#' @title
#' Forest Plot
#' @description
#' Produces a forest plot of point estimates and 95% credible intervals obtained with the quantile
#' method.
#' @param nma A \code{BUGSnetRun} object produced by running \code{nma.run()}.
#' @param comparator The treatment to use as a comparator
#' @param central.tdcy The posterior statistic used in order to measure relative effectiveness. The options are "mean" and "median". Default is median.
#' @param order Optional. A vector of strings representing the order in which to display the treatments.
#' @param lwd Line width relative to the default (default=1).
#' @param x.trans Optional. A string indicating a transformation to apply to the x-axis. Setting this parameter to "log" is useful when there are extreme values or to allow an easier interpretation of odds ratios and relative ratios (if e.g. treatment B is twice as far from the line y=1 then treatment A then it's OR/RR is twice that of treatment A.)
#' @param log.scale If TRUE, odds ratios, relative risk or hazard ratios are reported on the log scale. Default is FALSE.
#' @param cov.value Must be specified for meta-regression. This is the value of the covariate for which to report the results.
#' @return \code{forestplot} - A forest plot.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{nma.run}}, \code{\link{nma.league}}, \code{\link{nma.rank}}
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join mutate rename select starts_with summarise_all
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes coord_flip geom_hline geom_pointrange ggplot scale_x_discrete scale_y_continuous theme_classic xlab ylab
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %<>%
#' @importFrom scales pretty_breaks
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @examples
#' data(diabetes.sim)
#' diabetes.slr <- data.prep(arm.data = diabetes.sim,
#' varname.t = "Treatment",
#' varname.s = "Study")
#' #Random effects, consistency model.
#' #Binomial family, cloglog link. This implies that the scale will be the Hazard Ratio.
#' diabetes.re.c <- nma.model(
#' data = diabetes.slr,
#' outcome = "diabetes",
#' N = "n",
#' reference = "Placebo",
#' family = "binomial",
#' link = "cloglog",
#' effects = "random",
#' type = "consistency",
#' time = "followup"
#' )
#' diabetes.re.c.res <- nma.run(
#' model = diabetes.re.c,
#' n.adapt = 100,
#' n.burnin = 0,
#' n.iter = 100
#' )
#' #make forest plot
#' nma.forest(nma = diabetes.re.c.res, comparator="Placebo")
#' @export
nma.forest <- function(
central.tdcy = "median",
order = NULL,
log.scale = FALSE,
lwd = 1,
x.trans = NULL,
cov.value = NULL
# Bind variables to function
key <- NULL
value <- NULL
trt <- NULL
lci <- NULL
uci <- NULL
if (!inherits(nma, 'BUGSnetRun'))
stop("\'nma\' must be a valid BUGSnetRun object created using the nma.run function.")
if(!is.null(nma$model$covariate) & is.null(cov.value)) stop("cov.value must be specified for meta-regression")
if(nma$model$type=="inconsistency") {
stop('This function has not been implemented yet for the inconsistency model.')
x2 <- do.call(rbind, nma$samples) %>% data.frame() %>% select(starts_with("d."))
trt.names <- nma$trt.key
colnames(x2) <- trt.names
betamat <- do.call(rbind, nma$samples) %>% data.frame() %>% select(starts_with("beta."))
trt.names <- nma$trt.key
colnames(betamat) <- trt.names
x2 <- x2+betamat*(cov.value-nma$model$mean.cov)
x3 <- x2
new.vars <- paste0(colnames(x2), "-", comparator)
for(i in 1:ncol(x2)) {
x3[[new.vars[i]]] <- x2[, i] - x2[,comparator]
x3 %<>% select(new.vars)
colnames(x3) <- trt.names
x3 %<>% select(-comparator)
if(log.scale==FALSE & nma$link!="identity"){
tmp.mean <- x3 %>%
summarise_all(list(mean = exp.mean)) %>% gather() %>%
rename(trt = key, mean = value) %>%
mutate(trt = sub("_mean", "", trt))
}else if(central.tdcy=="median"){
tmp.mean <- x3 %>%
summarise_all(list(mean = exp.median)) %>% gather() %>%
rename(trt = key, mean = value) %>%
mutate(trt = sub("_mean", "", trt))
}else stop("central.tdcy must be mean or median")
tmp.lci <- x3 %>%
summarise_all(list(lci = exp.lci)) %>% gather() %>%
rename(trt = key, lci = value) %>%
mutate(trt = sub("_lci", "", trt))
tmp.uci <- x3 %>%
summarise_all(list(uci = exp.uci)) %>% gather() %>%
rename(trt = key, uci = value) %>%
mutate(trt = sub("_uci", "", trt))
null.value <- 1
} else{
tmp.mean <- x3 %>%
summarise_all(list(mean = id.mean)) %>% gather() %>%
rename(trt = key, mean = value) %>%
mutate(trt = sub("_mean", "", trt))
}else if(central.tdcy=="median"){
tmp.mean <- x3 %>%
summarise_all(list(mean = id.median)) %>% gather() %>%
rename(trt = key, mean = value) %>%
mutate(trt = sub("_mean", "", trt))
}else stop("central.tdcy must be mean or median")
tmp.lci <- x3 %>%
summarise_all(list(lci = id.lci)) %>% gather() %>%
rename(trt = key, lci = value) %>%
mutate(trt = sub("_lci", "", trt))
tmp.uci <- x3 %>%
summarise_all(list(uci = id.uci)) %>% gather() %>%
rename(trt = key, uci = value) %>%
mutate(trt = sub("_uci", "", trt))
null.value <- 0
log.str <- ""
} else{
log.str <- "Log "
tmp1 <- left_join(tmp.mean, tmp.lci, by = "trt") %>%
left_join(., tmp.uci, by = "trt") %>% data.frame()
cov.str <- paste0(" when ",nma$model$covariate,"=",cov.value)
}else cov.str <- ""
#Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE","C") #for sorting mix of capital and small cap
if(is.null(order)){order <- sort(tmp1$trt, decreasing=TRUE)
}else if(comparator %in% order){order <- order[-which(order==comparator)]
f.plot <- ggplot(tmp1, aes(x=trt, y=mean, ymin=lci, ymax=uci)) +
geom_pointrange(size=lwd) +
geom_hline(yintercept=null.value,lty=2) +
scale_x_discrete(limits = order) +
xlab("Treatment") +
ylab(paste0(log.str, nma$scale, " relative to ",comparator, cov.str,
"\n(showing posterior ", central.tdcy," with 95% CrI)")) +
coord_flip() +
theme_classic() #+
#labs(caption = paste("note: each treatment compared to", comparator))
f.plot <- f.plot +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = pretty_breaks(n=10 ))
f.plot <- f.plot +
breaks = pretty_breaks(n=10))
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