# Data ------------------------------------------------------------------------
dat1 = EWI
dat2 = CBT
dat2 = mutate(dat2, Outcome2 = as.factor(Outcome)) %>% mutate(Outcome2 = fct_recode(Outcome2, "phi" = "1", "rho" = "2", "psi" = "3", "the" = "4", "ce" = "5"))
#Preprocessing test -----------------------------------------------------------
outcomeOptions <- c("phi", "rho", "psi", "the")
useful <- bhlm_preprocessing(dat2,
grouping_factors_cols = c("StudNo", "OutcomeNo"),
meta_outcome_col = "Hedges.s.g",
outcome_options_col = "Outcome2",
outcome_options = outcomeOptions)
# Write model -----------------------------------------------------------------
outcomesMatrix <- as.matrix(useful@outcomeValues)
outcomeOptionsMatrix <- as.matrix(useful@outcomeOptionsValuesNumeric)
upper.group <- nrow(outcomesMatrix)
lower.group <- data@nLowerGroup
create.outcomePriors = matrix(c("dnorm", 0, 1), length(outcomeOptions), 3, byrow = TRUE)
create.lambdaPrior = c("dgamma", 0.001, 0.001)
create.thetaPrior = c("dnorm", 0, 1)
writeModelFile(createModelFileList(nUpper = upper.group,
outcomesList = outcomeOptions,
thetaPrior = create.thetaPrior,
lambdaPrior = create.lambdaPrior,
outcomePriors = create.outcomePriors))
#JAGS -------------------------------------------------------------------------
outcomes = as.vector(useful@usedData$outcomes)
outcomes_numeric = as.vector(useful@usedData$outcomes_numeric)
start_bounds = useful@start_bounds
upper.group = length(start_bounds) - 1
jags.data <- c("outcomes", "outcomes_numeric", "start_bounds", "upper.group")
resultParameters <- c(c("lambda", "theta"), outcomeOptions)
samples = jags(jags.data, inits = NULL, resultParameters,
model.file ="modelFile.txt", n.chains=3, n.iter=10000,
n.burnin=1000, n.thin=1, DIC=TRUE)
#Main test --------------------------------------------------------------------
## EWI 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dat1 = EWI
a = bhlm(dataframe = dat1,
grouping_factor_cols = c("StudNo", "OutcomeNo"),
estimate_col = "Hedges.s.g",
outcome_options_col = "Outcome2",
outcome_options = c("Physical", "Psychological", "QoL"),
outcome_priors = c("dnorm(0, 1)"),
lambda_prior = "dgamma(0.001, 0.001)",
theta_prior = "dnorm(0,1)",
bayes_method = "jags",
identifier_col = "Study",
jags_iter = 3000,
jags_burnin = 500
traceplots <- bhlm.traceplot(a, return_plots = TRUE)
postplots <- bhlm.SDplots(a, 0, return_plots = T)
## EWI 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dat1 = EWI
a2 = bhlm(dataframe = dat1,
grouping_factor_cols = c("StudNo", "OutcomeNo"),
estimate_col = "Hedges.s.g",
outcome_options_col = "Outcome2",
outcome_options = c("Physical", "Psychological", "QoL"),
outcome_priors = c("dnorm(0, 0.1)"),
lambda_prior = "dgamma(0.001, 0.001)",
theta_prior = "dnorm(0,1)",
bayes_method = "jags",
identifier_col = "Study",
jags_iter = 3000,
jags_burnin = 500
traceplots <- bhlm.traceplot(a2, return_plots = TRUE)
postplots <- bhlm.SDplots(a2, 0, return_plots = T)
## CBT ------------------------------------------------------------------------
dat2 = CBT
dat2 = mutate(dat2, Outcome2 = as.factor(Outcome)) %>%
mutate(Outcome2 = fct_recode(Outcome2,
"Psychological" = "1",
"Interpersonal" = "2",
"Physical" = "3",
"Mastery" = "4",
"QoL" = "5"))
b = bhlm(dataframe = dat2,
grouping_factor_cols = c("StudNo", "OutcomeNo"),
estimate_col = "Hedges.s.g",
outcome_options_col = "Outcome2",
outcome_options = c("Psychological","Interpersonal","Physical","Mastery","QoL"),
outcome_priors = c("dnorm", 0, 1),
lambda_prior = "dgamma(0.001, 0.001)",
theta_prior = "dnorm(0,1)",
bayes_method = "jags",
identifier_col = "Study",
jags_iter = 3000,
jags_burnin = 500
traceplots <- bhlm.traceplot(b, return_plots = TRUE)
postplots <- bhlm.SDplots(b, 0, return_plots = T)
### WITH MATRIX PRIORS --------------------------------------------------------
outcome_priors_new <- matrix(c("dnorm", 0, 0.1),
ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
b2 = bhlm(dataframe = dat2,
grouping_factor_cols = c("StudNo", "OutcomeNo"),
estimate_col = "Hedges.s.g",
outcome_options_col = "Outcome2",
outcome_options = c("Psychological","Interpersonal","Physical","Mastery","QoL"),
outcome_priors = outcome_priors_new,
lambda_prior = "dgamma(0.001, 0.001)",
theta_prior = "dnorm(0,1)",
bayes_method = "jags",
identifier_col = "Study",
jags_iter = 3000,
jags_burnin = 500
traceplots <- bhlm.traceplot(b2, return_plots = TRUE)
postplots <- bhlm.SDplots(b2, 0, return_plots = T)
# Plots -----------------------------------------------------------------------
traceplots <- bhlm.traceplot(b2, return_plots = TRUE)
postplots <- bhlm.SDplots(b2, 0, return_plots = F)
c <- jags.samples(b@jags_samples$model, c("psi", "phi", "rho"), n.iter = 1000)
jags.trace(b@jags_samples, which.param = c("psi", "phi", "rho", "the"))
c <- as.data.frame(KernSmooth::bkde(as.vector(b@jags_samples$BUGSoutput$sims.list$psi)))
c2 <- as.data.frame(b@jags_samples$BUGSoutput$sims.list$psi) %>% rename(x2 = V1)
c3 <- data.frame(x3 = rlogspline(1000000, logspline(b@jags_samples$BUGSoutput$sims.list$psi)))
ggplot(c, aes(x, y)) + geom_line()
ggplot(c3, aes(x3)) + geom_density()
dlogspline(0, logspline(b@jags_samples$BUGSoutput$sims.list$psi))/dnorm(0,0,1)
plogspline(0.4, logspline(b@jags_samples$BUGSoutput$sims.list$psi))
dlogspline(0, logspline(b@jags_samples$BUGSoutput$sims.list$phi))/dnorm(0,0,1)
dlogspline(0, logspline(b@jags_samples$BUGSoutput$sims.list$rho))/dnorm(0,0,1)
dlogspline(0, logspline(b@jags_samples$BUGSoutput$sims.list$the))/dnorm(0,0,1)
# Standard deviation ----------------------------------------------------------
useful <- bhlm.preprocessing(dat2,
grouping_factors_cols = c("StudNo", "OutcomeNo"),
meta_outcome_col = "Hedges.s.g",
outcome_options_col = "Outcome2",
outcome_options = c("phi", "rho", "psi"),
identifier_col = "SE")
modelstring <- "model{
theta_field~dnorm(0, 1)
lambda~dgamma(0.001, 0.001)
phi~dnorm(0, 1)
rho~dnorm(0, 1)
psi~dnorm(0, 1)
outcome_options[1] <- phi
outcome_options[2] <- rho
outcome_options[3] <- psi
for (s in 1:upper_group) {
theta[s]~dnorm(theta_field, 1)
for (o in start_bounds[s]:(start_bounds[s+1]-1)) {
outcome[s,o] <- outcome_options[outcomes_numeric[o]]
eta[s,o] <- theta[s] + outcome[s,o]
outcomes[o] ~ dnorm(eta[s,o],lambda)
outcomes = as.vector(useful@used_data$outcomes)
outcomes_numeric = as.vector(useful@used_data$outcomes_numeric)
start_bounds = useful@start_bounds
upper_group = length(start_bounds) - 1
jags_data <- c("outcomes", "outcomes_numeric", "start_bounds", "upper_group")
result_parameters <- c(c("lambda", "theta", "theta_field"), c("phi", "rho", "psi"))
samples = R2jags::jags(jags_data, inits = NULL, result_parameters,
model.file = textConnection(modelstring), n.chains=3, n.iter=10000,
n.burnin=2000, n.thin=1, DIC=TRUE)
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