
Defines functions parseAllNcOutputs parseDatesNcOutputs parseDatesNcFile parseValuesNcOutputs parseValuesNcFile parseScoresNcOutputs createStationsDataframe parseAllResultsText

Documented in createStationsDataframe parseAllNcOutputs parseAllResultsText parseDatesNcFile parseDatesNcOutputs parseScoresNcOutputs parseValuesNcFile parseValuesNcOutputs

#' Parse NetCDF files resulting from AtmoSwing optimizer.
#' Extract results (for both analogues and the target situations: dates, 
#' predictand values, prediction score) from the NetCDF files resulting from 
#' AtmoSwing optimizer.
#' @param directory Directory containing the outputs from AtmoSwing (containing 
#'   the "calibration" or "validation" directories).
#' @param station.id ID of the station time series.
#' @param period Either "calibration" or "validation".
#' @param level Analogy level.
#' @return Results of the analogue method.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data <- atmoswing::parseAllNcOutputs('optimizer-outputs/1/results', 1, 'validation')
#' }
#' @export
parseAllNcOutputs <- function(directory, station.id, period, level = 1) {
  assertthat::assert_that((period=='calibration' || period=='validation'), 
                          msg = 'period must be "calibration" or "validation"')
                          msg = paste(directory, 'is not a directory (wd:', 
                                      getwd(), ')'))
  # Look for the files
  path.values <- paste(directory, '/', period, '/AnalogValues_id_', 
                       station.id, '_step_', level-1, '.nc', sep='')
                          msg = paste(path.values, 'not found'))
  path.dates <- paste(directory, '/', period, '/AnalogDates_id_', 
                      station.id, '_step_', level-1, '.nc', sep='')
                          msg = paste(path.dates, 'not found'))
  path.scores <- paste(directory, '/', period, '/Scores_id_', 
                       station.id, '_step_', level-1, '.nc', sep='')
                          msg = paste(path.scores, 'not found'))
  # Open all files
  AV.nc = ncdf4::nc_open(path.values)
  AD.nc = ncdf4::nc_open(path.dates)
  AS.nc = ncdf4::nc_open(path.scores)
  # Get correct variable names
  analog_raw_name <- 'undefined'
  target_raw_name <- 'undefined'
  scores_name <- 'undefined'
  if ('analog_values_raw' %in% names(AV.nc$var)) {
    analog_raw_name <- 'analog_values_raw'
    target_raw_name <- 'target_values_raw'
  } else if ('analog_values_gross' %in% names(AV.nc$var)) {
    analog_raw_name <- 'analog_values_gross'
    target_raw_name <- 'target_values_gross'
  if ('forecast_scores' %in% names(AS.nc$var)) {
    scores_name <- 'forecast_scores'
  } else if ('scores' %in% names(AS.nc$var)) {
    scores_name <- 'scores'
  # Extract data
  AM <- list(
    analog.dates.MJD = t(ncdf4::ncvar_get(AD.nc, 'analog_dates')),
    analog.criteria = t(ncdf4::ncvar_get(AV.nc, 'analog_criteria')),
    analog.values.norm = t(ncdf4::ncvar_get(AV.nc, 'analog_values_norm')),
    analog.values.raw = t(ncdf4::ncvar_get(AV.nc, analog_raw_name)),
    target.dates.MJD = ncdf4::ncvar_get(AV.nc, 'target_dates'),
    target.dates.UTC = as.Date(astroFns::dmjd2ut(
      ncdf4::ncvar_get(AV.nc, 'target_dates'), tz= 'UTC' ), format='%Y.%m.%d'),
    target.values.norm = ncdf4::ncvar_get(AV.nc, 'target_values_norm'),
    target.values.raw = ncdf4::ncvar_get(AV.nc, target_raw_name),
    predict.score = t(ncdf4::ncvar_get(AS.nc, scores_name))
  # Close all files

#' Parse NetCDF files resulting from AtmoSwing optimizer.
#' Extract results (for both analogues and the target situations: dates) from 
#' the NetCDF files resulting from AtmoSwing optimizer.
#' @param directory Directory containing the outputs from AtmoSwing (containing 
#'   the "calibration" or "validation" directories).
#' @param station.id ID of the station time series.
#' @param period Either "calibration" or "validation".
#' @param level Analogy level.
#' @return Results of the analogue method.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data <- atmoswing::parseDatesNcOutputs('optimizer-outputs/1/results', 1, 'validation', 2)
#' }
#' @export
parseDatesNcOutputs <- function(directory, station.id, period, level = 1) {
  assertthat::assert_that((period=='calibration' || period=='validation'), 
                          msg = 'period must be "calibration" or "validation"')
                          msg = paste(directory, 'is not a directory (wd:', 
                                      getwd(), ')'))
  # Look for the files
  path.dates <- paste(directory, '/', period, '/AnalogDates_id_', 
                      station.id, '_step_', level-1, '.nc', sep='')
                          msg = paste(path.dates, 'not found'))
  # Parse the file
  AM <- parseDatesNcFile(path.dates)

#' Parse NetCDF files resulting from AtmoSwing optimizer.
#' Extract results (for both analogues and the target situations: dates) from 
#' the NetCDF files resulting from AtmoSwing optimizer.
#' @param filePath Path to the file containing the analog dates
#' @return Results of the analogue method.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data <- atmoswing::parseDatesNcFile('path/to/results/validation/AnalogDates_id_291_step_0.nc')
#' }
#' @export
parseDatesNcFile <- function(filePath) {
                          msg = paste(filePath, 'not found.'))
  # Open all files
  AD.nc = ncdf4::nc_open(filePath)
  # Extract data
  AM <- list(
    analog.dates.MJD = t(ncdf4::ncvar_get(AD.nc, 'analog_dates')),
    target.dates.MJD = ncdf4::ncvar_get(AD.nc, 'target_dates'),
    target.dates.UTC = as.Date(astroFns::dmjd2ut(
      ncdf4::ncvar_get(AD.nc, 'target_dates'), tz= 'UTC' ), format='%Y.%m.%d')
  # Close all files

#' Parse NetCDF files resulting from AtmoSwing optimizer.
#' Extract results (for both analogues and the target situations: predictand 
#' values) from the NetCDF files resulting from AtmoSwing optimizer.
#' @param directory Directory containing the outputs from AtmoSwing (containing 
#'   the "calibration" or "validation" directories).
#' @param station.id ID of the station time series.
#' @param period Either "calibration" or "validation".
#' @param level Analogy level.
#' @return Results of the analogue method.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data <- atmoswing::parseValuesNcOutputs('optimizer-outputs/1/results', 1, 'validation')
#' }
#' @export
parseValuesNcOutputs <- function(directory, station.id, period, level = 1) {
  assertthat::assert_that((period=='calibration' || period=='validation'), 
                          msg = 'period must be "calibration" or "validation"')
                          msg = paste(directory, 'is not a directory (wd:', 
                                      getwd(), ')'))
  # Look for the files
  path.values <- paste(directory, '/', period, '/AnalogValues_id_', 
                       station.id, '_step_', level-1, '.nc', sep='')
                          msg = paste(path.values, 'not found'))
  # Parse the file
  AM <- atmoswing::parseValuesNcFile(path.values)

#' Parse NetCDF files resulting from AtmoSwing optimizer.
#' Extract results (for both analogues and the target situations: predictand 
#' values) from the NetCDF files resulting from AtmoSwing optimizer.
#' @param filePath Path to the file containing the analog values
#' @return Results of the analogue method.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data <- atmoswing::parseDatesNcFile('path/to/results/validation/AnalogValues_id_291_step_0.nc')
#' }
#' @export
parseValuesNcFile <- function(filePath) {
                          msg = paste(filePath, 'not found.'))
  # Open all files
  AV.nc = ncdf4::nc_open(filePath)
  # Get correct variable names
  analog_raw_name <- 'undefined'
  target_raw_name <- 'undefined'
  if ('analog_values_raw' %in% names(AV.nc$var)) {
    analog_raw_name <- 'analog_values_raw'
    target_raw_name <- 'target_values_raw'
  } else if ('analog_values_gross' %in% names(AV.nc$var)) {
    analog_raw_name <- 'analog_values_gross'
    target_raw_name <- 'target_values_gross'
  # Extract data
  AM <- list(
    analog.values.raw = t(ncdf4::ncvar_get(AV.nc, analog_raw_name)),
    target.values.raw = ncdf4::ncvar_get(AV.nc, target_raw_name),
    target.dates.MJD = ncdf4::ncvar_get(AV.nc, 'target_dates'),
    target.dates.UTC = as.Date(astroFns::dmjd2ut(
      ncdf4::ncvar_get(AV.nc, 'target_dates'), tz= 'UTC' ), format='%Y.%m.%d')
  # Close all files

#' Parse NetCDF score files resulting from AtmoSwing optimizer.
#' Extract results (for the target situations: predictand values, prediction 
#' score) from the NetCDF files resulting from AtmoSwing optimizer.
#' @param directory Directory containing the outputs from AtmoSwing (containing 
#'   the "calibration" or "validation" directories).
#' @param station.id ID of the station time series.
#' @param period Either "calibration" or "validation".
#' @param level Analogy level.
#' @return Results of the analogue method.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data <- atmoswing::parseScoresNcOutputs('optimizer-outputs/1/results', 1, 'validation')
#' }
#' @export
parseScoresNcOutputs <- function(directory, station.id, period, level = 1) {
  assertthat::assert_that((period=='calibration' || period=='validation'), 
                          msg = 'period must be "calibration" or "validation"')
                          msg = paste(directory, 'is not a directory (wd:', 
                                      getwd(), ')'))
  # Look for the files
  path.values <- paste(directory, '/', period, '/AnalogValues_id_', 
                       station.id, '_step_', level-1, '.nc', sep='')
                          msg = paste(path.values, 'not found'))
  path.scores <- paste(directory, '/', period, '/Scores_id_', 
                       station.id, '_step_', level-1, '.nc', sep='')
                          msg = paste(path.scores, 'not found'))
  # Open all files
  AV.nc = ncdf4::nc_open(path.values)
  AS.nc = ncdf4::nc_open(path.scores)
  # Get correct variable names
  analog_raw_name <- 'undefined'
  target_raw_name <- 'undefined'
  scores_name <- 'undefined'
  if ('analog_values_raw' %in% names(AV.nc$var)) {
    analog_raw_name <- 'analog_values_raw'
    target_raw_name <- 'target_values_raw'
  } else if ('analog_values_gross' %in% names(AV.nc$var)) {
    analog_raw_name <- 'analog_values_gross'
    target_raw_name <- 'target_values_gross'
  if ('forecast_scores' %in% names(AS.nc$var)) {
    scores_name <- 'forecast_scores'
  } else if ('scores' %in% names(AS.nc$var)) {
    scores_name <- 'scores'
  # Extract data
  AM <- list(
    target.dates.MJD = ncdf4::ncvar_get(AV.nc, 'target_dates'),
    target.dates.UTC = as.Date(astroFns::dmjd2ut(
      ncdf4::ncvar_get(AV.nc, 'target_dates'), tz= 'UTC' ), format='%Y.%m.%d'),
    target.values.norm = ncdf4::ncvar_get(AV.nc, 'target_values_norm'),
    target.values.raw = ncdf4::ncvar_get(AV.nc, analog_raw_name),
    predict.score = t(ncdf4::ncvar_get(AS.nc, scores_name))
  # Close all files

#' Build a dataframe to store results.
#' Build an empty dataframe to store the stations properties.
#' @param predictandDB Path to the predictand DB.
#' @return The empty dataframe.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' stations <- atmoswing::createStationsDataframe()
#' }
#' @export
createStationsDataframe <- function(predictandDB) {
  predictandDB.nc <- ncdf4::nc_open(predictandDB)
  stations <- data.frame(
    id = ncdf4::ncvar_get(predictandDB.nc, varid = "station_ids"),
    x = ncdf4::ncvar_get(predictandDB.nc, varid = "station_x_coords"),
    y = ncdf4::ncvar_get(predictandDB.nc, varid = "station_y_coords"),
    h = ncdf4::ncvar_get(predictandDB.nc, varid = "station_heights"),
    p10 = ncdf4::ncvar_get(predictandDB.nc, varid = "daily_precipitations_for_return_periods")[4,]

#' Parse parameters resulting from AtmoSwing optimizer.
#' Extract resulting parameters from the text files resulting from AtmoSwing 
#' optimizer.
#' @param directory Root directory of multiple runs.
#' @param predictandDB Path to the predictand DB.
#' @param datasets List of datasets (must be used as folder names - e.g. /JRA-55/)
#' @param methods List of methods (must be used as folder names - e.g. /4Z/)
#' @param verbose Option to get verbose messages.
#' @return Results of the analogue method.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' datasets <- c('CFSR', 'ERA-20C', 'JRA-55')
#' methods <- c('2Z', '4Z', '4Z-2MI')
#' data <- atmoswing::parseAllResultsText('path/to/runs', datasets, methods)
#' }
#' @export
parseAllResultsText <- function(directory, predictandDB, datasets, methods, verbose = F) {
  stations <- atmoswing::createStationsDataframe(predictandDB)
  # List run files
  files <- list.files(c(directory, ""), pattern = "_station_(.*)_best_parameters.txt", 
                      full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
  if (!verbose) {
    pb <- txtProgressBar(max = length(datasets)*length(methods))
  # Parse results for all datasets
  for (dataset in datasets) {
    if (verbose) {
      message(paste("Dataset:", dataset))
    filesSlctDat <- files[ grep(paste("/", dataset, "/", sep = ""), files) ]
    for (method in methods) {
      if (verbose) {
        message(paste("Method:", method))
      filesSlct <- filesSlctDat[ grep(paste("/", method, "/", sep = ""), filesSlctDat) ]
      fieldNameCalib <- paste(dataset, "_", method, "_calib", sep = "")
      fieldNameValid <- paste(dataset, "_", method, "_valid", sep = "")
      fieldAnb <- paste(dataset, "_", method, "_anb", sep = "")
      fieldXmin <- paste(dataset, "_", method, "_xmin", sep = "")
      fieldYmin <- paste(dataset, "_", method, "_ymin", sep = "")
      fieldXstep <- paste(dataset, "_", method, "_xstep", sep = "")
      fieldYstep <- paste(dataset, "_", method, "_ystep", sep = "")
      fieldXpts <- paste(dataset, "_", method, "_xpts", sep = "")
      fieldYpts <- paste(dataset, "_", method, "_ypts", sep = "")
      fieldXw <- paste(dataset, "_", method, "_xw", sep = "")
      fieldYw <- paste(dataset, "_", method, "_yw", sep = "")
      # Parse files
      for (file in filesSlct) {
        dat <- read.delim(file, header = FALSE, skip = 1)
        posStation <- which(dat == "Station")
        stationId <- dat[[posStation+1]]
        if (verbose) {
          message(paste("Station:", stationId))
        # Analog number
        pos <- which(dat == "Anb")
        for (i in 1:length(pos)) {
          fullFieldName <- paste(fieldAnb, "_", i, sep = "")
          if (verbose) {
            message(paste("Field:", fullFieldName))
          if(!fullFieldName %in% colnames(stations)) {
            stations[fullFieldName] <- NA
          stations[[fullFieldName]][which(stations$id == stationId)] <- dat[[pos[[i]]+1]]
        # Xmin
        pos <- which(dat == "Xmin" | dat == "xMin")
        for (i in 1:length(pos)) {
          fullFieldName <- paste(fieldXmin, "_", i, sep = "")
          if (verbose) {
            message(paste("Field:", fullFieldName))
          if(!fullFieldName %in% colnames(stations)) {
            stations[fullFieldName] <- NA
          stations[[fullFieldName]][which(stations$id == stationId)] <- dat[[pos[[i]]+1]]
        # Ymin
        pos <- which(dat == "Ymin" | dat == "yMin")
        for (i in 1:length(pos)) {
          if (verbose) {
            message(paste("Field:", fullFieldName))
          fullFieldName <- paste(fieldYmin, "_", i, sep = "")
          if(!fullFieldName %in% colnames(stations)) {
            stations[fullFieldName] <- NA
          stations[[fullFieldName]][which(stations$id == stationId)] <- dat[[pos[[i]]+1]]
        # Xstep
        pos <- which(dat == "Xstep" | dat == "xStep")
        for (i in 1:length(pos)) {
          fullFieldName <- paste(fieldXstep, "_", i, sep = "")
          if (verbose) {
            message(paste("Field:", fullFieldName))
          if(!fullFieldName %in% colnames(stations)) {
            stations[fullFieldName] <- NA
          stations[[fullFieldName]][which(stations$id == stationId)] <- dat[[pos[[i]]+1]]
        # Ystep
        pos <- which(dat == "Ystep" | dat == "yStep")
        for (i in 1:length(pos)) {
          fullFieldName <- paste(fieldYstep, "_", i, sep = "")
          if (verbose) {
            message(paste("Field:", fullFieldName))
          if(!fullFieldName %in% colnames(stations)) {
            stations[fullFieldName] <- NA
          stations[[fullFieldName]][which(stations$id == stationId)] <- dat[[pos[[i]]+1]]
        # Xpts
        pos <- which(dat == "Xptsnb" | dat == "xPtsNb")
        for (i in 1:length(pos)) {
          fullFieldName <- paste(fieldXw, "_", i, sep = "")
          fullFieldNamePts <- paste(fieldXpts, "_", i, sep = "")
          if (verbose) {
            message(paste("Field:", fullFieldName))
          if(!fullFieldName %in% colnames(stations)) {
            stations[fullFieldName] <- NA
            stations[fullFieldNamePts] <- NA
          stations[[fullFieldName]][which(stations$id == stationId)] <- (dat[[pos[[i]]+1]] - 1) * dat[[pos[[i]]+3]]
          stations[[fullFieldNamePts]][which(stations$id == stationId)] <- dat[[pos[[i]]+1]]
        # Ypts
        pos <- which(dat == "Yptsnb" | dat == "yPtsNb")
        for (i in 1:length(pos)) {
          fullFieldName <- paste(fieldYw, "_", i, sep = "")
          fullFieldNamePts <- paste(fieldYpts, "_", i, sep = "")
          if (verbose) {
            message(paste("Field:", fullFieldName))
          if(!fullFieldName %in% colnames(stations)) {
            stations[fullFieldName] <- NA
            stations[fullFieldNamePts] <- NA
          stations[[fullFieldName]][which(stations$id == stationId)] <- (dat[[pos[[i]]+1]] - 1) * dat[[pos[[i]]+3]]
          stations[[fullFieldNamePts]][which(stations$id == stationId)] <- dat[[pos[[i]]+1]]
        # Score
        posScore <- which(dat == "Calib")
        if(!fieldNameCalib %in% colnames(stations)) {
          stations[fieldNameCalib] <- NA
          stations[fieldNameValid] <- NA
        stations[[fieldNameCalib]][which(stations$id == stationId)] <- dat[[posScore+1]]
        stations[[fieldNameValid]][which(stations$id == stationId)] <- dat[[posScore+3]]
      if (!verbose) {
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, value = getTxtProgressBar(pb)+1)
  if (!verbose) {
atmoswing/R-toolbox documentation built on Nov. 8, 2019, 3:49 p.m.