pplot3d.TSD: This function is the point representation analogue to...

View source: R/pplot3d.TSD.R

pplot3d.TSDR Documentation

This function is the point representation analogue to cplot3d.TSD, and plots the acoustic data in 3d by point representation using the R package rgl (similar to applot.event() but only one time step) ????.


This function is the point representation analogue to cplot3d.TSD, and plots the acoustic data in 3d by point representation using the R package rgl (similar to applot.event() but only one time step) ????.


  N = 1e+05,
  acca = NULL,
  fun = "mod",
  allert = 1e+08,
  nlim = NULL,
  fact = NULL,
  cols = c("black", "navyblue", "magenta4", "red3", "darkorange2", "yellow"),
  stretch = 1,
  scale.voxels = 1,
  rand.gen = c("unif", "beta", "norm"),
  beamstypes = 1,
  possample = 1,
  esnm = "MS70",
  var = c("vbsc", "sgsc", "pr0s", "sgs0", "sgsE", "sgsi", "sgsI", "psis", "tlns"),
  ind = list(-(1:150), NULL),
  range = list(),
  subset = NULL,
  ideal = TRUE,
  seabed = -12000,
  rot = 2,
  compensation = c("pitch", "roll"),
  plot = TRUE,
  cs.xyzlim = "g",
  add = FALSE,
  adds = NULL,
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  zlim = NULL,
  view = c("free", "top", "bottom", "south", "west", "north", "east"),
  zoom = 0.7,
  fov = 60,
  school = FALSE,
  schoolcol = "purple",
  schoolsize = 0.3,
  schoolsample = 0.01,
  schoollen = 4,
  schoollwd = 1,
  schooltype = "p",
  schoolcrop = FALSE,
  plot.seg = FALSE,
  seg.col = "green",
  seg.alpha = 0.2,
  subdivide = 3,
  excl.neg = TRUE,
  object = c("ellipsoid", "cuboid"),
  par = double(3),
  center = c(0, 0, 0),
  angle = 0,
  aspect = "iso",
  nticks = 5,
  origin = 1,
  xlab = "x",
  ylab = "y",
  zlab = "z",
  full.box = FALSE,
  edge.vpos = "",
  line.vpos = 0,
  at.vpos = NULL,
  cex.vpos = 1,
  col.vpos = "blue",
  clock = "bbl",
  cex.clock = 1,
  adj.clock = c(0, 0),
  format.clock = "yyyy-mm-dd\nHH:MM:SS.FFF\nPing: indt",
  digits.clock = 2,
  lsp.clock = 0.04,
  col.clock = 4,
  sonar.grid = "frame",
  sonar.grid.col = c("orange", "cornflowerblue"),
  sonar.grid.lwd = 1,
  cs.pos = "g",
  cs.view = "g",
  sides = c("tb", "tb"),
  dens = c(200, 100, 100, 1),
  every = Inf,
  global.grid = FALSE,
  global.grid.lwd = 0.5,
  global.grid.lty = 1,



is a list containing the data to plot, as returned from read.event(...,var=c("vbsc","voxels","ctd","beams","vessel","time")). May include school positions data$psxf, data$psyf and data$pszf. If non-school voxel probabilities are given in an array 'pr0s', or thresholded segmentation values 'sgsc'/'sgs0' are given, these can be plotted using the input 'var'.

arnejohannesholmin/cpplot3d documentation built on April 14, 2024, 11:36 p.m.