
Defines functions remove.pdf.stamp

Documented in remove.pdf.stamp

#' Remove PDF Stamp
#' Replace PDF stamp like \samp{(Downloaded by [Arni Magnusson] ...)} with
#' spaces.
#' @param file a PDF document.
#' @return Overwrites original PDF file, after removing stamps.
#' @note Similar to Emacs Lisp function \verb{remove-pdf-stamp}.
#' @export

remove.pdf.stamp <- function(file)
  spaces <- function(n)
    paste(rep(" ",n), collapse="")
  blank <- function(n)
    paste0("(", spaces(n-4), ")Tj")

  txt <- readLines(file)
  stamp <- grepl("^\\(Downloaded by \\[", txt)
  n <- nchar(txt[stamp])
  txt[stamp] <- sapply(n, blank)

  writeLines(txt, file)
arnima-github/arni documentation built on Oct. 28, 2023, 6:18 p.m.