Man pages for arnejohannesholmin/cpplot3d
3D-plotting and segmentation of sonar data

acplot3d.eventInteractive scatterplot of the (3 dimensional) points either...
acplot3d.event_defaultGenerate a series of 3-D echograms with the function...
acplot3d.event_SU90_MS70Generate a sequence of 3d color plots of fishery sonar with...
acplot3d.event_withSegSphereGenerate a sequence of 3d color plots of fishery sonar with a...
acpplot3d.eventAnimates the data in the specified acoustic event as images...
add.clockAdd time and date to an rgl plot.
add.sonar.gridPlots or calculates the limits of sonar grids for the MS70 or...
applot3d.eventInteractive scatterplot of the (3 dimensional) points either...
cm.colorsxReturns a color vector moving from cyan to magenta via white.
colscaleReturns a color vector from the function 'fun' matching the...
combinedxReturns a color vector of rainbow colors which are...
cplot2d.eventPlot a 2-D echogram.
cplot2d.TSD2-D echogram.
cplot3d.col_breaksInternal: Generates colors and beaks for color 3d plots.
cplot3d.getsizeReturns a function of one signel numeric, returning the sizes...
cplot3d.plot.color.barPlots the color bar of a cplot3d-plot.
cplot3d.sizeReturns a function of one signel numeric, returning the sizes...
cplot3d.TSDInteractive scatterplot of the (3 dimensional) position data...
cpplot2d.eventEchogram using color or points (not implemented).
cpplot3dRead and write in the Time Step Data (TSD) format
cpplot3d.decoratePlots bounding box, titles, axes, vessel positions, date and...
cpplot3d.eventInteractive scatterplot of the (3 dimensional) points either...
cpplot3d.extract_varExtracts the variable (acoustic or segmentation) specified by...
echoIBM.get.segfilenameLocates the path of an event specified by numeric or sting...
echoIBM.rbeta02sgthReturns segmentation threshold values 'c' corresponding to...
echoIBM.segment.event_oneping_writeWrites one ping of segmented data from the Bayesian...
echoIBM.sesg2eventCreates a new event from segmentation files. The directory of...
echoIBM.sgft.eventCalculates various segmentation success measures of segmented...
echoIBM.vbsc2p.eventEstimates the probability of not school in voxels of the MS70...
echoSegment.TSDExtracts a subvolume of the data enclosed in the bounding box...
fade.colorsxReturns a color vector interpolated between the colors...
fplot3d.eventPlots fish as points or lines in 3-D, from data "psxf",...
fplot3d.TSDPlots fish as points or lines in 3-D, from data "psxf",...
get.endcolAdds color at the ends of the data.
greyxReturns a color vector of heat colors.
heat.colorsxReturns a color vector of heat colors.
inside.object3dReturns a numeric or logical vector for whether the 3D...
locateNonVerticalBeamModeInternal: Detects time steps with non-vertical beam mode,...
merge_rangesFinds new ranges from matrices of ranges along the columns.
plot_volume.ME70A simple but unelegant way of plotting the sonar volume.
plot_volume.MS70A simple but unelegant way of plotting the sonar volume.
pplot3d.set.default.nlimSets the default 'nlim' used in pplot3d-functions.
pplot3d_sv2pos.TSDReturns a list of three elements, where the first element is...
pplot3d.TSDThis function is the point representation analogue to...
rainbowxReturns a color vector of rainbow colors. This is a special...
rseg.estimate.noiseEstimate the background (noise) level as specified by the...
rseg.eventSegments SX90 data using noise-up and top-down.
rseg.event_getschoolthrFunction for converting the school threshold into a list of...
rseg.event_onepingSegments one ping with the (SX90) unbiased segmentatino...
rseg.event_oneping_writeWrites one ping of segmented data from the (SX90) unbiased...
set.view3dFunction for extracting the view point of an rgl plot.
sv2pos_get_indExtracts a subset of TSD data according to the array subset...
terrain.colorsxReturns a color vector of terrain colors.
topo.colorsxReturns a color vector of topographic colors.
arnejohannesholmin/cpplot3d documentation built on April 14, 2024, 11:36 p.m.