acplot3d.event: Interactive scatterplot of the (3 dimensional) points either...

View source: R/acplot3d.event.R

acplot3d.eventR Documentation

Interactive scatterplot of the (3 dimensional) points either plotted by color and size or number of points in each voxel corresponding to the value of the points.


Interactive scatterplot of the (3 dimensional) points either plotted by color and size or number of points in each voxel corresponding to the value of the points.


  imgout = NULL,
  segout = FALSE,
  names_img = "frame",
  fmt = "png",
  info = "",
  ndigits = NULL,
  vessel.pos = FALSE,
  vessel.pos.col = "blue",
  vessel.pos.size = 0.3,
  force = FALSE,
  cores = 1,
  windowRect = c(0, 49, 1680, 1028),
  cex.3d = 3,
  event = 1,
  t = 1,
  turns = 10,
  cruise = 2009116,
  TVG.exp = 2, = NULL,
  Paout = TRUE,
  exact = FALSE,
  bgns = TRUE,
  pdns = TRUE,
  nrns = TRUE,
  hins = TRUE,
  kern = NULL,
  segpar = NULL,
  pamkpar = list(),
  nsind = 0.75,
  hins_add = 10,
  pdns_scale = 1e-14,
  TOV = 0,
  cal = 1,
  bmmd = NULL,
  breaks = 40,
  col = "combined",
  colpar = list(start = 0, end = 0.8, flip = TRUE),
  clamp = c(0, 1),
  shrink = TRUE,
  null.value = NA,
  white = 1,
  log = TRUE, = "y--", = 8, = 0, = 0.1, = TRUE, = 8, = 0.005, = "black",
  db = TRUE,
  voxels.out = FALSE,
  esnm = "MS70",
  var = "vbsc",
  ind = list(-(1:150), NULL),
  range = list(),
  subset = NULL,
  ideal = TRUE,
  seabed = -12000,
  rot = 2,
  compensation = c("pitch", "roll"),
  plot = TRUE,
  cs.xyzlim = "g",
  add = FALSE,
  beamstypes = 1,
  size = cplot3d.size("pow", y = 20, par = 4),
  bottom = FALSE,
  bottom.res = 5,
  bottom.smooth = NULL,
  bottom.col = "topo.col",
  bottom.N = 1e+05,
  bottom.seg = list(sgth = 0.2, misM = 0.001, bwGp = 2, turns = 100),
  adds = NULL,
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  zlim = NULL,
  view = c("free", "top", "bottom", "south", "west", "north", "east"),
  zoom = 0.7,
  fov = 60,
  school = FALSE,
  schoolcol = "purple",
  schoolsize = 0.3,
  schoolsample = 0.01,
  schoollen = 4,
  schoollwd = 1,
  schooltype = "p",
  schoolnumt = NULL,
  schoolcrop = FALSE,
  plot.seg = FALSE,
  seg.col = "green",
  seg.alpha = 0.2,
  subdivide = 3,
  excl.neg = TRUE,
  object = c("ellipsoid", "cuboid"),
  par = double(3),
  center = c(0, 0, 0),
  angle = 0,
  aspect = "iso",
  nticks = 5,
  origin = 1,
  xlab = "x",
  ylab = "y",
  zlab = "z", = FALSE,
  edge.vpos = "",
  line.vpos = 0,
  at.vpos = NULL,
  cex.vpos = 1,
  col.vpos = "blue",
  clock = "bbl",
  cex.clock = 1,
  adj.clock = c(0, 0),
  format.clock = "Ping: indt\nyyyy-mm-dd\nHH:MM:SS.FFF",
  digits.clock = 2,
  lsp.clock = 0.04,
  col.clock = 4,
  sonar.grid = "frame",
  sonar.grid.col = c("orange", "cornflowerblue"),
  sonar.grid.lwd = 1,
  cs.pos = "g",
  cs.view = "g",
  sides = c("tb", "tb"),
  dens = c(200, 100, 100, 1),
  every = Inf,
  global.grid = FALSE,
  global.grid.lwd = 0.5,
  global.grid.lty = 1,



specifies the directory in which to put the image files of the 3D representation of the regenerated points (plotted using the package rgl). If imgout==FALSE, no image files are saved, if imgout==TRUE or imgout==NULL image files are stored in the default directory named "..../sv2pos/acca___/fmt", and if 'imgout' is a character string, a directory named accordingly is created and image files stored. If already existing, the used is asked to confirm overwriting the existing files.


specifies the directory in which to put the segmentation data files. If segout==FALSE, no image files are saved, if segout==TRUE or segout==NULL segmentation files are stored in the default directory named "..../sv2pos/acca___/tsd", and if 'segout' is a character string, a directory named accordingly is created and image files stored. If already existing, the used is asked to confirm overwriting the existing files.


is a string representing the names of the png files (excluding numbering and the file extension ".png"). As an example names_img="frame" and 100<length(t)<1000 result in the names "frame001.png", "frame002.png", ... .


is a string representing the format of the image files. Currently supported are "png", "ps", "eps", "tex", "pdf", "svg" and "pgf". If fmt==NULL no images will be saved, only plotted.


is a string to be added to the frame and tsd names.


is the number of digits in the numbering indexes in the image names and .school file names. If ndigits=5 and 100<length(t)<1000 the resulting names will be "frame00001.png", "frame00002.png", ..., for the default values of 'fmt' and 'names_img'.


is TRUE if every elapsed vessel position is to be plotted by a single dot on the surface.


is the color of the vessel positions.


is the size of the vessel positions.


is FALSE if the user should be aske for permission to overwrite files.


is the character expansion of the labels and axes in 3D.

is FALSE (default) to make the bounding box in front of the data invisible, and TRUE ot make the full bounding box visible.

arnejohannesholmin/cpplot3d documentation built on April 14, 2024, 11:36 p.m.