cpplot3d.event: Interactive scatterplot of the (3 dimensional) points either...

View source: R/cpplot3d.event.R

cplot3d.eventR Documentation

Interactive scatterplot of the (3 dimensional) points either plotted by color and size or number of points in each voxel corresponding to the value of the points.


Interactive scatterplot of the (3 dimensional) points either plotted by color and size or number of points in each voxel corresponding to the value of the points.

Interactive scatterplot of the (3 dimensional) points either plotted by color and size or number of points in each voxel corresponding to the value of the points.


  event = 1,
  t = 1,
  turns = 10,
  cruise = 2009116,
  TVG.exp = 2,
  dir.data = NULL,
  Paout = TRUE,
  exact = FALSE,
  bgns = TRUE,
  pdns = TRUE,
  nrns = TRUE,
  hins = TRUE,
  kern = NULL,
  segpar = NULL,
  pamkpar = list(),
  nsind = 0.75,
  hins_add = 10,
  pdns_scale = 1e-14,
  TOV = 0,
  cal = 1,
  bmmd = NULL,
  breaks = 40,
  col = "combined",
  colpar = list(start = 0, end = 0.8, flip = TRUE),
  clamp = c(0, 1),
  shrink = TRUE,
  null.value = NA,
  white = 1,
  log = TRUE,
  color.bar = "y--",
  color.bar.lwd = 8,
  color.bar.adj = 0,
  color.bar.tadj = 0.1,
  color.bar.noWhite = TRUE,
  color.bar.nticks = 8,
  color.bar.tickw = 0.005,
  color.bar.tickcol = "black",
  db = TRUE,
  voxels.out = FALSE,
  esnm = "MS70",
  var = c("vbsc", "sgsc", "pr0s", "sgs0", "sgsE", "sgsi", "sgsI", "psis", "tlns"),
  ind = list(-(1:150), NULL),
  range = list(),
  subset = NULL,
  ideal = TRUE,
  seabed = -12000,
  rot = 2,
  compensation = c("pitch", "roll"),
  plot = TRUE,
  cs.xyzlim = "g",
  add = FALSE,
  beamstypes = 1,
  size = cplot3d.size("pow", y = 20, par = 4),
  bottom = FALSE,
  bottom.res = 5,
  bottom.smooth = NULL,
  bottom.col = "topo.col",
  bottom.N = 1e+05,
  bottom.seg = list(sgth = 0.2, misM = 0.001, bwGp = 2, turns = 100),
  adds = NULL,
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  zlim = NULL,
  view = c("free", "top", "bottom", "south", "west", "north", "east"),
  zoom = 0.7,
  fov = 60,
  school = FALSE,
  schoolcol = "purple",
  schoolsize = 0.3,
  schoolsample = 0.01,
  schoollen = 4,
  schoollwd = 1,
  schooltype = "p",
  schoolcrop = FALSE,
  plot.seg = FALSE,
  seg.col = "green",
  seg.alpha = 0.2,
  subdivide = 3,
  excl.neg = TRUE,
  object = c("ellipsoid", "cuboid"),
  par = double(3),
  center = c(0, 0, 0),
  angle = 0,
  aspect = "iso",
  nticks = 5,
  origin = 1,
  xlab = "x",
  ylab = "y",
  zlab = "z",
  full.box = FALSE,
  edge.vpos = "",
  line.vpos = 0,
  at.vpos = NULL,
  cex.vpos = 1,
  col.vpos = "blue",
  clock = "bbl",
  cex.clock = 1,
  adj.clock = c(0, 0),
  format.clock = "Ping: indt\nyyyy-mm-dd\nHH:MM:SS.FFF",
  digits.clock = 2,
  lsp.clock = 0.04,
  col.clock = 4,
  sonar.grid = "frame",
  sonar.grid.col = c("orange", "cornflowerblue"),
  sonar.grid.lwd = 1,
  cs.pos = "g",
  cs.view = "g",
  sides = c("tb", "tb"),
  dens = c(200, 100, 100, 1),
  every = Inf,
  global.grid = FALSE,
  global.grid.lwd = 0.5,
  global.grid.lty = 1,

  event = 1,
  t = 1,
  turns = 10,
  cruise = 2009116,
  TVG.exp = 2,
  dir.data = NULL,
  Paout = TRUE,
  exact = FALSE,
  bgns = TRUE,
  pdns = TRUE,
  nrns = TRUE,
  hins = TRUE,
  kern = NULL,
  segpar = NULL,
  pamkpar = list(),
  nsind = 0.75,
  hins_add = 10,
  pdns_scale = 1e-14,
  TOV = 0,
  cal = 1,
  bmmd = NULL,
  N = 1e+05,
  acca = NULL,
  fun = "mod",
  allert = 1e+08,
  nlim = NULL,
  fact = NULL,
  cols = c("black", "navyblue", "magenta4", "red3", "darkorange2", "yellow"),
  stretch = 1,
  scale.voxels = 1,
  rand.gen = c("unif", "beta", "norm"),
  possample = 1,
  esnm = "MS70",
  var = c("vbsc", "sgsc", "pr0s", "sgs0", "sgsE", "sgsi", "sgsI", "psis", "tlns"),
  ind = list(-(1:150), NULL),
  range = list(),
  subset = NULL,
  ideal = TRUE,
  seabed = -12000,
  rot = 2,
  compensation = c("pitch", "roll"),
  plot = TRUE,
  cs.xyzlim = "g",
  add = FALSE,
  beamstypes = 1,
  size = 0.3,
  bottom = FALSE,
  bottom.res = 5,
  bottom.smooth = NULL,
  bottom.col = "topo.col",
  bottom.N = 1e+05,
  bottom.seg = list(sgth = 0.2, misM = 0.001, bwGp = 2, turns = 100),
  adds = NULL,
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  zlim = NULL,
  view = c("free", "top", "bottom", "south", "west", "north", "east"),
  zoom = 0.7,
  fov = 60,
  school = FALSE,
  schoolcol = "purple",
  schoolsize = 0.3,
  schoolsample = 0.01,
  schoollen = 4,
  schoollwd = 1,
  schooltype = "p",
  schoolcrop = FALSE,
  plot.seg = FALSE,
  seg.col = "green",
  seg.alpha = 0.2,
  subdivide = 3,
  excl.neg = TRUE,
  object = c("ellipsoid", "cuboid"),
  par = double(3),
  center = c(0, 0, 0),
  angle = 0,
  aspect = "iso",
  nticks = 5,
  origin = 1,
  xlab = "x",
  ylab = "y",
  zlab = "z",
  full.box = FALSE,
  edge.vpos = "",
  line.vpos = 0,
  at.vpos = NULL,
  cex.vpos = 1,
  col.vpos = "blue",
  clock = "bbl",
  cex.clock = 1,
  adj.clock = c(0, 0),
  format.clock = "Ping: indt\nyyyy-mm-dd\nHH:MM:SS.FFF",
  digits.clock = 2,
  lsp.clock = 0.04,
  col.clock = 4,
  sonar.grid = "frame",
  sonar.grid.col = c("orange", "cornflowerblue"),
  sonar.grid.lwd = 1,
  cs.pos = "g",
  cs.view = "g",
  sides = c("tb", "tb"),
  dens = c(200, 100, 100, 1),
  every = Inf,
  global.grid = FALSE,
  global.grid.lwd = 0.5,
  global.grid.lty = 1,

arnejohannesholmin/cpplot3d documentation built on April 14, 2024, 11:36 p.m.