
Defines functions fes_debugHandles fes_isDebugHandlesEnabled fes_debugCalculate fes_isDebugCalculateEnabled fes_new fes_delete fes_calculate fes_calculate.double fes_calculate.list fes_calculate.data.frame fes_calculate.matrix fes_calculate.tbl_df

Documented in fes_calculate fes_calculate.data.frame fes_calculate.double fes_calculate.list fes_calculate.matrix fes_calculate.tbl_df fes_debugCalculate fes_debugHandles fes_delete fes_isDebugCalculateEnabled fes_isDebugHandlesEnabled fes_new

#' Enables FES2014 handle debugging
#' @param enable logical; TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' fes_debug(TRUE)
#' hdl <- fes_new("ocean", "memory", "data/fes2014/eastward_velocity.ini")
#' # Created FES handle: 9c5b5020
#' fes_calculate(hdl, 50.10, -2.40, 1570536000)
#' fes_delete(hdl)
#' # Destroying FES handle: 9c5b5020
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' fes_debug(TRUE)
#' hdl <- fes_new("ocean", "memory", "data/fes2014/eastward_velocity.ini")
#' # Created FES handle: 8ca5f830
#' q()
#' # Finalizing handle: 8ca5f830
#' # Destroying FES handle: 8ca5f830
#' }
#' @export
fes_debugHandles <- function(enable) {
  .Call("fes2014_debugHandles", as.logical(enable), PACKAGE = "Rfes2014")

#' Checks if debugging handles is enabled
#' @return logical; TRUE if debug is enabled, FALSE if debug is disabled
#' @examples
#' fes_isDebugHandlesEnabled()
#' fes_debugHandles(TRUE)
#' fes_isDebugHandlesEnabled()
#' @export
fes_isDebugHandlesEnabled <- function() {
  return(.Call("fes2014_isDebugHandlesEnabled", PACKAGE = "Rfes2014"))

#' Enables debug print statements showing the calculation flow of Rfes2014
#' @param enable logical; TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' fes_debug(TRUE)
#' hdl <- fes_new("ocean", "memory", "data/fes2014/eastward_velocity.ini")
#' fes_calculate(hdl, 50.10, -2.40, 1570536000)
#' # UseMethod Type: double
#' # Using generic: fes_calculate.double
#' # Calculating for: 50.100000 -2.400000 25482.500000
#' # Result: -24.965188 0.210749 4
#' # Calculating for: 50.100000 -2.400000 25482.500000
#' # Result: -24.965188 0.210749 4
#' fes_delete(hdl)
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' fes_debug(TRUE)
#' hdl <- fes_new("ocean", "memory", "data/fes2014/eastward_velocity.ini")
#' fes_calculate(hdl, c(50.10, 50.10), c(-2.50, -2.40), c(1570536000, 1570536000))
#' # UseMethod Type: double; Class: numeric; Length: 3
#' # Using generic: fes_calculate.list
#' # Processing 2 rows
#' #   [0] Calculating for: 50.100000 -2.500000 25482.500000
#' #   [0] Result: -22.001810 0.227711 4
#' #   [1] Calculating for: 50.100000 -2.400000 25482.500000
#' #   [1] Result: -24.965188 0.210749 4
#' fes_delete(hdl)
#' }
#' @export
fes_debugCalculate <- function(enable) {
  .Call("fes2014_debugCalculate", as.logical(enable), PACKAGE = "Rfes2014")

#' Checks if calculation debug output is enabled
#' @return logical; TRUE if debug is enabled, FALSE if debug is disabled
#' @examples
#' fes_isDebugCalculateEnabled()
#' fes_debug(TRUE)
#' fes_isDebugCalculateEnabled()
#' @export
fes_isDebugCalculateEnabled <- function() {
  return(.Call("fes2014_isDebugCalculateEnabled", PACKAGE = "Rfes2014"))

#' Create a handle to a new FES2014 instance
#' FES2014 handles are used in \code{\link{fes_calculate}} and can either be
#' cleaned up manually with \code{\link{fes_delete}} or are finalized
#' automatically when the R session is destroyed.
#' @param tide_type string; one of "ocean", "tide" or "radial"
#' @param access_mode string; one of "io" or "memory"
#' @param ini_file string; path to a fes2014 configuration file
#' @return <extpointer> A handle to a FES2014 instance
#' @seealso \code{\link{fes_delete}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hdl <- fes_new("ocean", "memory", "data/fes2014/eastward_velocity.ini")
#' }
#' @export
fes_new <- function(tide_type, access_mode, ini_file) {
  if (!(tide_type %in% c("ocean", "tide", "radial"))) {
    stop("tide_type must be one of c(ocean, radial)")
  if (!(access_mode %in% c("memory", "io"))) {
    stop("access_mode must be one of c(memory, io)")
  if (!(file.exists(ini_file))) {
    stop("ini_file must be a path to a valid ini file")

  tt <- ifelse(tide_type %in% c("ocean", "tide"), 0, 1)
  am <- ifelse(access_mode %in% c("memory"), 1, 0)

  hdl <- .Call(
    PACKAGE = "Rfes2014"


#' Cleans up a FES2014 instance
#' @param hdl <extptr>; a FES2014 handle
#' @return None
#' @seealso \code{\link{fes_new}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hdl <- fes_new("ocean", "memory", "data/fes2014/eastward_velocity.ini")
#' fes_delete(hdl)
#' }
#' @export
fes_delete <- function(hdl) {
  if (typeof(hdl) != "externalptr") {
    stop("hdl must be handle created by fes_new")
  .Call("fes2014_delete", hdl, PACKAGE = "Rfes2014")

#' Performs a calculation with a FES2014 instance
#' @param hdl <extptr>; a FES2014 handle
#' @param ... Parameters passed to generic methods
#' @seealso \code{\link{fes_new}}; \code{\link[base]{as.POSIXct}} for timestamps
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hdl <- fes_new("ocean", "memory", "data/fes2014/eastward_velocity.ini")
#' res <- fes_calculate(hdl, 50.10, -2.40, 1570536000)
#' print(res)
#' fes_delete(hdl)
#' # To get a unix timestamp from Sys.time():
#' epoch_secs <- as.integer(Sys.time())
#' # To get a unix timestamp from Sys.Date() or a Date() object:
#' epoch_secs <- as.integer(as.POSIXct(Sys.Date(), tx = "UTC"))
#' # fes_calculate can also take data.frames/tibbles:
#' df <- data.frame(
#'   lat = c(50.10, 50.20),
#'   long = c(-2.40, -2.40),
#'   epoch_sec = c(1570536000, 1570536000)
#' )
#' res <- fes_calculate(hld, df, lonCol = "long")
#' res <- fes_calculate(hld, dplyr::as_tibble(df), lonCol = "long")
#' }
#' @export
fes_calculate <- function(hdl, ...) {
  params <- list(...)
  if (fes_isDebugCalculateEnabled()) {
    cat("UseMethod Type: ", typeof(params[[1]]), "; ", sep = "")
    cat("Class: ", class(params[[1]]), "; ", sep = "")
    cat("Length: ", length(params), "\n", sep = "")
  if (typeof(params[[1]]) == "double" && length(params) > 1) {
    return(do.call("fes_calculate.list", c(list(hdl), params)))
  UseMethod("fes_calculate", params[[1]])

#' @rdname fes_calculate
#' @param lat double/list; a double (or list of) representing latitudes
#' @param long double/list; a double (or list of) representing longitudes
#' @param epoch_sec integer/list; an integer (or list of) representing seconds
#'   since POSIX epoch (1970/01/01 00:00:00 UTC). Negative numbers are accepted
#' @return A list containing h, hLongPeriod and samples for the lat, long,
#'   timestamp tuple
#' @export
fes_calculate.double <- function(hdl, lat, long, epoch_sec, ...) {
  if (fes_isDebugCalculateEnabled()) {
    cat("Using generic: fes_calculate.double\n");

  if (typeof(hdl) != "externalptr") {
    stop("hdl must be handle created by fes_new")
  if (!is.numeric(lat)) {
    stop("lat must be numeric")
  if (!is.numeric(long)) {
    stop("long must be numeric")
  if (!is.numeric(epoch_sec) && !is.integer(epoch_sec)) {
    stop("epoch_sec must be numeric")

  ret <- .Call(
    as.double(lat), as.double(long),
    PACKAGE = "Rfes2014"


#' @rdname fes_calculate
#' @return A data.frame, matrix or tibble containing h, hLongPeriod and samples
#'   for each lat, long, timestamp tuple
#' @export
fes_calculate.list <- function(hdl, lat, long, epoch_sec, ...) {
  if (fes_isDebugCalculateEnabled()) {
    cat("Using generic: fes_calculate.list\n");

  if (typeof(hdl) != "externalptr") {
    stop("hdl must be handle created by fes_new")

  if (length(lat) != length(long)) {
    stop("lat and long must be the same length")

  if (length(epoch_sec) != 1 && length(lat) != length(epoch_sec)) {
    stop("length of epoch_sec must either be 1 or length(lat)")
  if (length(epoch_sec) == 1) {
    epoch_sec <- rep(epoch_sec, length(lat))

  if (length(lat) == 0) {
      lat = numeric(0),
      lon = numeric(0),
      epoch_sec = integer(0),
      h = numeric(0),
      hLongPeriod = numeric(0),
      samples = integer(0)

  if (!is.numeric(lat[[1]])) {
    stop("lat must be numeric")
  if (!is.numeric(long[[1]])) {
    stop("long must be numeric")
  if (!is.numeric(epoch_sec[[1]]) && !is.integer(epoch_sec[[1]])) {
    stop("epoch_sec must be numeric")

  ret <- .Call(
    as.double(lat), as.double(long),
    PACKAGE = "Rfes2014"

    lat = lat,
    lon = long,
    epoch_sec = epoch_sec,
    h = ret$h,
    hLongPeriod = ret$hLongPeriod,
    samples = ret$samples

#' @rdname fes_calculate
#' @param data data.frame/tibble/matrix; a data.frame, matrix or tibble
#'   containing 3 columns (lat/lon/epoch_sec) or 2 columns (lat/long) with the
#'   epoch_sec parameter. Column names can be provided as extra parameters.
#' @param latCol string; name of the latitude column in data
#' @param lonCol string; name of the longitude column in data
#' @param epochSecCol string; name of the timestamps column in data
#' @export
fes_calculate.data.frame <- function(
  hdl, data, epoch_sec = NULL,
  latCol = "lat", lonCol = "lon", epochSecCol = "epoch_sec", ...
) {
  if (fes_isDebugCalculateEnabled()) {
    cat("Using generic: fes_calculate.data.frame\n");

  if (typeof(hdl) != "externalptr") {
    stop("hdl must be handle created by fes_new")

  if (!is.null(epoch_sec)) {
    data[,epochSecCol] <- epoch_sec

  if (!(latCol %in% colnames(data))) {
    stop(paste0("lat column missing (", latCol, ")"))
  if (!(lonCol %in% colnames(data))) {
    stop(paste0("lon column missing (", lonCol, ")"))
  if (!(epochSecCol %in% colnames(data))) {
    stop(paste0("epoch_sec column missing (", epochSecCol, ")"))

    hdl, data[,latCol], data[,lonCol], data[,epochSecCol]

#' @rdname fes_calculate
#' @export
fes_calculate.matrix <- function(
  hdl, data, epoch_sec = NULL,
  latCol = "lat", lonCol = "lon", epochSecCol = "epoch_sec", ...
) {
  if (fes_isDebugCalculateEnabled()) {
    cat("Using generic: fes_calculate.matrix\n");

      hdl, as.data.frame(data), epoch_sec,
      latCol, lonCol, epochSecCol

#' @rdname fes_calculate
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
#' @export
fes_calculate.tbl_df <- function(
  hdl, data, epoch_sec = NULL,
  latCol = "lat", lonCol = "lon", epochSecCol = "epoch_sec", ...
) {

  if (fes_isDebugCalculateEnabled()) {
    cat("Using generic: fes_calculate.tbl_df\n");

  if (typeof(hdl) != "externalptr") {
    stop("hdl must be handle created by fes_new")

  if (!is.null(epoch_sec)) {
    data[,epochSecCol] <- epoch_sec

  if (!(latCol %in% colnames(data))) {
    stop(paste0("lat column missing (", latCol, ")"))
  if (!(lonCol %in% colnames(data))) {
    stop(paste0("lon column missing (", lonCol, ")"))
  if (!(epochSecCol %in% colnames(data))) {
    stop(paste0("epoch_sec column missing (", epochSecCol, ")"))

avsdev-cw/Rfes2014 documentation built on Nov. 3, 2019, 2:04 p.m.