
Defines functions run_full_parameter_space

Documented in run_full_parameter_space

#' @title Simulate Over Parameter Space
#' @description Allows complete parameterization of a set of simulations. Meant to be added to as more parameters are divised to be iterated over
#' @import dplyr
#' @param num_patches numeric
#' @param forager_directedness numeric
#' @param forager_persistence numeric
#' @param forager_choice_determinism numeric
#' @param field_radius numeric
#' @param patch_radius numeric
#' @param patch_max_value numeric
#' @param patch_starting_value numeric
#' @param patch_regen numeric
#' @param forager_speed numeric
#' @param forager_sight numeric
#' @param forager_GUD numeric
#' @param forager_efficiency numeric
#' @param simulation_length numeric
#' @return list containing objects of Environment Class
#' @export
run_full_parameter_space <-  function(num_patches = 2, forager_directedness = 0.5, forager_persistence = 0.6, forager_choice_determinism = 0, field_radius = 50, patch_radius = 1, patch_max_value = 10, patch_starting_value = 3, patch_regen = 0.03, forager_speed = 1, forager_sight = 20, forager_GUD = 0.3, forager_efficiency = 0.1, simulation_length = 2000) {

  parameters = list(num_patches = num_patches,
                    forager_directedness = forager_directedness,
                    forager_persistence = forager_persistence,
                    forager_choice_determinism = forager_choice_determinism,
                    field_radius = field_radius,
                    patch_radius = patch_radius,
                    patch_max_value = patch_max_value,
                    patch_starting_value = patch_starting_value,
                    patch_regen = patch_regen,
                    forager_speed = forager_speed,
                    forager_sight = forager_sight,
                    forager_GUD = forager_GUD,
                    forager_efficiency = forager_efficiency)

  all_simulations <- vector("list", length = prod(lengths(parameters)))

  i = 1 #keeps truck of which simulation is being run

  #generate simulations by iterating over all possible parameter combinations. Here, I have manualy chosen to loop over the parameters I set to vary
  for(NP in num_patches) { #please forgive the abbreviations
    for(FD in forager_directedness) {
      for(FP in forager_persistence) {
        for(FCD in forager_choice_determinism) {
          for(FR in field_radius) {
            for(PR in patch_radius) {
              for(PMV in patch_max_value) {
                for(PSV in patch_starting_value) {
                  for(regen in patch_regen) {
                    for(fspeed in forager_speed) {
                      for(fsight in forager_sight) {
                        for(GUD in forager_GUD) {
                          for(fefficiency in forager_efficiency) {
                            print(paste("number of patches = ", NP, ", forager directedness = ", FD, ", forager persistence = ", FP, ", forager determinsism = ", FCD)) #Fill in all parameters at end

                            #First, create the boundaries of the environment
                            field <- st_point(c(0,0)) %>% st_buffer(dist = FR) %>% st_sfc() #field boundary for simulations is a spatial features collection with one spatial feature geometry: a circle centered on 0,0 with a radius as defined at beginning of script

                            #Second, create the patches
                            patches <- rep(st_buffer(field, dist = -PR), times = NP) %>%        #start by defining the bounds within which each point should be created. Here, a single boundary defines possible space for all points, hence the use of rep
                              sapply(generateBoundedPoint) %>% st_sfc() %>%                               #for each boundary given, generate a spatial point within that space then store points into a spatial features collection
                              st_buffer(dist = PR) %>%                                          #transform generated points into circles with given patch radius
                              seperate_patches() %>%
                              data.frame(geom = .,
                                         NAME = as.character(1:length(.)),
                                         MAX_VALUE = PMV,
                                         VALUE = PSV,
                                         REGEN = regen) %>% st_sf()                                 #store patch circles into a spatial features data frame with metadata

                            #Third, create the foragers. I only allow one forager per environment, but the package can already handle multiple foragers simultaneously (it get's much slower though)
                            foragers <- createForagers(1, #number of foragers
                                                       type = "BRW", #BRW = Biased Random Walk. This is one way of defining randomness and correlation in agent movement. It inherets from a class that is purely random and can apply these methods too. Other movement types exist in the package, but this one is the most fully integrated
                                                       bounds = field,
                                                       concentrations = FD, #concentration variable name comes from the parameter used for a wrapped cauchy distribution, but I call the variable directedness when defining because that seems more intuitive/applicable. Will rename to add clarity
                                                       speeds = fspeed,
                                                       sights = fsight,
                                                       giving_up_density = GUD,
                                                       quiet = TRUE,        #prevents warnings I set up to notify users of parameters that are being set to defaults
                                                       choice_determinism = FCD, #note abbrevation for iterative loops above
                                                       efficiency = fefficiency,
                                                       persistences = FP) #abbreviation from paramerter iteration loop

                            #Put all the pieces together using the Environment reference class defined in the ForageR package
                            simulator <- Environment(foragers = foragers, bounds = field, patches = patches)

                            #run the generated environment for 2000 steps
                            for(step in 1:simulation_length) {

                            #save the full simulation and move to next iteration
                            all_simulations[[i]] <- simulator
                            i = i + 1

#' @title Hypercube Sample Simulator
#' @param sample_value_df a dataframe with named columns for each parameter in ForageR parameter space
#' @param num_steps the number of steps with to run each set of simulation parameters (rows in sample_value_df)
#' @param file_path character giving a path to save environments in prior to each simulation
#' @return list of environment class objects
#' @export
run_hypercube_sample <- function(sample_value_df, num_steps = 2000, file_path = NA) {
  parameter_names <- c("Num_patches", "Forager_directedness", "Forager_persistence", "Forager_choice_determinism", "Field_radius", "Patch_radius", "Patch_max_value", "Patch_starting_value", "Patch_regen", "Forager_speed", "Forager_sight", "Forager_GUD", "Forager_efficiency")
  if(! all(colnames(sample_value_df) %in% parameter_names) | ! all(parameter_names %in% colnames(sample_value_df))) stop(paste('colnames of sample_value_df not set correctly. Colnames should be set to', paste(parameter_names, collapse = ", ")))
  environments <- vector("list", length = nrow(sample_value_df))
  for(i in 1:nrow(sample_value_df)){

    #First, create the boundaries of the environment
    field <- st_point(c(0,0)) %>% st_buffer(dist = sample_value_df$Field_radius[i]) %>% st_sfc() #field boundary for simulations is a spatial features collection with one spatial feature geometry: a circle centered on 0,0 with a radius as defined at beginning of script

    #Second, create the patches
    patches <- rep(st_buffer(field, dist = -sample_value_df$Patch_radius[i]), times = sample_value_df$Num_patches[i]) %>%        #start by defining the bounds within which each point should be created. Here, a single boundary defines possible space for all points, hence the use of rep
      sapply(generateBoundedPoint) %>% st_sfc() %>%                               #for each boundary given, generate a spatial point within that space then store points into a spatial features collection
      st_buffer(dist = sample_value_df$Patch_radius[i]) %>%                                          #transform generated points into circles with given patch radius
      seperate_patches() %>%
      data.frame(geom = .,
                 NAME = as.character(1:length(.)),
                 MAX_VALUE = sample_value_df$Patch_max_value[i],
                 VALUE = sample_value_df$Patch_starting_value[i],
                 REGEN = sample_value_df$Patch_regen[i]) %>% st_sf()                                 #store patch circles into a spatial features data frame with metadata

    #Third, create the foragers. I only allow one forager per environment, but the package can already handle multiple foragers simultaneously (it get's much slower though)
    foragers <- createForagers(1, #number of foragers
                               type = "BRW", #BRW = Biased Random Walk. This is one way of defining randomness and correlation in agent movement. It inherets from a class that is purely random and can apply these methods too. Other movement types exist in the package, but this one is the most fully integrated
                               bounds = field,
                               concentrations = sample_value_df$Forager_directedness[i], #concentration variable name comes from the parameter used for a wrapped cauchy distribution, but I call the variable directedness when defining because that seems more intuitive/applicable. Will rename to add clarity
                               speeds = sample_value_df$Forager_speed[i],
                               sights = sample_value_df$Forager_sight[i],
                               giving_up_density = sample_value_df$Forager_GUD[i],
                               quiet = TRUE,        #prevents warnings I set up to notify users of parameters that are being set to defaults
                               choice_determinism = sample_value_df$Forager_choice_determinism[i], #note abbreviation for iterative loops above
                               efficiency = sample_value_df$Forager_efficiency[i],
                               persistences = sample_value_df$Forager_persistence[i])

    #Put all the pieces together using the Environment reference class defined in the ForageR package
    environments[[i]] <- Environment(foragers = foragers, bounds = field, patches = patches)

    ##save environments here so that if an error is produced during simulation, the progress is retained and the initial environment producing an error can be recovered for debugging
    if (! is.na(file_path)) save(environments, file = file_path)

    #run the generated environment for 2000 steps
    for(step in 1:num_steps) {
aqvining/Foraging-Simulator documentation built on Nov. 19, 2022, 5:43 p.m.