
Defines functions echoIBM_rexp_defaults

Documented in echoIBM_rexp_defaults

#' Creates a list of default settings for noise generation methods used in echoIBM, specifically the Multiple Sines - method ("ms"), the rearrangement method of uniform independent variables resulting in correlated and autocorrelated beams, and the simple independent exponential distribution (in which case only 'ssed' is defaulted).
#' @param noisetypes  is a vector of character strings of length 2, specifying which types of noise to apply to the data:
#' @param data  is a list of the required beam configuration information, including length 'lenb' of the beams, number 'numb' of beams and the frequency 'freq' of the beams, as well as the sonar/echosounder type 'esnm'.
#' @param parlist  is a list of input parameters to the function echoIBM.add.noise(), which generates noise and randomness. See echoIBM.add.noise() for explaination of the possible variables.
#' @return
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{}
#' @importFrom sonR sonR_implemented noise.path
#' @importFrom TSD read.TSDs strff zeros
#' @export
#' @rdname echoIBM_rexp_defaults
echoIBM_rexp_defaults<-function(noisetypes="ms", indt=NULL, data=list(), parlist=list()){
	############### LOG: ###############
	# Start: 2012-02-28 - Clean version.
	# Update: 2012-11-12 - Changed to read default overlap values only if missing in the data.
	# Update: 2013-09-26 - Fundamental restructuring and implementation of sub-functions.
	# Last: 2013-11-05 - Changed to also return the input characters representing the type of overlap between the voxels ('input_olpn' and 'input_olps').
	########## Preparation ##########
	### Functions: ###
	# A function for extracting overlap values for the signal or noise for the MS70 sonar (type="n" refers to noise, and type="s" refers to signal):
	get.olpn <- function(parlist, noisetypes, esnm="ms70", type="n", input_out=FALSE){
		# Function for reading the overlap values of 'type' "n" (noise) or "s" (signal):
		read.olp<-function(data, olptype="olpb"){
		# Define the legal character values of 'olpn':
		# "c" - constant correlation between neighboring beams
		# "b" - variable correlation between neighboring beams  
		# "v" - variable correlation between neighboring beams for each voxel
		# "p" - variable correlation between neighboring beams for each voxel and each ping (used with periodic noise)
		if(sonR_implemented(esnm, type=c("MBE"))[1]){
				legal <- c("c","b","v")
			else if(strff("s",type)){
				legal <- c("c","b")
				stop("Wrong value of 'type' in get.olpn()")
		# Other sonars:
		else if(sonR_implemented(esnm, type=c("MBE","SBE","OFS"))[1]){
			legal <- c("c")
			legal <- c("c")
			# Set parlist$olpn=1 later:
			warning("The acoustical system given by 'esnm' has not been fully implemented. Zero correlation between beams was applied for the noise")
		# Defaults if not given, or not numeric and not in c(legal,"p"):
		if(length(parlist$olpn)==0 || (!is.numeric(parlist$olpn) && !any(strff(c(legal,"p"),parlist$olpn)))){
			if(sonR_implemented(esnm, type=c("MBS"))[1]){
				parlist$olpn <- "v"
			else if(sonR_implemented(esnm, type=c("OFS"))[1]){
				#parlist$olpn <- "b" # Should be used, but requires estimation of the coorelation between beams from real data with little or no signal (preferably passive data), which is currently unavailable:
				parlist$olpn <- "c"
			else if(sonR_implemented(esnm, type=c("MBE","SBE"))[1]){
				parlist$olpn <- "c"
				parlist$olpn <- "c"
		# If input_out==TRUE, return the character naming the type of overlap, to be used in echoIBM_rexp_MultSines() for locating the appropriate overlap file:
			if(length(parlist$olpn)==1 && is.character(parlist$olpn)){
				return(input_olpn <- parlist$olpn)
				warning("Something did not proceed as expected. The variable olpn has allready been converted to numeric. olpn=\"v\" assumed")
		# Constant correlation for all voxels:
		if(strff("c",parlist$olpn) && "c" %in% legal){
			# See "Test_of_rexp_MultSines.R in the "extdata" directory of the echoIBM package.
			if(sonR_implemented(esnm, type="MBS")[1]){
				parlist$olpn <- c(0.46,1,0.46)
			else if(sonR_implemented(esnm, type="OFS")[1]){
				parlist$olpn <- c(0.3,1,1,1,0.3)
			else if(sonR_implemented(esnm, type=c("MBE","SBE"))[1]){
				parlist$olpn <- 1
				parlist$olpn <- 1
		# Variable correlation between beams:
		else if(strff("b",parlist$olpn) && "b" %in% legal){
			# Read the overlap values of the background noise 'olpb' (see "S2009116_PG.O.Sars[4174] - olp and acf.R"):
			parlist$olpn <- read.olp(data, olptype="olpb")
			# Set the dimension to [#correlated beams, #beams in each fan, #fans]:
			dim(parlist$olpn) <- c(dim(parlist$olpn)[1],parlist$luqf,parlist$nuqf)
		# Variable correlation for all voxels:
		else if(strff("v",parlist$olpn) && "v" %in% legal){
			if(!"pn" %in% noisetypes){
				warning("parlist$olpn=\"v\" usually implies that the periodic noise is applied to the simulations, while this is not specified in the parameter 'noisetypes'")
			# Read the overlap values of the total noise including periodic noise 'olpt' (see "S2009116_PG.O.Sars[4174] - olp and acf.R"):
			parlist$olpn <- read.olp(data, olptype="olpt")
			# If constant phase angels are applied (saves time), the overlap array stored in noise.path() is used. If variable phases are needed, this must be indicated by olpn=="pings" or "p", and is addressed in echoIBM.add.noise():
			########### Set the dimension to [#correlated beams, #beams in each fan, #fans]:
			dim(parlist$olpn) <- c(dim(parlist$olpn)[1:2],parlist$luqf,parlist$nuqf)
		# Return the overlap values:
	### End of functions: ###
	# Extract length and number of beams:
	if(!all(c("lenb","numb","freq") %in% names(data))){
		stop("'data' must contain all of the variables \"lenb\", \"numb\" and \"freq\"")
	# Treat the seed:
	if(length(parlist$seed)==0 || length(indt)==0){
		stop(paste0("'indt' and 'seed' must be given, either as a single integer or a vector of integers, or possibly a code word such as 'ind', implying to use the time step indices as seeds. The following given: seed: ", parlist$seed, ", indt: ", indt, "."))
	if(strff("ind", parlist$seed)){
		parlist$seed <- indt
	# Change added on 2017-11-14 to support generating a random seed vector given an initial seed in the 'parlist':
	else if(length(parlist$seed)==1 && length(indt)!=1){
		parlist$seed <- sample(seq_len(1e7), length(indt), replace=FALSE)
	else if(length(parlist$seed)!=length(indt)){
		warning("Random seed 'seed' in the parameter list 'parlist' did not have the same length as the number of time steps, and was repeated to this length")
		parlist$seed <- rep(parlist$seed, length.out=length(indt))
	########## Execution ##########
	##### (1) Get the length of the beams: #####
		parlist$J <- data$lenb[1]
	##### (2) Get the structure of the beams: #####
	if(is.null(parlist$nuqf) || is.null(parlist$luqf)){
		parlist$nuqf <- length(unique(c(data$freq)))
		parlist$luqf <- data$numb[1] / parlist$nuqf
		if(parlist$luqf %% 1 != 0){
			warning("The data indicate a non-rectangular grid of beams")
	##### (3) Get the parameters for the correlated exponential distribution: #####
	if(any(c("ms") %in% noisetypes)){
		### (3a, 3b, 3c) Standard defaults regardless of sonar/echosounder. The combination of these parameters provides a good exponential distribution with acceptable cpu-time. See "Test_of_rexp_MultSines.R": ###
			parlist$L <- 3
			parlist$N <- 40
			parlist$P <- 10
		### (3d) Get the duration of the sine waves: ###
			# EK60 multifrequency echosounder:
			if(sonR_implemented(data$esnm[1], type=c("SBE"))[1]){
				# Get lengths of the sine waves in the multisine-method for EK60 (correlations found in Holmin et al. (2013)):
				#corEK60 <- c(0.31,0.18,0.12,0.02,-0.06,0.15) # Old 2013-09-18
				corEK60 <- c(0.31,0.18,0.12,0,0,0)
				w <- zeros(6)
				for(i in seq_along(corEK60)){
					w[i] <- acftable[,1][which.min(abs(acftable[,3]-corEK60[i]))]
				# [1] 2.48 1.84 1.62 1.23 1.23 1.23
				parlist$w <- w
			# ME70 multibeam echosounder:
			else if(sonR_implemented(data$esnm[1], type=c("MBE"))[1]){
				# Assume pulselength approx 2 ms and sampleinterval duration 0.128 ms, giving w = 2 / 0.125 * 3/4 = 12:
				parlist$w <- rep(12,parlist$nuqf)
			# MS70 multibeam sonar:
			else if(sonR_implemented(data$esnm[1], type=c("MBS"))[1]){
				# Set the length of the pulses in units of sample intervals. In reality this is set to be 4, but the autocorrelation estimates of the MS70 sonar suggest 3:
				parlist$w <- rep(3,parlist$nuqf)
			# SX90 multibeam sonar:
			else if(sonR_implemented(data$esnm[1], type=c("OFS"))[1]){
				# From the experience with simulations of the MS70 sonar, which normally has 2 ms pulselength and 1/2 ms sampling interval, which should imply w=4, the value w=3 was more appropriate. Thus we propose to estimate 'w' by plsl/sint * 3/4:
				if(all(c("plsl","sint") %in% names(data))){
					parlist$w <- rep(data$plsl[1] / data$sint[1] * 3/4, parlist$nuqf)
				# Otherwise, use the values for 600 meter maximum range of the SX90:
					plsl_600 <- 8
					sint_600 <- 0.25
					parlist$w <- rep(plsl_600/sint_600 *3/4, parlist$nuqf)
			# Other acoustical systems:
				warning("The acoustical system given by 'esnm' has not been fully implemented. Standard value w=3 used")
				parlist$w <- rep(3,parlist$nuqf)
		### (3e) Get the between beam overlap for the signal: ###
		parlist$input_olps <- get.olpn(parlist, noisetypes, esnm=data$esnm[1], type="s", input_out=TRUE)
		parlist$olpn <- parlist$input_olps
		parlist$olps <- get.olpn(parlist, noisetypes, esnm=data$esnm[1], type="s")
		### (3f) Get the between beam overlap for the noise: ###
		# Get the character value of the olp variable, and also set the variable parlist$olpn:
		parlist$input_olpn <- get.olpn(parlist, noisetypes, esnm=data$esnm[1], input_out=TRUE)
		parlist$olpn <- parlist$input_olpn
		parlist$olpn <- get.olpn(parlist, noisetypes, esnm=data$esnm[1])
	##### End of "Default settings for the Multiple Sines method" #####
	##### (4) Default settings for the rearrangement method (no longer maintained to the extent of the "ms" method): #####
	else if(any(c("acex","aex","cex") %in% noisetypes)){
		# Standard defaults regardless of sonar/echosounder. See "Test of echoIBM_rexp_Rearr":
			parlist$rate <- 1
			parlist$prob <- 1
			parlist$l <- 100
		# Add to values to avoid the strange error when (almost exactly) 1324 voxels and 500 beams are drawn:
		parlist$buffer <- 100
		# Sonar/echosounder specific parameters. See "Test_of_rexp_MultSines.R":
		if(sonR_implemented(data$esnm[1], type=c("MBS"))[1]){
				parlist$rho <- c(1,1,1)
				parlist$w <- 3
			# Get the number of significant beams:
			parlist$wC <- length(parlist$rho)
			# Define the "correlation" matrix:
			totheside <- (parlist$wC-1)/2
			S <- zeros(parlist$luqf, 2*totheside + parlist$luqf)
			for(i in seq_len(parlist$luqf)){
				S[i,seq_along(parlist$rho)+i-1] <- parlist$rho
			S <- S[,totheside+seq_len(parlist$luqf)]
			parlist$C <- zeros(data$numb[1], data$numb[1])
			for(i in seq_len(parlist$nuqf)){
				parlist$C[seq_len(parlist$luqf)+(i-1)*parlist$luqf, seq_len(parlist$luqf)+(i-1)*parlist$luqf] <- S
				parlist$rho <- 1
				parlist$w <- 3
			parlist$wC <- 1
			# Define identity "correlation" matrix:
			parlist$C <- diag(data$numb[1])
		# Create the array of indexes for which parlist$C>0 and the width of this array (defaulted to 3 for echoIBM()):
			parlist$Cind <- matrix(0:(parlist$wC-1) - (parlist$wC-1)/2, nrow=data$numb[1], ncol=parlist$wC, byrow=TRUE) + 0:(data$numb[1]-1)
	else if(any("bk" %in% noisetypes)){
		# N=40 iterations seems to be sufficient for establishing the Barakat PDF to some degree of approximation, at lest for nsig>=3. Also the threshold for nsig, 'nsth' is set to 2 based on the plot in "Test Barakat.R":
		parlist$nsth <- 2
		parlist$N <- 40
		parlist$max.memory <- 1e9
	########## Output ##########
arnejohannesholmin/echoIBM documentation built on April 14, 2024, 11:37 p.m.