
Defines functions mbqnPlotRI

Documented in mbqnPlotRI

#' Plot frequency of detected RI/NRI features
#' @description Plot rank invariance frequency and feature coverage of detected
#' RI and NRI features
#' @param obj list object of RI frequencies from \code{mbqnGetNRIfeatures()}.
#' @param verbose logical indicating to run function quietly.
#' @param ... additional arguments (cex, cex.lab, cex.axis, cex.main) passed to
#' the plot function.
#' @details Graphical output of the NRI/RI identification results from
#' \code{mbqnGetNRIfeatures()}. For each detected NRI/RI feature, plot the
#' feature index against the RI frequencies together with the RI frequency
#' detection threshold and print the sample coverage.
#' @return Figure
#' @seealso [mbqnGetNRIfeatures()] for detection of NRI/RI features.
#' @references Brombacher, E., Schad, A., Kreutz, C. (2020). Tail-Robust 
#' Quantile Normalization. BioRxiv.
#' @examples ## Check data matrix for RI and NRI features
#' x <- mbqnSimuData("omics.dep")
#' RI <- mbqnGetNRIfeatures(x, low_thr = 0.5, verbose = FALSE)
#' mbqnPlotRI(RI)
#' @author Ariane Schad
# 2017
#' @export mbqnPlotRI
mbqnPlotRI <- function(obj ,
                    #save_fig = FALSE,
                    #filename = NULL,
                    verbose = FALSE, ...){


        ####### Graphical output #########
        # save_fig = FALSE
        # filename = NULL

        # plot options
        opt.args <- list(...)
        cex.main  <- ifelse(is.null(opt.args$cex.main), 1.2, opt.args$cex.main)
        cex.legend <- ifelse(is.null(opt.args$cex), 0.8, opt.args$cex)
        cex.lab <- ifelse(is.null(opt.args$cex.lab), 1., opt.args$cex.lab)
        cex.axis <- ifelse(is.null(opt.args$cex.axis), 1., opt.args$cex.axis)
        y.intersp <- ifelse(
            is.null(opt.args$y.intersp), .8, opt.args$y.intersp)

        fig.paper <- ifelse(is.null(opt.args$paper), "a4", opt.args$paper)
        fig.width <- ifelse(is.null(opt.args$width), 10, opt.args$width)
        fig.height <- ifelse(is.null(opt.args$height), 5, opt.args$height)

        current.dir = getwd()

        par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar = c(4,4,3,2))

        ylim <- c(min(as.numeric(names(obj$nri)))-1,

        dummy <- data.frame(frequency <- as.numeric(obj$p[1,]),
                            feature <- as.integer(colnames(obj$p)))
        colnames(dummy) <- c("frequency","feature index")

        layout(matrix(c(1,2), nrow = 1,ncol = 2),widths = c(3,2))
        par(mar = c(6,4,4,0), las = 2)

        plot(NA, type="n", xlim=c(0.5,100),
            xlab="frequency [%]",
            ylab="feature index",
            yaxt="n", xaxt="n", xaxs="i")
        axis(side = 1, seq.int(0,100,10), las =1,cex.axis = 0.8)
        rect(xleft=0, ybottom=dummy$`feature index`-0.05,
            ytop=dummy$`feature index`+0.05, col = 1)
        legend.txt <- "RI/NRI feature"
        abline(v = 100, h = NA, col = "black")
        abline(v = obj$low_thr*100, h = NA, col = c(4),lty = "dashed")
        axis(side = 2, at = dummy$`feature index`,cex.axis = 0.8)
        legend.txt <- cbind(legend.txt, "threshold")
        ind <- NULL

        coverage <- obj$p["sample.coverage",]

        par(mar = c(6,0.1,4,0))
        plot(NA, type="n", xlim=c(0,100),
            text(rep(5,length(coverage)), dummy$`feature index`,
                labels = paste0(as.character(coverage*100),"%"),
                col="red" ,cex = 0.8)
            legend.txt <- cbind(legend.txt, "feature coverage")

        legend(x = 10, y = ylim[2],
            xpd = TRUE,
            legend = legend.txt,
            col=c(1,4,2), lty=c(1,2,1), cex=cex.legend ,bty = "n",
            y.intersp = y.intersp)
    } else { message("No NRI/RI present! You might want to adjust low_thr!")}
arianeschad/MBQN documentation built on April 1, 2022, 7:08 a.m.