
Defines functions MakeHet

MakeHet <-
function(estim, stderr, hetlist)
   # estim   - point estimates in this plot (vector)
   # stderr  - attached standard errors
   # hetlist - a vector making the heterogeneity 
   #           request (eg. c(3, 4, 5, -5) or c(1, 3, 5, 7)

   # return: RetList, a vector of the heterogeneity, degrees of freedom and the p-value

   # hetlists end in a negative number to compute our own 'total' value 
   # to compare with and plot after the point given by the 
   # negative number's absolute value (so after point 5 above)

   # hetlists end in a positive number to use that point's value as the 'total'
   # value and plot after that point

   # returns a list of heterogeneity test results, which will be (at some point!), I hope, 
   # expressions

   # This code is an implementation of the algorithm from combograph, which so 
   # far as I know works properly.

     # degrees of freedom - number of points, less one, less one for the total

     if (hetlist[nlines]<0)
        # very involved!
        # hetlist[-nlines] is hetlist without its last element
        # estim[hetlist] is the elements of estim indicated by hetlist

        # so we take the sum of (estim/stderr^2), dropping the last element
        # (the last element being the call for the test display position only)

        } else

     # Now the actual calculation: sum of ((estim-betahat)/(stderr))^2

     pval <- 1-pchisq(het, nfree)

     RetList<-c(het, nfree, pval)
arnhew99/Jasper documentation built on Nov. 19, 2022, 2:46 p.m.