# Get the domain intervals to build a heat map plot over
# the parameters values
# @description
# The `get_domain` function generates a set of size intervals
# based on the domain of a parameter
# @param param_name
# String, name of a parameter in the parameters object
# @template arg_parameters
# @param size
# Integer, number of intervals to create in the domain
# @return list with domain elements:
# - param_name: parameter name
# - type: parameter type either "n" (numerical) or "c" categorical
# - size: size of the resulting domains
# - param: ticks for the plot
# - names: domain labels for the plot
# - domain: starting points of the intervals
get_domain <- function(param_name, parameters, size)
# FIXME: log parameters do not work this way.
is_real <- function(param_name, parameters) parameters$types[param_name] %in% c("r", "r,log")
is_integer <- function(param_name, parameters) parameters$types[param_name] %in% c("i", "i,log")
is_cat <- function(param_name, parameters) parameters$types[param_name] %in% c("c", "o")
old_domain <- parameters$domains[[param_name]]
if (is_cat(param_name, parameters)) {
size <- length(old_domain)
type <- "c"
param <- 1:length(old_domain)
domain <- old_domain
names <- old_domain
} else {
if (is_real(param_name, parameters)) {
# Set default size
if (size <= 0)
size <- 10
} else if (size <= 0) {
size <- old_domain[2L] - old_domain[1]
size <- min(10L, size)
} else if (size > (old_domain[2L] - old_domain[1])) {
cli_alert_info(paste0("{.strong Note}: step size for integer parameters should not exceed",
" the size of their domain. Parameter {.field {param_name}} domain size: {old_domain[2L] - old_domain[1]}, provided step size: {size}. Setting step size to: {min(old_domain[2L] - old_domain[1], 10L)}\n"))
size <- min(old_domain[2L] - old_domain[1], 10L)
type <- "n"
param <- seq(1,size)
domain <- seq(old_domain[1], old_domain[2L], length.out = size+1)
# Generate domain names
names <- c()
for (i in 1:(size-1))
names <- c(names, paste0("[", domain[i], ",", domain[i+1], ")"))
names <- c(names, paste0("[",domain[size],",", domain[size+1], "]"))
list(param_name = param_name,
type = type,
size = size,
param = param,
names = names,
domain = domain)
# Assigns a vector of parameter values to a domain obtained with the
# get_domain function.
# @description
# The `which_domain` function generates a vector a transformed parameter values.
# These correspond to values of the intervals defined by the domain.
# @param param_values
# Vector, a vector of parameter values
# @param domain
# List, the domain definition obtained from the get_domain function
# @return a vector a transformed parameter values
which_domain <- function(param_values, domain)
data <- rep(NA, length(param_values))
if (domain$type == "c") {
for (i in 1:domain$size) {
sel <- which(!is.na(param_values) & (param_values == domain$domain[i]))
data[sel] <- i
} else if (domain$type == "n") {
for (i in 1:(domain$size-1)) {
sel <- which(!is.na(param_values) & (param_values >= domain$domain[i]) &
(param_values < (domain$domain[i+1])))
data[sel] <- i
# last interval should include last value
sel <- which(!is.na(param_values) & (param_values >= domain$domain[domain$size]) &
(param_values <= (domain$domain[domain$size+1])))
data[sel] <- domain$size
data[is.na(param_values)] <- 0
#' Sampling heat map plot
#' Heatmap that displays the frequency of sampling values of two parameters.
#' @template arg_irace_results
#' @template arg_param_names
#' @param sizes
#' Numeric vector that indicated the number of intervals to be considered for numerical
#' parameters. This argument is positional with respect to param_names. By default,
#' numerical parameters are displayed using 10 intervals.
#' (example sizes = c(0,10))
#' @param iterations
#' Numeric vector, iteration number that should be included in the plot
#' (example: iterations = c(1,4,5))
#' @param only_elite
#' logical (default TRUE), only print elite configurations.
#' @template arg_filename
#' @return sampling heat map plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' iraceResults <- read_logfile(system.file(package="irace", "exdata",
#' "irace-acotsp.Rdata", mustWork = TRUE))
#' sampling_heatmap(iraceResults, param_names=c("beta", "alpha"))
#' sampling_heatmap(iraceResults, param_names=c("beta", "alpha"), iterations = c(3,4))
#' sampling_heatmap(iraceResults, param_names=c("beta", "alpha"), only_elite = FALSE)
sampling_heatmap <- function(irace_results, param_names, sizes = c(0,0),
iterations = NULL, only_elite = TRUE,
filename = NULL)
parameters <- irace_results$scenario$parameters
# Check parameter values
param_names <- check_unknown_param_names(param_names, parameters$names)
if (length(param_names) != 2L) stop("'param_names' must specify two parameters")
# Check iterations
if (is.null(iterations)) {
iterations <- seq_along(irace_results$allElites)
} else {
it <- seq_along(irace_results$allElites)
if (any(!(iterations %in% it))) {
stop("The iterations entered are outside the possible range")
iteration <- configuration <- NULL # Silence CRAN warnings
# Check configurations
id_configuration <- if (only_elite)
unlist(irace_results$allElites[iterations]) else
irace_results$state$experiment_log[iteration %in% iterations, configuration]
id_configuration <- unique(id_configuration)
# Select data
config <- irace_results$allConfigurations[irace_results$allConfigurations[[".ID."]] %in% id_configuration, ,drop=FALSE]
config <- config[, colnames(config) %in% param_names]
domain1 <- get_domain(param_names[1], parameters, sizes[1])
domain2 <- get_domain(param_names[2], parameters, sizes[2])
params <- data.frame(param1 = which_domain(config[, param_names[1L]], domain1),
param2 = which_domain(config[, param_names[2L]], domain2),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
domain_names1 <- domain1$names
if (any(params$param1 == 0)) {
domain_names1 <- c("NA", domain1$names)
params$param1 <- factor(params$param1, levels=c(0,domain1$param))
} else {
params$param1 <- factor(params$param1, levels=domain1$param)
domain_names2 <- domain2$names
if (any(params$param2 == 0)) {
domain_names2 <- c("NA", domain2$names)
params$param2 <- factor(params$param2, levels=c(0, domain2$param))
} else {
params$param2 <- factor(params$param2, levels=domain2$param)
param1 <- param2 <- n <- NULL # Silence warnings
df <- params %>% count(param1, param2, .drop = FALSE)
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = param1, y = param2, fill=n)) +
geom_tile(color = "white", lwd = 0.5, linetype = 1) +
labs(x = param_names[1L], y = param_names[2L]) +
scale_x_discrete(labels=domain_names1) +
scale_y_discrete(labels=domain_names2) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=0),
legend.title = element_blank())
# If the value in filename is added the pdf file is created
if (!is.null(filename)) {
ggsave(filename, plot = p)
# If you do not add the value of filename, the plot is displayed
} else {
#' Sampling heat map plot
#' Heatmap that displays the frequency of sampling values of two parameters.
#' @param configurations
#' Data frame, configurations in `irace` format
#' (example: `configurations = iraceResults$allConfigurations`)
#' @template arg_parameters
#' @param param_names
#' String vector of size 2, names of the parameters that should be included in the plot
#' (example: param_names = c("beta","alpha"))
#' @param sizes
#' Numeric vector that indicated the number of intervals to be considered for numerical
#' parameters. This argument is positional with respect to param_names. By default,
#' numerical parameters are displayed using 10 intervals.
#' (example sizes = c(0,10))
#' @template arg_filename
#' @return sampling heat map plot
#' @examples
#' iraceResults <- read_logfile(system.file(package="irace", "exdata",
#' "irace-acotsp.Rdata", mustWork = TRUE))
#' sampling_heatmap2(iraceResults$allConfigurations, iraceResults$scenario$parameters,
#' param_names=c("beta", "alpha"))
#' @export
sampling_heatmap2 <- function(configurations, parameters, param_names,
sizes = c(0,0), filename = NULL)
param_names <- check_unknown_param_names(param_names, parameters$names)
if (length(param_names) != 2L) stop("'param_names' must specify two parameters")
# Select data
config <- configurations[, colnames(configurations) %in% param_names]
domain1 <- get_domain(param_names[1L], parameters, sizes[1L])
domain2 <- get_domain(param_names[2L], parameters, sizes[2L])
params <- data.frame(param1 = which_domain(config[, param_names[1L]], domain1),
param2 = which_domain(config[, param_names[2L]], domain2),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
domain_names1 <- domain1$names
if (any(params$param1 == 0)) {
domain_names1 <- c("NA", domain1$names)
params$param1 <- factor(params$param1, levels=c(0,domain1$param))
} else {
params$param1 <- factor(params$param1, levels=domain1$param)
domain_names2 <- domain2$names
if (any(params$param2 == 0)) {
domain_names2 <- c("NA", domain2$names)
params$param2 <- factor(params$param2, levels=c(0, domain2$param))
} else {
params$param2 <- factor(params$param2, levels=domain2$param)
param1 <- param2 <- n <- NULL
df <- params %>% count(param1, param2, .drop = FALSE)
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = param1, y = param2, fill=n)) +
geom_tile(color = "white", lwd = 0.5, linetype = 1) +
labs(x = param_names[1L], y = param_names[2L]) +
scale_x_discrete(labels=domain_names1) +
scale_y_discrete(labels=domain_names2) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=0),
legend.title = element_blank())
# If the value in filename is added the pdf file is created
if (!is.null(filename)) {
ggsave(filename, plot = p)
# If you do not add the value of filename, the plot is displayed
} else {
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