
Defines functions angleDist

Documented in angleDist

#' Computes distance and angle from marker columns
#' Computes the distance and the angle for a (mean, median) x/y marker 
#' point. The distance and the angle is computed from x = 0, y = 0 to the 
#' x/y - values given. Therefore, to get correct values for distance and angle
#' use the function \code{\link{centerCond}} before, to set the x/y-start 
#' values for each condition to x = 0, y = 0.
#' @param data Data frame containig the data for a subset, defined in colNames, 
#' for which the angle and the distance should be computed for.
#' @param colNames Character vector naming the two columns with the x/y-Values
#'   for which the angle and the distance should be computed.
#' @param colNameSubj Character vector with a single value containig the name 
#' of the subject column of the data data-frame.
#' @param rndDig Number of round digits. Default is 2.
#' @param verbose If TRUE, the function prints verbose output. Otherwise not. 
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @import stats
#' @return Numeric matrix with median distance and angle.
#' @author Axel Zinkernagel \email{zinkernagel@uni-wuppertal.de}
#' @examples
#'colNames <- c("A7_x",  "A7_y",  "A8_x",  "A8_y",  
#'              "BL2_x", "BL2_y", "BL4_x", "BL4_y",  
#'              "BL5_x", "BL5_y", "BL7_x", "BL7_y",        
#'              "BR2_x", "BR2_y", "BR4_x", "BR4_y",  
#'              "BR5_x", "BR5_y", "BR7_x", "BR7_y",  
#'              "CL4_x", "CL4_y", "CL7_x", "CL7_y",        
#'              "CR4_x", "CR4_y", "CR7_x", "CR7_y",  
#'              "DL2_x", "DL2_y", "DR2_x", "DR2_y")
#' # Data preparation
#' data_Subj_happy <- subset(dataSmm, subset = dataSmm["Stimulustype"] == "posed_happy",
#'                           select = c("subject",colNames))
#' angleDist(data_Subj_happy, colNames = c("CL7_x", "CL7_y"),
#'           colNameSubj = "subject", rndDig = 3)
#' @export
angleDist <- function(data, colNames, colNameSubj, rndDig = 2, verbose = FALSE) {
  # Error handling
  if (!(is.data.frame(data))) {
    stop("Argument data does not contain a data frame!")
  if (!(is.character(colNames)) | length(colNames) != 2) {
    stop("Argument colNames is missing, not of type character, or does not contain two names (x/y columns)!")
  if (!(is.character(colNameSubj)) | length(colNameSubj) != 1) {
    stop("Argument colNameSubj is not of type character!")
  if (!(is.logical(verbose))) {
    stop("Argument verbose is not of type logical!")
  # Helper functions
  fcat <- function(...,newline=TRUE) {if (newline) cat(...,"\n") else cat(...); flush.console() }  # immediate console output

  getDistance <- function(Point1, Point2) { # points must be with x/y-values (vector or matrix/df columns)
    # Computes distance between two points in a coordinate system (pytagoras). Its a two dimensional distance (not eukledian)
    # same function as in plotOutliers.R
    # unify input parameters (allowed is vector (x,y value per parameter) or dataframe/matrix (col_x, col_y per parameter))
    if (is.null(ncol(Point1))) {
      Point1 <- t(as.matrix(Point1))
      Point2 <- t(as.matrix(Point2))
    } else {
      Point1 <- as.matrix(Point1)
      Point2 <- as.matrix(Point2)
    retData <- sqrt((Point2[,1] - Point1[,1]) ^ 2 + (Point2[,2] - Point1[,2]) ^ 2)
  getAngle <- function(x, y) {
    # Computes the angle between the median of data points and origin of coordinate system Division by (pi/180) necessary to get deg (not rad)
    angle <- NA
    # catch error, if value is NA
    if (!is.na(x) & !is.na(y)) {
      if ((atan2(y, x)/(pi/180)) < 0) {
        angle <- 360 + (atan2(y, x)/(pi/180))
      } else {
        angle <- atan2(y, x)/(pi/180)
  subjects <- unique(data[[colNameSubj]])   # Determine number of subjects in data
  # Data preparation for functions
  # Preallocate temporary data frame
  tempData <- as.data.frame(matrix(data = NA, nrow = length(subjects), ncol = 3))
  names(tempData) <- c("subject","angle","distance")
  for (i in 1:length(subjects)) {
    if (verbose) {
      fcat(paste("Compute angle and distance for Subject ", subjects[i], sep = ""))
    tempData[i,"subject"] <- subjects[i]
    tempData[i,"angle"] <- round(getAngle(median(as.numeric(unlist(subset(data, subset = (data[colNameSubj] == subjects[i]), select = colNames[1]))), na.rm = TRUE), median(as.numeric(unlist(subset(data, subset = (data[colNameSubj] == subjects[i]), select = colNames[2]))), na.rm = TRUE)), digits = rndDig)
    tempData[i,"distance"] <- round(getDistance(c(0,0), c(median(as.numeric(unlist(subset(data, subset = (data[colNameSubj] == subjects[i]), select = colNames[1]))), na.rm = TRUE), median(as.numeric(unlist(subset(data, subset = (data[colNameSubj] == subjects[i]), select = colNames[2]))), na.rm = TRUE))), digits = rndDig)
axzinker/blenderFace documentation built on Feb. 27, 2024, 10:25 a.m.