPOS()].
#' @param res The results `data.frame` as returned by \code{\link{readResult}}
#' @param clip.radius Numeric. The detector radius at which to clip the points
#' @return A `data.frame` containing the (x,y,z) position and "mass" (id)
#'   of the point in the stame structure of a POS as created by
#'   \code{\link{readPOS}}.
#' @family TAPSim functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{readPOS}}
#' @export
resultToPOS <- function(res, clip.radius = NULL) {
  pos <- data.frame(
    x = res$startX * 1e9,
    y = res$startY * 1e9,
    z = res$startZ * 1e9,
    mass = res$id
  if (!is.null(clip.radius)) {
    r <- sqrt(res$stopX^2 + res$stopY^2)
    pos <- pos[r <= clip.radius, ]

### resultToDet ###
#' Convert TAPSim Result to Detector "ppp"
#' `resultToDet` converts a TAPSim result `data.frame` (as returned by
#' \code{\link{readResult}}) into a \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{ppp}} using
#' [createDet()].
#' @param res The results `data.frame` as returned by \code{\link{readResult}}
#' @param clip.radius Numeric. The detector radius at which to clip the points.
#'   If `NULL` (the default), no clipping is applied.
#' @return A \code{\link[spatstat.geom]{ppp}} containing the detector positions
#'   marked by their id.
#' @family TAPSim functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{createDet}}
#' @export
resultToDet <- function(res, clip.radius = NULL) {
  det.df <- data.frame(dx = res$stopX, dy = res$stopY, mass = res$id)
  det <- createDet(det.df)
  spatstat.geom::marks(det) <- det.df$mass
  if (!is.null(clip.radius)) {
    spatstat.geom::Window(det) <- spatstat.geom::disc(radius = clip.radius)

#### Write Data ####

### writeNode ###
#' Write a TAPSim Node File
#' `writeNode` writes a node file to the TAPSim format for creating a mesh
#' file for TAPSim.
#' *Currently only ASCII is supported*
#' @param node A `data.frame` with columns correponding to the
#' x, y, z, and id of each point in order
#' @param fp Character. The file to which to write the data.
#' @return None.
#' @seealso \url{
#'   http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/imw/mp/forschung/atom_probe_RD_center/howto.pdf
#' }
#' @seealso \url{https://d-nb.info/1138282715/34}
#' @export
writeNode <- function(node, fp) {
  cat("ASCII", nrow(node), 0, 0,
    fill = TRUE,
    file = fp
  write.table(format(node, digits = 6),
    file = fp,
    quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", eol = "\n", append = TRUE,
    row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE
aproudian2/rapt documentation built on Dec. 15, 2022, 4:24 a.m.