
Defines functions ipyToJson importIpynb cellImportCheck

Documented in cellImportCheck importIpynb ipyToJson

#' Maps Ipynotebook to gist list
#' @param json Json list
#' @param filename filename
#' @return list
ipyToJson <- function(json, filename){

  notebookName <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(filename))

  notebook <- list(description = notebookName, files = list())

  for(i in seq_along(json$cells)){

    cellContent <- cellImportCheck(json$cells[[i]],
                                   fileEtx = json$metadata$language_info$file_extension)

  # Check cell has content before creating
  if(nchar(paste0(cellContent$content, collapse = "")) > 0){
    notebook$files[[paste0("part", i,  cellContent$ext)]] <- list(content =  paste(unlist(cellContent$content), collapse = ""))




#' Converts Json list to Rcloud notebook
#' @param text Json list
#' @param filename filename
#' @return notebook
#' @export

importIpynb <- function(text, filename){

  notebook <- ipyToJson(text, filename)

  res <- rcloud.support::rcloud.create.notebook(notebook, FALSE)

  if (!isTRUE(res$ok)) stop("failed to create new notebook")


#' Checks cell type
#' @param cell Json cell
#' @param fileEtx extracted from Json metadata
#' @return character string

cellImportCheck <- function(cell, fileEtx){

  content <-  cell$source

  ext <- if(cell$cell_type == "code"){
  } else if(cell$cell_type == "markdown"){
  } else{
    stop("Cell type unknown")

  ## Cell magics %%R %%! %%sh
  ## Line magics %R !
  lookUp <- data.frame(magic = c("%%R", "%R", "^!", "%%!", "%%sh"),
                       extn = c(".R", ".R", ".sh", ".sh", ".sh"))

  for(i in seq_along(lookUp$magic)){
    theMagic <- paste0("^", lookUp$magic[i])

    if(length(grep(theMagic, content)) > 0){

      content <- gsub(theMagic, replacement = "", x = content )
      content[1] <- gsub("^\n", "",content[1]) # Clean up first line after removing the magic
      ext <- lookUp$extn[i]

  # Remove rpy2.ipython cell/line created by export
  content <- gsub("%load_ext rpy2.ipython", "", content)

  return(c(content = list(content), ext = as.character(ext)))

att/rcloud.jupyter.notebooks documentation built on Sept. 1, 2019, 4:33 p.m.