
source(system.file("extdata", "common.test.methods.R", package = "Rssa"))
context("Signal parameters' estimation")

parestimate.esprit <- function(U,
                               wmask = NULL,
                               circular = FALSE,
                               normalize = FALSE,
                               solve.method = c("ls", "tls")) {
  solve.method <- match.arg(solve.method)

  if (is.null(wmask))
    wmask <- rep(TRUE, nrow(U))

  Z <- .shift.matrix(U,
                     wmask = wmask,
                     ndim = 1,
                     circular = circular,
                     solve.method = solve.method)

  r <- eigen(Z, only.values = TRUE)$values

  if (normalize) r <- r / abs(r)


test_that("parestimate.esprit works correctly for polynomial trends", {
for (d in 0:3) {
  N <- 40
  h <- t(hankel((1:N) ^ d, d + 1))
  U <- svd(h)$u
  par <- parestimate.esprit(U)

  mu <- par$moduli * exp(pi * 2i / par$periods)
  # Sad but true. Multiple eigenroots are evaluated with bad precision
  expect_true(is_multisets_approx_equal(mu, rep(1, d + 1), tol = 0.001),
              label = sprintf("Estimated characteristical roots for (1:N)^%d are correct", d))

test_that("parestimate.esprit works correctly for two sines", {
  r <- 4
  N <- 40
  T1 <- 6
  T2 <- 11
  v <- sin(2 * pi * (1:N) / T1) + sin(2 * pi * (1:N) / T2)
  h <- t(hankel(v, r))
  U <- qr.Q(qr(h))
  par <- parestimate.esprit(U)
  mu <- par$moduli * exp(pi * 2i / par$periods)
  expectred.mu <- exp(pi * 2i / c(T1, -T1, T2, -T2))

  expect_true(is_multisets_approx_equal(mu, expectred.mu),
              label = sprintf("Est. ch. roots for sum of sines with periods %3.1f and %3.1f are correct", T1, T2))

test_that("parestimate works correctly for two sines", {
  r <- 4
  N <- 40
  T1 <- 6
  T2 <- 11
  v <- sin(2 * pi * (1:N) / T1) + sin(2 * pi * (1:N) / T2)
  ss <- ssa(v)
  for (solve.method in c("ls", "tls")) {
		for (subspace in c("column", "row")) {
			par <- parestimate(ss, groups = list(sines = 1:4),
												 subspace = subspace,
												 solve.method = solve.method)
			mu <- par$moduli * exp(pi * 2i / par$periods)
			expectred.mu <- exp(pi * 2i / c(T1, -T1, T2, -T2))

			expect_true(is_multisets_approx_equal(mu, expectred.mu),
									label = sprintf("Est. ch. roots for sum of sines with periods %3.1f and %3.1f are correct", T1, T2))

test_that("parestimate works correctly for two sines in shaped case", {
  r <- 4
  N <- 80
  L <- 15
  T1 <- 6
  T2 <- 11
  v <- sin(2 * pi * (1:N) / T1) + sin(2 * pi * (1:N) / T2)
  v[20:25] <- NA
  v[50:55] <- NA

  ss <- ssa(v, L = L)
  for (solve.method in c("ls", "tls")) {
		for (subspace in c("column", "row")) {
			par <- parestimate(ss, groups = list(sines = 1:4),
												 subspace = subspace,
												 solve.method = solve.method)
			mu <- par$moduli * exp(pi * 2i / par$periods)
			expectred.mu <- exp(pi * 2i / c(T1, -T1, T2, -T2))

			expect_true(is_multisets_approx_equal(mu, expectred.mu),
									label = sprintf("Est. ch. roots for sum of sines with periods %3.1f and %3.1f are correct", T1, T2))

test_that("parestimate works correctly for two sines in MSSA", {
  r <- 4
  N1 <- 80
  N2 <- 85
  N3 <- 78
  L <- 15
  T1 <- 6
  T2 <- 11
  v1 <- sin(2 * pi * (1:N1) / T1) + sin(2 * pi * (1:N1) / T2)
  v2 <- sin(2 * pi * (1:N2) / T1) + sin(2 * pi * (1:N2) / T2)
  v3 <- sin(2 * pi * (1:N3) / T1) + sin(2 * pi * (1:N3) / T2)

  ss <- ssa(list(v1, v2, v3), L = L)
  for (solve.method in c("ls", "tls")) {
		for (subspace in c("column", "row")) {
			par <- parestimate(ss, groups = list(sines = 1:4),
												 subspace = subspace,
												 solve.method = solve.method)
			mu <- par$moduli * exp(pi * 2i / par$periods)
			expectred.mu <- exp(pi * 2i / c(T1, -T1, T2, -T2))

			expect_true(is_multisets_approx_equal(mu, expectred.mu),
									label = sprintf("Est. ch. roots for sum of sines with periods %3.1f and %3.1f are correct", T1, T2))

test_that("parestimate works correctly for two sines in shaped MSSA", {
  r <- 4
  N1 <- 80
  N2 <- 85
  N3 <- 78
  L <- 15
  T1 <- 6
  T2 <- 11
  v1 <- sin(2 * pi * (1:N1) / T1) + sin(2 * pi * (1:N1) / T2)
  v2 <- sin(2 * pi * (1:N2) / T1) + sin(2 * pi * (1:N2) / T2)
  v3 <- sin(2 * pi * (1:N3) / T1) + sin(2 * pi * (1:N3) / T2)

	v1[30:32] <- NA
	v2[40] <- NA
	v3[22] <- NA

  ss <- ssa(list(v1, v2, v3), L = L)
  for (solve.method in c("ls", "tls")) {
		for (subspace in c("column", "row")) {
			par <- parestimate(ss, groups = list(sines = 1:4),
												 subspace = subspace,
												 solve.method = solve.method)
			mu <- par$moduli * exp(pi * 2i / par$periods)
			expectred.mu <- exp(pi * 2i / c(T1, -T1, T2, -T2))

			expect_true(is_multisets_approx_equal(mu, expectred.mu),
									label = sprintf("Est. ch. roots for sum of sines with periods %3.1f and %3.1f are correct", T1, T2))

test_that("parestimate works correctly for two sines in circular case", {
  r <- 4
  N <- 40
  T1 <- 5
  T2 <- 8
  v <- sin(2 * pi * (1:N) / T1) + sin(2 * pi * (1:N) / T2)
  ss <- ssa(v, L = N, circular = TRUE)
	for (solve.method in c("ls", "tls")) {
		for (subspace in c("column", "row")) {
			par <- parestimate(ss,
												 groups = list(sines = 1:4),
												 subspace = subspace,
												 solve.method = solve.method)
			mu <- par$roots
			expectred.mu <- exp(pi * 2i / c(T1, -T1, T2, -T2))

			expect_true(is_multisets_approx_equal(mu, expectred.mu),
									label = sprintf("Est. ch. roots for sum of sines with periods %3.1f and %3.1f are correct", T1, T2))

test_that("parestimate works correctly for two sines in 2d case", {
  r <- 4
  N1 <- 55
  N2 <- 40
  T1 <- 5
  T2 <- 8
  v1 <- sin(2 * pi * (1:N1) / T1)
  v2 <- sin(2 * pi * (1:N2) / T2)
  mx <- outer(v1, v2)
  ss <- ssa(mx, kind = "2d-ssa")
  for (solve.method in c("ls", "tls")) {
    for (pairing.method in c("memp", "diag")) {
			for (subspace in c("column", "row")) {
				par <- parestimate(ss, groups = list(sines = 1:4),
													 subspace = subspace,
													 solve.method = solve.method,
													 pairing.method = pairing.method)
				lm <- par[[1]]$roots
				mu <- par[[2]]$roots
				expectred.lm <- exp(pi * 2i / c(T1, -T1, T1, -T1))
				expectred.mu <- exp(pi * 2i / c(T2, -T2, T2, -T2))

				expect_true(is_multisets_approx_equal(mu, expectred.mu) && is_multisets_approx_equal(lm , expectred.lm),
										label = sprintf("Est. ch. roots for sum of sines with periods %3.1f and %3.1f are correct (method = %s-%s)",
																		T1, T2, solve.method, pairing.method))

test_that("parestimate works correctly for two sines in shaped 2d case", {
  r <- 4
  N1 <- 55
  N2 <- 40
  T1 <- 5
  T2 <- 8
  v1 <- sin(2 * pi * (1:N1) / T1)
  v2 <- sin(2 * pi * (1:N2) / T2)
  mx <- outer(v1, v2)
  ss <- ssa(mx, kind = "2d-ssa", wmask = circle(10))
  for (solve.method in c("ls", "tls")) {
    for (pairing.method in c("memp", "diag")) {
			for (subspace in c("column", "row")) {
				par <- parestimate(ss, groups = list(sines = 1:4),
													 subspace = subspace,
													 solve.method = solve.method,
													 pairing.method = pairing.method)
				lm <- par[[1]]$roots
				mu <- par[[2]]$roots
				expectred.lm <- exp(pi * 2i / c(T1, -T1, T1, -T1))
				expectred.mu <- exp(pi * 2i / c(T2, -T2, T2, -T2))

				expect_true(is_multisets_approx_equal(mu, expectred.mu) && is_multisets_approx_equal(lm , expectred.lm),
										label = sprintf("Est. ch. roots for sum of sines with periods %3.1f and %3.1f are correct (method = %s-%s)",
																		T1, T2, solve.method, pairing.method))

test_that("parestimate works correctly for two sines in circular 2d case", {
  r <- 4
  N1 <- 55
  N2 <- 40
  T1 <- 5
  T2 <- 8
  expectred.lm <- exp(pi * 2i / c(T1, -T1, T1, -T1))
  expectred.mu <- exp(pi * 2i / c(T2, -T2, T2, -T2))

  v1 <- sin(2 * pi * (1:N1) / T1)
  v2 <- sin(2 * pi * (1:N2) / T2)
  mx <- outer(v1, v2)
  ss <- ssa(mx, kind = "2d-ssa", L = c(N1, N2), circular = TRUE)
  for (solve.method in c("ls", "tls")) {
    for (pairing.method in c("memp", "diag")) {
			for (subspace in c("column", "row")) {
				par <- parestimate(ss, groups = list(sines = 1:4),
													subspace = subspace,
													solve.method = solve.method,
													pairing.method = pairing.method)
				lm <- par[[1]]$roots
				mu <- par[[2]]$roots

				expect_true(is_multisets_approx_equal(mu, expectred.mu) && is_multisets_approx_equal(lm , expectred.lm),
										label = sprintf("Est. ch. roots for sum of sines with periods %3.1f and %3.1f are correct (method = %s-%s)",
																		T1, T2, solve.method, pairing.method))

test_that("parestimate works correctly for two sines in cylindrical 2d case", {
  r <- 4
  N1 <- 55
  N2 <- 40
  T1 <- 5
  T2 <- 8
  expectred.lm <- exp(pi * 2i / c(T1, -T1, T1, -T1))
  expectred.mu <- exp(pi * 2i / c(T2, -T2, T2, -T2))

  v1 <- sin(2 * pi * (1:N1) / T1)
  v2 <- sin(2 * pi * (1:N2) / T2)
  mx <- outer(v1, v2)
  ss <- ssa(mx, kind = "2d-ssa", L = c(N1, 20), circular = c(TRUE, FALSE))
  for (solve.method in c("ls", "tls")) {
    for (pairing.method in c("memp", "diag")) {
			for (subspace in c("column", "row")) {
				par <- parestimate(ss, groups = list(sines = 1:4),
													 subspace = subspace,
													 solve.method = solve.method,
													 pairing.method = pairing.method)
				lm <- par[[1]]$roots
				mu <- par[[2]]$roots

				expect_true(is_multisets_approx_equal(mu, expectred.mu) && is_multisets_approx_equal(lm , expectred.lm),
										label = sprintf("Est. ch. roots for sum of sines with periods %3.1f and %3.1f are correct (method = %s-%s)",
																		T1, T2, solve.method, pairing.method))

test_that("parestimate works correctly for complex exp", {
  lm <- 1 + 1i
  N <- 19
  t <- seq_len(N)
  v <- lm ^ t
  L <- 10
	for (solve.method in c("ls", "tls")) {
		for (subspace in c("column", "row")) {
			ss <- ssa(v, L = L)
			par <- parestimate(ss, groups = list(exp = 1),
												 subspace = subspace,
												 solve.method = solve.method)
			roots <- par$roots
			expect_true(is_multisets_approx_equal(roots, lm),
									label = sprintf("Est. ch. root for complex exp (%f+i%f) is correct (method = %s)",
																	Re(lm), Im(lm), solve.method))

test_that("parestimate works correctly for two complex exps", {
  lm1 <- 1 + 1i
  lm2 <- (1 + 2i) / sqrt(5)
  N <- 19
  t <- seq_len(N)
  v <- lm1 ^ t + lm2 ^ t
  L <- 10
  for (solve.method in c("ls", "tls")) {
		for (subspace in c("column", "row")) {
			ss <- ssa(v, L = L)
			par <- parestimate(ss, groups = list(exps = 1:2),
												 subspace = subspace,
												 solve.method = solve.method)
			roots <- par$roots
			expect_true(is_multisets_approx_equal(roots, c(lm1, lm2)),
									label = sprintf("Est. ch. roots for two complex exp (%f+i%f, %f+i%f) is correct (method = %s)",
																	Re(lm1), Im(lm1), Re(lm2), Im(lm2), solve.method))
asl/rssa documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 9:27 p.m.