#' The configurations by iteration and instance
#' This is a simplified version of the visualization you can obtain with
#' [`acviz`](https://github.com/souzamarcelo/acviz). This function is currently
#' @template arg_irace_results
#' @template arg_rpd
#' @template arg_filename
#' @template arg_interactive
#' @return [ggplot2::ggplot()] object
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' iraceResults <- read_logfile(system.file(package="iraceplot", "exdata",
#' "guide-example.Rdata", mustWork = TRUE))
#' configurations_display(iraceResults)
#' }
#' @export
configurations_display <- function(irace_results, rpd = TRUE, filename = NULL, interactive = base::interactive())
# FIXME: This function takes a long time.
# variable assignment
time <- bound <- instance <- configuration <- iteration <- nconfig <- cont_exe <- NULL
nconfig <- 0L
experiments <- irace_results$experiments
if (rpd) experiments <- calculate_rpd(experiments)
experiments <- as.data.frame(irace_results$experiments)
exp_log <- irace_results$state$experiment_log
exp_log[, let(time=NULL,bound=NULL,value=as.numeric(NA),execution=as.numeric(NA))]
# the values of each configuration are added to the table
cont_exe <- 0L
# FIXME: This loop is too slow. What is it doing?
# FIXME: Use data.table
for (i in seq_nrow(exp_log)) {
for (j in seq_nrow(irace_results$experiments)) {
if (!is.na(experiments[[exp_log$configuration[i]]][j])) {
cont_exe <- cont_exe + 1L
if (is.na(exp_log$value[i])) {
exp_log$value[i] <- experiments[[exp_log$configuration[i]]][j]
exp_log$execution[i] <- cont_exe
} else {
add <- exp_log[i, ]
add$value <- experiments[[exp_log$configuration[i]]][j]
add$execution <- cont_exe
exp_log <- rbind(exp_log, add)
# new columns are created and added to the table
exp_log <- exp_log[order(exp_log$execution), ]
exp_log <- cbind(exp_log, type = NA, conf_it = NA, instance_it = NA, media_regular = NA, media_elite = NA,
regular_color = "median iteration", elite_color = "median elites")
# FIXME: This code needs to be revised.
# the data is added to the conf_it, instance_it and type columns
for (j in seq_along(irace_results$allElites)) {
nconfig <- max(exp_log$execution[exp_log$iteration == j])
exp_log$conf_it[exp_log$iteration == j] <- nconfig
exp_log$instance_it[exp_log$iteration == j] <- max(unique(exp_log$instance[exp_log$iteration == j]))
is_elite <- exp_log$configuration %in% irace_results$allElites[[j]]
exp_log$type[exp_log$iteration == j & !is_elite] <- "regular config."
if (j == length(irace_results$allElites)) {
exp_log$type[exp_log$iteration == j & is_elite] <- "final elite config."
exp_log$type[exp_log$iteration == j & (exp_log$configuration %in% irace_results$allElites[[j]][1])] <- "best found config."
} else {
exp_log$type[exp_log$iteration == j & is_elite] <- "elite config."
# The mean values are calculated in the configurations by iteration
for (k in seq_along(irace_results$allElites)) {
# FIXME: This is not the median but the mean???
exp_log$media_regular[exp_log$iteration == k] <- mean(exp_log$value[exp_log$iteration == k])
exp_log$media_elite[exp_log$iteration == k] <- mean(exp_log$value[exp_log$iteration == k & (exp_log$type == "elite config." | exp_log$type == "final elite config." | exp_log$type == "best found config.")])
# Instance and configuration columns are converted to character
exp_log$instance[1] <- as.character(exp_log$instance[1])
exp_log$configuration[1] <- as.character(exp_log$configuration[1])
execution <- NULL # CRAN warning
# the text column is generated
exp_log <- exp_log %>%
mutate(text = paste0("execution: ", execution, "\n", "instance: ", instance, "\n", "configuration: ", configuration, "\n"))
# the execution column is passed to factor and added to the table
exe_factor <- factor(exp_log$execution)
levels(exe_factor) <- exp_log$execution
exp_log <- cbind(exp_log, exe_factor)
value <- text <- type <- media_elite <- elite_color <- media_regular <- regular_color <- NULL # Silence CRAN warning
# point plot creation
p <- ggplot(exp_log, aes(x = exe_factor, y = value, color = instance, text = text)) +
geom_point(aes(shape = type, size = type, alpha = type)) +
facet_grid(cols = ggplot2::vars(exp_log$instance_it), scales = "free_x", space = "free_x") +
scale_shape_manual(values = c(22, 21, 24, 4)) +
scale_color_manual(values = c(rainbow(n_distinct(exp_log$instance)), "red", "orange"), breaks = c("median elites", "median iteration")) +
scale_size_manual(values = c(2, 2, 2, 0.5)) +
scale_alpha_manual(values = c(0.8, 0.6, 1, 0.2)) +
scale_x_discrete(breaks = c(1, unique(exp_log$conf_it))) +
x = "Candidate evaluations",
y = "RPD",
subtitle = "Instances evaluated"
) +
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
strip.text.x = element_text(size = 8),
legend.position = "right",
legend.title = element_blank()
) +
geom_point(mapping = aes(y = media_elite, color = elite_color), size = 0.1, ) +
geom_point(mapping = aes(y = media_regular, color = regular_color), size = 0.1)
if (interactive)
p <- plotly::ggplotly(p, tooltip = "text")
# If the value in filename is added the pdf file is created
if (!is.null(filename)) {
ggsave(filename, plot = p)
# If you do not add the value of filename, the plot is displayed
} else {
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