
#' Parsing data into tweets/users data tibbles
#' @param x Unparsed data returned by rtweet API request.
#' @return A tweets/users tibble (data frame) with users/tweets tibble attribute.
#' @family parsing
#' @family tweets
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## search with parse = FALSE
#' rt <- search_tweets("rstats", n = 500, parse = FALSE)
#' ## parse to tweets data tibble with users data attribute object
#' tweets_with_users(rt)
#' ## search with parse = FALSE
#' usr <- search_users("rstats", n = 300, parse = FALSE)
#' ## parse to users data tibble with users data attribute object
#' users_with_tweets(usr)
#' }
#' @export
tweets_with_users <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x) || length(x) == 0L) {
    x <- data.frame()
    attr(x, "users") <- data.frame()
  tweets <- status_object(x)
  tweets <- tweets_df_(tweets)
  users <- user_object(x)
  users <- users_df_(users)
  attr(tweets, "users") <- users

#' @inheritParams tweets_with_users
#' @family parsing
#' @family users
#' @rdname tweets_with_users
#' @export
users_with_tweets <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x) || length(x) == 0L) {
    x <- data.frame()
    attr(x, "tweets") <- data.frame()
  tweets <- status_object(x)
  tweets <- tweets_df_(tweets)
  users <- user_object(x)
  users <- users_df_(users)
  if (nrow(tweets) == nrow(users)) {
    if (has_name(users, "user_id")) {
      tweets$user_id <- users$user_id
      if (has_name(users, "screen_name")) {
        tweets$screen_name <- users$screen_name
  attr(users, "tweets") <- tweets

tweets_df_ <- function(dat) {
  dat <- lapply(dat, tweets_to_tbl_)
  do.call("rbind", dat)

users_df_ <- function(x) {
  x <- lapply(x, users_to_tbl_)
  do.call("rbind", x)

## safe extractors
`[[[` <- function(dat, var, NA_ = NA_character_) {
  if (length(dat) == 0L) {
  } else if (!is.recursive(dat)) {
    dat[lengths(dat) == 0L] <- NA_
  x <- `[[`(dat, var)
  ## if empty give number of NAs equal to obs
  if (length(x) == 0L && is.data.frame(dat)) {
    return(rep(NA_, length.out = nrow(dat)))
  } else if (length(x) == 0L && is.list(dat)) {
    return(rep(NA_, length.out = length(dat)))
  } else if (length(x) == 0L) {
  x[lengths(x) == 0L] <- NA_

## get status object(s)
status_object <- function(x) {
  if (!(is.list(x) && is.null(names(x)))) {
    x <- list(x)
status_object_ <- function(x) {
  s_o_ <- function(x) {
    if (is.atomic(x) && length(x) == 1L) {
    if (is.list(x) && length(x) == 1L) {
      x <- x[[1]]
    if (is.list(x) && "statuses" %in% names(x)) {
      x <- x$statuses
    if (`&&`(
      c("text", "source") %in% names(x)
    )) {
    if (`&&`(
      "status" %in% names(x)
    )) {
  lapply(x, s_o_)

tweets_to_tbl_ <- function(dat) {
  if (NROW(dat) == 0L) return(data.frame())
  ## extended entitites > media
  if (has_name(dat, "extended_entities") &&
      has_name(dat[['extended_entities']], "media")) {
    dat$ext_media_url <- lapply(
      dat$extended_entities$media, "[[[", "media_url")
    dat$ext_media_expanded_url <- lapply(
      dat$extended_entities$media, "[[[", "expanded_url")
    dat$ext_media_t.co <- lapply(dat$extended_entities$media, "[[[", "url")
    dat$ext_media_type <- lapply(dat$extended_entities$media, "[[[", "type")
  } else {
    dat$ext_media_url <- as.list(NA_character_)
    dat$ext_media_expanded_url <- as.list(NA_character_)
    dat$ext_media_t.co <- as.list(NA_character_)
    dat$ext_media_type <- as.list(NA_character_)
  ## entities > urls
  if (has_name(dat, "entities") && has_name(dat[['entities']], "urls")) {
    dat$urls_url <- lapply(dat$entities$urls, "[[[", "display_url")
    dat$urls_expanded_url <- lapply(dat$entities$urls, "[[[", "expanded_url")
    dat$urls_t.co <- lapply(dat$entities$urls, "[[[", "url")
  } else {
    dat$urls_url <- as.list(NA_character_)
    dat$urls_expanded_url <- as.list(NA_character_)
    dat$urls_t.co <- as.list(NA_character_)
  ## entities > media
  if (has_name(dat, "entities") && has_name(dat[['entities']], "media")) {
    dat$media_url <- lapply(dat$entities$media, "[[[", "media_url")
    dat$media_expanded_url <- lapply(dat$entities$media, "[[[", "expanded_url")
    dat$media_t.co <- lapply(dat$entities$media, "[[[", "url")
    dat$media_type <- lapply(dat$entities$media, "[[[", "type")
  } else {
    dat$media_url <- as.list(NA_character_)
    dat$media_expanded_url <- as.list(NA_character_)
    dat$media_t.co <- as.list(NA_character_)
    dat$media_type <- as.list(NA_character_)
  ## entities > user_mentions
  if (has_name(dat, "entities") &&
      has_name(dat[["entities"]], "user_mentions")) {
    dat$mentions_user_id <- lapply(
      dat$entities$user_mentions, "[[[", "id_str")
    dat$mentions_screen_name <- lapply(
      dat$entities$user_mentions, "[[[", "screen_name")
  } else {
    dat$mentions_user_id <- as.list(NA_character_)
    dat$mentions_screen_name <- as.list(NA_character_)
  ## entities > hashtags
  if (has_name(dat, "entities") && has_name(dat[["entities"]], "hashtags")) {
    dat$hashtags <- lapply(dat$entities$hashtags, "[[[", "text")
  } else {
    dat$hashtags <- as.list(NA_character_)
  if (has_name(dat, "entities") && has_name(dat[["entities"]], "symbols")) {
    dat$symbols <- lapply(dat$entities$symbols, "[[[", "text")
  } else {
    dat$symbols <- as.list(NA_character_)
  if (has_name(dat, "geo") && has_name(dat[["geo"]], "coordinates")) {
    dat$geo_coords <- lapply(
      dat$geo$coordinates, `[[[`, 1, NA_ = c(NA_real_, NA_real_))
  } else {
    dat$geo_coords <- list(c(NA_real_, NA_real_))
  if (has_name(dat, "coordinates") &&
      has_name(dat[["coordinates"]], "coordinates")) {
    dat$coordinates_coords <- lapply(
      dat$coordinates$coordinates, `[[[`, 1, NA_ = c(NA_real_, NA_real_))
  } else {
    dat$coordinates_coords <- list(c(NA_real_, NA_real_))
  if (has_name(dat, "place") && has_name(dat[["place"]], "id")) {
    dat$place_url <- `[[[`(dat$place, "url")
    dat$place_full_name <- `[[[`(dat$place, "full_name")
    dat$place_name <- `[[[`(dat$place, "name")
    dat$country_code <- `[[[`(dat$place, "country_code")
    dat$place_type <- `[[[`(dat$place, "place_type")
    dat$country <- `[[[`(dat$place, "country")
    if (has_name(dat$place, "bounding_box") &&
          has_name(dat$place[["bounding_box"]], "coordinates")) {
      dat$bbox_coords <- lapply(
        dat$place$bounding_box[["coordinates"]], function(i) {
          if (is.array(i)) {
            c(i[1, , 1], i[1, , 2])
          } else {
            c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
              NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_)

    } else {
      dat$bbox_coords <- list(
        c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
          NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_)
  } else {
    dat$place_url <- NA_character_
    dat$place_full_name <- NA_character_
    dat$place_name <- NA_character_
    dat$country_code <- NA_character_
    dat$place_type <- NA_character_
    dat$country <- NA_character_
    dat$bbox_coords <- list(
        c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_,
          NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_)
  if (has_name(dat, "user") && has_name(dat[["user"]], "id_str")) {
    dat$user_id <- `[[[`(dat$user, "id_str")
    dat$screen_name <- `[[[`(dat$user, "screen_name")
  } else {
    dat$user_id <- NA_character_
    dat$screen_name <- NA_character_
  dat <- wrangle_quote_status(dat)
  dat <- wrangle_retweet_status(dat)
  statuscols <- statuscols_()
  nacols <- statuscols[!statuscols %in% names(dat)]
  for (i in nacols) {
    dat[[i]] <- NA
  dat <- dat[, statuscols[statuscols %in% names(dat)]]
  names(dat) <- names(statuscols)[statuscols %in% names(dat)]
  dat$created_at <- format_date(dat$created_at)
  dat$source <- clean_source_(dat$source)
  tibble::as_tibble(dat, validate = FALSE)

## get user object(s)
user_object <- function(x) {
  if (!(is.list(x) && is.null(names(x)))) {
    x <- list(x)
user_object_ <- function(x) {
  u_o_ <- function(x) {
    if (is.atomic(x) && length(x) == 1L) {
    if (is.list(x) && length(x) == 1L) {
      x <- x[[1]]
    if (is.list(x) && "statuses" %in% names(x)) {
      x <- x$statuses
    if (`&&`(
      all(c("description", "location") %in% names(x))
    )) {
    if (`&&`(
      "user" %in% names(x)
    )) {
  lapply(x, u_o_)

users_to_tbl_ <- function(dat) {
  if (nrow(dat) == 0L) return(data.frame())
  urls <- `[[[`(dat, "entities")
  urls <- `[[[`(urls, "url")
  urls <- `[[[`(urls, "urls")
  dat$profile_url <- unlist(
    lapply(urls, function(x) {
      if (is.data.frame(x)) x[["url"]] else NA_character_
  dat$profile_expanded_url <- unlist(
    lapply(urls, function(x) {
      if (is.data.frame(x)) x[["expanded_url"]] else NA_character_
  dat$created_at <- format_date(dat$created_at)
  usercols <- usercols_()
  nacols <- usercols[!usercols %in% names(dat)]
  for (i in nacols) {
    dat[[i]] <- NA
  dat <- dat[, usercols[usercols %in% names(dat)]]
  names(dat) <- names(usercols)[usercols %in% names(dat)]
  tibble::as_tibble(dat, validate = FALSE)

## column names
usercols_ <- function() {
    user_id = "id_str",
    name = "name",
    screen_name = "screen_name",
    location = "location",
    description = "description",
    url = "url",
    protected = "protected",
    followers_count = "followers_count",
    friends_count = "friends_count",
    listed_count = "listed_count",
    statuses_count = "statuses_count",
    favourites_count = "favourites_count",
    account_created_at = "created_at",
    verified = "verified",
    profile_url = "profile_url",
    profile_expanded_url = "profile_expanded_url",
    account_lang = "lang",
    profile_banner_url = "profile_banner_url",
    profile_background_url = "profile_background_image_url",
    profile_image_url = "profile_image_url"

statuscols_ <- function() {
    status_id = "id_str",
    created_at = "created_at",
    user_id = "user_id",
    screen_name = "screen_name",
    text = "text",
    source = "source",
    reply_to_status_id = "in_reply_to_status_id_str",
    reply_to_user_id = "in_reply_to_user_id_str",
    reply_to_screen_name = "in_reply_to_screen_name",
    is_quote = "is_quote",
    is_retweet = "is_retweet",
    favorite_count = "favorite_count",
    retweet_count = "retweet_count",
    hashtags = "hashtags",
    symbols = "symbols",
    urls_url = "urls_url",
    urls_t.co = "urls_t.co",
    urls_expanded_url = "urls_expanded_url",
    media_url = "media_url",
    media_t.co = "media_t.co",
    media_expanded_url = "media_expanded_url",
    media_type = "media_type",
    ext_media_url = "ext_media_url",
    ext_media_t.co = "ext_media_t.co",
    ext_media_expanded_url = "ext_media_expanded_url",
    ext_media_type = "ext_media_expanded_type",
    mentions_user_id = "mentions_user_id",
    mentions_screen_name = "mentions_screen_name",
    lang = "lang",
    quoted_status_id = "quoted_status_id",
    quoted_text = "quoted_text",
    retweet_status_id = "retweet_status_id",
    retweet_text = "retweet_text",
    place_url = "place_url",
    place_name = "place_name",
    place_full_name = "place_full_name",
    place_type = "place_type",
    country = "country",
    country_code = "country_code",
    geo_coords = "geo_coords",
    coords_coords = "coordinates_coords",
    bbox_coords = "bbox_coords"

## utility funs

has_name <- function(x, name) isTRUE(name %in% names(x))

clean_source_ <- function(x) {
    strsplit(as.character(x), "[<]|[>]"),
    function(x) x[3]), use.names = FALSE)

wrangle_retweet_status <- function(x) {
  n <- nrow(x)
  if (has_name(x, "retweeted_status")) {
    rst <- x[["retweeted_status"]]
  } else {
    rst <- data.frame()
  ## user mentions
  if (has_name(rst, "id_str")) {
    x$retweet_status_id <- rst$id_str
  } else {
    x$retweet_status_id <- NA_character_
  if (has_name(rst, "full_text")) {
    x$retweet_text <- rst$full_text
  } else {
    x$retweet_text <- NA_character_
  x$is_retweet <- !is.na(x$retweet_status_id)
  x[["retweeted_status"]] <- NULL

wrangle_quote_status <- function(x) {
  n <- nrow(x)
  if (has_name(x, "quoted_status")) {
    qst <- x[["quoted_status"]]
  } else {
    qst <- data.frame()
  ## user mentions
  if (has_name(qst, "id_str")) {
    x$quoted_status_id <- qst$id_str
  } else {
    x$quoted_status_id <- NA_character_
  if (has_name(qst, "full_text")) {
    x$quoted_text <- qst$full_text
  } else {
    x$quoted_text <- NA_character_
  x$is_quote <- !is.na(x$quoted_status_id)
  x[["quoted_status"]] <- NULL

status_url_ <- function(x) {
  if (all(c("screen_name", "status_id") %in% names(x))) {
    nas <- apply(
      x[, c("screen_name", "status_id")],
      1, function(x)
    x$status_url <- paste0(
    x$status_url[nas] <- NA_character_
  } else {
    x$status_url <- NA_character_
ashoksiri/rtweet documentation built on May 8, 2019, 5:55 p.m.