
#' Object to make http request
#' Make http request with random proxy and useragent, try until got the response in
#' specific max iter times.
#' @section Usage:
#' \preformatted{
#' rogue <- Rogue$new(proxy = proxy, useragent = useragent, iter_max = 10,
#'                    is_record = TRUE, is_random = FALSE, is_quite = FALSE)
#' rogue$proxy_add(proxy, delete = FALSE)
#' rogue$proxy_show()
#' rogue$get(...)
#' rogue$post(...)
#' rogue$put(...)
#' rogue$delete(...)
#' }
#' @section Arguments:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{proxy}{proxy list, with \code{ip} and \code{port} elements at least, the
#'     object initialization process will check the list, \code{times} element will
#'     be append if it does not exist, and the value is 1}
#'   \item{useragent}{multiple user agent character vector}
#'   \item{iter_max}{the max times to try send the http request, it should be not
#'     bigger than the length of proxy list}
#'   \item{is_record}{if record the history of connecting to proxy, the result will
#'     be used in select better proxy}
#'   \item{is_random}{if select proxy based on the probability, which is the successful
#'     connecting times for each proxy}
#'   \item{is_quite}{if output the error message when try to connect proxy}
#'   \item{delete}{if delete old and worse proxy when add new ones}
#'   \item{...}{arguments send to function of \code{httr} package}
#' }
#' @section Details:
#' \code{Rogue$new()} creates a new Rogue object.
#' \code{rogue$proxy_add()} add new proxy for requesting.
#' \code{rogue$proxy_show()} show the proxy connecting history in \code{tibble} format.
#' \code{rogue$get()} send \code{get} request to server.
#' \code{rogue$post()} send \code{post} request to server.
#' \code{rogue$put()} send \code{put} request to server.
#' \code{rogue$delete()} send \code{delete} request to server.
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @name Rogue

#' @export
Rogue <- R6Class(
  public = list(
    proxy = NULL,
    useragent = NULL,
    iter_max = 1,
    is_record = FALSE,
    is_random = FALSE,
    is_quite = FALSE,

    # initialize the object
    initialize = function(proxy = NULL, useragent = NULL, iter_max,
                          is_record = FALSE, is_random = FALSE, is_quite = FALSE) {

      self$proxy <- private$proxyCheck(proxy)

      if (missing(iter_max))
        iter_max <- max(min(10, length(self$proxy)), 1)
      if (!is.numeric(iter_max))
          sprintf('iter_max must be integer or numeric, not %s', typeof(iter_max)),
          call. = FALSE
      if (iter_max > length(self$proxy) & length(self$proxy) > 0)
          sprintf('iter_max should be not bigger than the length of proxy'),
          call. = FALSE
      if (!is.logical(is_record))
          sprintf('is_record must be logical, not %s', typeof(is_record)),
          call. = FALSE

      self$useragent <- useragent
      self$iter_max <- iter_max
      self$is_record <- is_record
      self$is_random <- is_random

    # print to console
    print = function(...) {
      cat('Rogue: \n')
        '  proxy: %s\n',
        ifelse(is.null(self$proxy), 'NULL', length(self$proxy))
        '  user agent: %s\n',
        ifelse(is.null(self$useragent), 'NULL', length(self$useragent))
      cat(sprintf('  iter max: %s\n', self$iter_max))
      cat(sprintf('  random select: %s\n', self$is_random))
      cat(sprintf('  record history: %s\n', self$is_record))
      cat(sprintf('  quite: %s\n', self$is_quite))

    # add proxy by users anytime
    proxy_add = function(proxy, delete = FALSE) {
      proxy <- private$proxyCheck(proxy)
      proxy <- private$proxySetdiff(proxy, self$proxy)
      if (length(proxy) == 0) {
        warning('no new proxy to add', call. = FALSE)

      if (delete) {
        proxy_to_delete <- Filter(function(x) x$times == 1, self$proxy)
        if (length(proxy_to_delete) > length(proxy)) {
          proxy_to_delete <- sample(proxy_to_delete, length(proxy))
        self$proxy <- private$proxySetdiff(self$proxy, proxy_to_delete)
      self$proxy <- append(self$proxy, proxy)


    # show proxy with the tibble format
    proxy_show = function() {
      if (length(self$proxy) == 0)
          ip = character(), port = integer(), times = integer()
      proxy <- lapply(self$proxy, dplyr::as_tibble)
      proxy <- dplyr::bind_rows(proxy)
      proxy <- dplyr::select(proxy, ip, port, times, dplyr::everything())
      dplyr::arrange(proxy, -times)

    # http get
    get = function(...) {
      private$request('GET', ...)

    # http post
    post = function(...) {
      private$request('POST', ...)

    # http put
    put = function(...) {
      private$request('PUT', ...)

    # http delete
    delete = function(...) {
      private$request('DELETE', ...)
  ), private = list(

    proxySetdiff = function(proxy_l, proxy_r) {
      if (length(proxy_l) == 0 | length(proxy_r) == 0)

      proxy_r_mtx <- t(sapply(proxy_r, function(x)c(x$ip, x$port)))

      Filter(function(x) {

        idx_ip <- which(proxy_r_mtx[, 1] == x$ip)
        if (!any(idx_ip))
        idx_port <- which(proxy_r_mtx[, 2] == x$port)
        if (!any(idx_ip & idx_port))

      }, proxy_l)

    proxyCheck = function(proxy) {
      if (!is.null(proxy)) {
        if (!is.list(proxy))
          stop('proxy must be list or data.frame', call. = FALSE)

        if (is.data.frame(proxy))
          proxy <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(proxy)), function(x) {
            as.list(proxy[x, ])

        proxy <- lapply(proxy, function(x) {
          if (!all(c('ip', 'port') %in% names(x)))
            stop('proxy must have ip and port at least', call. = FALSE)
          if (!is.character(x$ip))
              sprintf('ip must be character, not %s', typeof(x$ip)),
              call. = FALSE
          if (!is.numeric(x$port))
              sprintf('port must be integer or numeric, not %s', typeof(x$port)),
              call. = FALSE

          if (!'times' %in% names(x))
            x$times <- 1
          if (!is.numeric(x$times))
              sprintf('times must be integer or numeric, not %s', typeof(x$times)),
              call. = FALSE



    # select from self proxys, based on times
    # all proxys including initializing and adding, must has elements with times name
    # if they don't have, must generate for them
    proxySelect = function() {
      prob <- vapply(self$proxy, `[[`, 'times', FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))

      if (self$iter_max <= length(self$proxy)) {
        if (self$is_random) {
          return(sample(self$proxy, self$iter_max))
        } else {
          return(sample(self$proxy, self$iter_max, prob = prob))
      } else {
        if (self$is_random) {
          return(sample(self$proxy, self$iter_max, replace = TRUE))
        } else {
          modulus <- self$iter_max %/% length(self$proxy)
          reminder <- self$iter_max %% length(self$proxy)

          temp <- append(
              modulus, sample(self$proxy, length(self$proxy), prob = prob), FALSE
            list(sample(self$proxy, reminder, prob = prob))
          return(unlist(temp, recursive = FALSE))

    # confirm good proxy
    proxyGoodConfirm = function(proxy_good) {

      if (length(self$proxy) == 0) {
        self$proxy[[1]] <- modifyList(proxy_good, list(times = 1))

      i <- 1
      while (TRUE) {
        temp <- self$proxy[[i]]
        if (temp$ip == proxy_good$ip && temp$port == proxy_good$port) {

          times <- ifelse('times' %in% names(temp), temp$times + 1, 1)
          self$proxy[[i]] <- modifyList(temp, list(times = times))


        i <- i + 1
        if (i > length(self$proxy))


    # confirm bad proxy
    proxyBadConfirm = function(proxy_bad) {

      if (length(self$proxy) == 0) {
        self$proxy <- modifyList(proxy_bad, list(times = 1))

      for (p in proxy_bad) {
        i <- 1
        while (TRUE) {
          temp <- self$proxy[[i]]
          if (temp$ip == p$ip && temp$port == p$port) {

            times <- ifelse('times' %in% names(temp), max(temp$times - 1, 1), 1)
            self$proxy[[i]] <- modifyList(temp, list(times = times))


          i <- i + 1
          if (i > length(self$proxy))

    # core function
    request = function(.f = c('GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'), ...) {
      .f <- match.arg(.f)

      res_got <- 0
      iter <- 1
      parameters <- list(...)
      if (!is.null(self$proxy))
        proxy_selected <- private$proxySelect()

      proxy_bad <- list()
      while (iter <= self$iter_max) {
        if (!is.null(self$proxy)) {
          proxy <- proxy_selected[[iter]]
          proxy_bad <- append(proxy_bad, list(proxy))
          parameters <- append(parameters, list(use_proxy(proxy$ip, proxy$port)))
        if (!is.null(self$useragent)) {
          userAgent <- sample(self$useragent, 1)
          parameters <- append(parameters, list(user_agent(userAgent)))

          response <- do.call(.f, parameters)

          proxy_good <- list(
            ip = response$request$options$proxy,
            port = response$request$options$proxyport
          proxy_bad <- Filter(function(x){
            x$ip != proxy_good$ip & x$port != proxy_good$port
          }, proxy_bad)
          res_got <- 1

        }, error = function(e) {
          if (!self$is_quite)

        if (res_got == 1) break()
        iter <- iter + 1

      if (res_got != 1 && iter > self$iter_max) {
        if (!self$is_quite)
          message('Try too many times.')
        if (!is.null(self$proxy) & self$is_record)

      if (!is.null(self$proxy) & self$is_record) {

ashther/ashr.rogue documentation built on Aug. 3, 2019, 12:01 p.m.