
#' Divide-and-Conquer kernel SVM (DC-SVM)
#' Implementation of Divide-and-Conquer kernel SVM (DC-SVM) by Cho-Jui Hsieh, Si Si, and Inderjit S. Dhillon 
#' @param x the nxp training data matrix. Could be a matrix or a sparse matrix object.
#' @param y a response vector for prediction tasks with one value for each of the n rows of \code{x}. 
#'     For classification, the values correspond to class labels and can be a 1xn matrix, 
#'     a simple vector or a factor. For regression, the values correspond to the values to predict, 
#'     and can be a 1xn matrix or a simple vector.
#' @param k the number of sub-problems divided
#' @param m the number of sample for kernel kmeans
#' @param kernel the kernel type: 1 for linear, 2 for polynomial, 3 for gaussian
#' @param max.levels the maximum number of level
#' @param early whether use early prediction
#' @param final.training whether train the svm over the entire data again. usually not needed.
#' @param pre.scale either a logical value indicating whether to scale the data or not, or an integer vector specifying the columns. 
#'        We don't scale data in SVM seperately.
#' @param seed the random seed. Set it to \code{NULL} to randomize the model.
#' @param verbose a logical value indicating whether to print information of training.
#' @param valid.x the mxp validation data matrix.
#' @param valid.y if provided, it will be used to calculate the validation score with \code{valid.metric}
#' @param valid.metric the metric function for the validation result. By default it is the accuracy for classification.
#'     Customized metric is acceptable.
#' @param cluster.method The clusterign algorithm to use. Possible choices are 
#' \itemize{
#'     \item "kmeans" Algorithm from \code{stats::kmeans}
#'     \item "mlKmeans" Algorithm from \code{RcppMLPACK::mlKmeans}
#'     \item "kernkmeans" Algorithm from \code{kernlab::kkmeans}
#' }
#' If \code{cluster.fun} and \code{cluster.predict} are provided, \code{cluster.method} doesn't work anymore.
#' @param cluster.fun The function to train cluster labels for the data based on given number of centers. 
#'     Customized function is acceptable, as long as the resulting list contains two fields named as \code{cluster} and \code{centers}.
#' @param cluster.predict The function to predict cluster labels for the data based on trained object. 
#'     Customized function is acceptable, as long as the resulting list contains two fields named as \code{cluster} and \code{centers}.
#' @param ... other parameters passed to \code{e1071::svm}
#' @return 
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \code{svm} a list of svm models if using early prediction, or an svm object otherwise.
#'    \item \code{early} whether using the early prediction strategy or not
#'    \item \code{cluster.tree} a matrix containing clustering labels in each level
#'    \item \code{cluster.fun} the clustering training function
#'    \item \code{cluster.predict} the clustering predicting function
#'    \item \code{scale} a list containing scaling information
#'    \item \code{valid.pred} the validation prediction
#'    \item \code{valid.score} the validation score
#'    \item \code{valid.metric} the validation metric
#'    \item \code{time} a list object recording the time consumption for each steps.
#' }
#' @examples
#' data(svmguide1)
#' svmguide1.t = as.matrix(svmguide1[[2]])
#' svmguide1 = as.matrix(svmguide1[[1]])
#' dcsvm.model = dcSVM(x = svmguide1[,-1], y = svmguide1[,1],
#'                     k = 4, max.levels = 4, seed = 0, cost = 32, gamma = 2,
#'                     kernel = 3,early = 0, m = 800,
#'                     valid.x = svmguide1.t[,-1], valid.y = svmguide1.t[,1])
#' preds = dcsvm.model$valid.pred
#' table(preds, svmguide1.t[,1])
#' dcsvm.model$valid.score
#' @export
confDCSVMTrain = function(x, y, k = 4, m, kernel = 3, max.levels, 
                 early = 0, final.training = FALSE,
                 pre.scale = FALSE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE,
                 valid.x = NULL, valid.y = NULL, valid.metric = NULL,
                 confScalingModel = "williams",
                 kappa = 0.5, tau = 0.5,
                 cluster.method = 'kmeans', 
                 cluster.fun = NULL, cluster.predict = NULL, ...) {
  # check for confSVM parameter
  if ((model != "williams") & (model != "1999") & (model != "2002")) {
    stop ("Unknown Conformal Scaling. Please check model parameter.")

  # parameter check
  if (!checkmate::testNull(seed))
  assertInt(nrow(x), lower = 1)
  assertInt(ncol(x), lower = 1)
  if (checkmate::testClass(x, "data.frame"))
    x = data.matrix(x)
  assertVector(y, len = nrow(x))
  n = nrow(x)
  if (m>n) {
    warning("m larger than n, the number of data points. It is adjusted to n.")
    m = n
  if (checkmate::testNull(cluster.fun) && checkmate::testNull(cluster.predict)) {
    if (cluster.method == 'kmeans') {
      cluster.fun = stats::kmeans
      cluster.predict = kmeans.predict
    } else if (cluster.method == 'mlKmeans') {
      cluster.fun = cluster.fun.mlpack
      cluster.predict = cluster.predict.mlpack
    } else if (cluster.method == 'kernkmeans') {
      cluster.fun = cluster.fun.kkmeans
      cluster.predict = cluster.predict.kkmeans
    } else {
      stop("Unknow cluster.method.")
  assertInt(kernel, lower = 1, upper = 3)
  svm.kernel = c('linear','polynomial','radial')[kernel]
  # only allow RBF kernel for now
  assertInt(kernel, lower = 3, upper = 3)
  assertInt(k, lower = 1)
  assertInt(max.levels, lower = 1)
  assertInt(early, lower = 0, upper = max.levels)
  support = rep(FALSE, n)
  num.lvls = length(unique(y))
  assertInt(num.lvls, lower = 2, upper = 16)
  alpha = matrix(0, n, num.lvls-1)
  total.time.point = proc.time()
  time.point = proc.time()
  # Scaling Process
  if (testFlag(pre.scale)) {
    if (pre.scale)
      scale = 1:ncol(x)
      scale = NULL
  } else if (testInteger(pre.scale, lower = 1, upper = ncol(x), 
                         min.len = 1, max.len = ncol(x))) {
    scale = unique(pre.scale)
  } else {
    stop("pre.scale can only be a logical value or an integer vector.")
  x.scaled.sd = NULL
  if (!testNull(scale)) {
    assertInteger(scale, lower = 1, upper = ncol(x), 
                  min.len = 1, max.len = ncol(x))
    co = apply(x[,scale, drop = FALSE], 2, stats::var) == 0
    if (any(co)) {
      ind = which(co)
                    paste(ind, sep = "", collapse = " and "),
                    "constant. Cannot be scaled.")
      #scale = rep(FALSE, ncol(x))
      scale = setdiff(scale, ind)
    if (length(scale)>0) {
      sds = rep(0, length(scale))
      for (i in 1:length(scale)) {
        sds[i] = stats::sd(x[,scale[i],drop = FALSE])
      x[,scale] = scaleBySD(x[,scale,drop = FALSE], sds)
      # x.scaled.center = attr(xtmp, 'scaled:center')
      x.scaled.sd = sds
      assertNumeric(x.scaled.sd, len = length(scale))
  # clustering tree process
  sampleX.ind = sample(1:n,m)
  sampleX = as.matrix(x[sampleX.ind,])
  sample.cluster.ind = matrix(0, nrow(sampleX), max.levels+1)
  sample.cluster.ind[,1] = 1
  cluster.ind = matrix(0, n, max.levels+1)
  cluster.ind[,1] = 1
  # In MATLAB here is ceiling(m/(k^max.levels*5))
  min.cluster = ceiling(5*m/(k^max.levels))
  if (min.cluster>m)
    stop("Too few data points or too many clusters assigned.")
  assertInt(min.cluster, lower = 1)
  #min.cluster = 100
  cluster.tree = list()
  # initialize conformal scaling
  confScaling = rep(1.0, n)
  for (i in 1:max.levels) {
    num.clust = max(sample.cluster.ind[,i])
    center.list = list()
    sample.nowcid = 0
    nowcid = 0
    cluster.object.list = list()
    for (cid in 1:num.clust) {
      # train on samples
      ind = which(sample.cluster.ind[,i]==cid)
      if (length(ind)<min.cluster) {
        cluster.object = cluster.fun(sampleX[ind,], centers = 1)
        sample.cluster.ind[ind,i+1] = sample.nowcid+1
        sample.nowcid = sample.nowcid+1
        # predict on the entire data set
        ind = which(cluster.ind[,i]==cid)
        cluster.ind[ind,i+1] = 1+nowcid
        nowcid = nowcid + 1
      } else {
        print ("CRASHES HERE")
        print (ind)
        print (k)
        cluster.object = cluster.fun(sampleX[ind,],centers = k)

        res = cluster.object$cluster
        res = as.numeric(as.factor(res))
        sample.cluster.ind[ind,i+1] = res+sample.nowcid
        current.centers = cluster.object$centers
        sample.nowcid = sample.nowcid+max(res)
        # predict on the entire data set
        ind = which(cluster.ind[,i]==cid)
        res = cluster.predict(as.matrix(x[ind,]),cluster.object)
        res = as.numeric(as.factor(res))
        cluster.ind[ind,i+1] = res+nowcid
        nowcid = nowcid + max(res)
      cluster.object.list[[cid]] = cluster.object
      # cat(i,cid,'\n')
    cluster.tree[[i]] = cluster.object.list
    sample.cluster.ind[,i+1] = as.numeric(as.factor(sample.cluster.ind[,i+1]))
    cluster.ind[,i+1] = as.numeric(as.factor(cluster.ind[,i+1]))
    if (length(unique(cluster.ind[,i+1]))==length(unique(cluster.ind[,i]))) {
      cluster.ind = cluster.ind[,1:i]
      max.levels = i-1
      if (early>max.levels)
        early = max.levels
      warning("max.levels reduced.")
  if (max.levels<1)
    stop('no cluster applied.')
  clustering.time = (proc.time()-time.point)[3]
  sendMsg("Finished clustering process in ", clustering.time, ' secs.', 
          verbose = verbose)
  time.point = proc.time()
  assertInt(early, lower = 0, upper = max.levels)

  # SVM train
  for (lvl in max.levels:1) {
    assertLogical(support, len = n)
    assertMatrix(alpha, nrows = n, ncols = num.lvls-1)
    cluster.label = as.integer(cluster.ind[, lvl+1])
    assertInteger(cluster.label, len = n, lower = 1)
    # cat('Begin level', lvl, '\n')
    # Train svm for each cluster
    new.alpha = matrix(0, n, num.lvls-1)
    new.support = rep(FALSE, n)
    svm.models = list()
    kl = max(cluster.label)
    for (clst in 1:kl) {
      ind = which(cluster.label == clst)
      if (length(ind)>1) {
        # train the svm with given support vectors
        if (lvl == max.levels || sum(support[ind])==0) {
          svm.model = alphasvm(x = x[ind,], y = y[ind], kernel = svm.kernel,  confscaling = confScaling[ind], ...)
        } else {
          svm.model = alphasvm(x = x[ind,], y = y[ind], kernel = svm.kernel,  confscaling = confScaling[ind],  alpha = alpha[ind,], ...)
        svm.models[[clst]] = svm.model
        sv.ind = ind[svm.model$index]
        if (length(sv.ind)>0) {
          new.support[sv.ind] = TRUE
          new.alpha[sv.ind,] = svm.model$coefs
      # update conformal scaling
      localConfScaling = getConfScaling (model, svm.model, svm.model$SV, kappa = kappa, tau = tau)
      confScaling [ind] = localConfScaling
    support = new.support
    alpha = new.alpha
    sendMsg("Finished training in level ", lvl, verbose = verbose)
    if (early>0 && early<=lvl)
  if (early == 0){
    # Refine
    ind = which(support)
    svm.models = alphasvm(x = x[ind,], y = y[ind], kernel = svm.kernel, confscaling = confScaling[ind], alpha = alpha[ind,], ...)

    if (final.training) {
      sv.ind = ind[svm.models$index]
      alpha = matrix(0,n,num.lvls-1)
      alpha[sv.ind,] = svm.models$coefs
      # Final
      svm.models = alphasvm(x = x, y = y, kernel = svm.kernel, alpha = alpha, confscaling = confScaling, ...)
  svm.time = (proc.time()-time.point)[3]
  sendMsg("Finished svm training process in ", svm.time, ' secs.', 
          verbose = verbose)
  # Result structure
  scale.list = list(scale = scale,
                    x.scale = x.scaled.sd)
  result = list(svm = svm.models,
                early = early,
                confscaling = confScaling, 
                cluster.tree = cluster.tree,
                cluster.fun = cluster.fun,
                cluster.predict = cluster.predict,
                scale = scale.list)
  result = structure(result, class = "dcSVM")
  # Validation
  validation.time = 0
  if (!testNull(valid.x)) {
    time.point = proc.time()
    # assertMatrix(valid.x, min.rows = 1, ncols = ncol(x))
    assertClass(valid.x, classes = class(x))
    assertInt(nrow(valid.x), lower = 1)
    assertInt(ncol(valid.x), lower = 1)
    if (testNull(valid.y)) {
      warning("Target value for validation is not available.")
      result$valid.pred = predict(result, valid.x)
      result$valid.score = NULL
    } else {
      assertVector(valid.y, len = nrow(valid.x))
      if (testNull((valid.metric))) {
        valid.metric = function(pred, truth) {
          score = sum(diag(table(pred, truth)))/length(truth)
          list(score = score,
               name = 'Accuracy')
      result$valid.pred = confDCSVMTest(result, valid.x,
                        probability = FALSE) 

      valid.result = valid.metric(result$valid.pred, valid.y)
      result$valid.score = valid.result$score
      result$valid.metric.name = valid.result$name
    validation.time = (proc.time()-time.point)[3]
    sendMsg("Finished validation process in ", validation.time, ' secs.', 
            verbose = verbose)
  total.time = (proc.time() - total.time.point)[3]
  time.record = list(clustering.time = clustering.time,
                     svm.time = svm.time,
                     validation.time = validation.time,
                     total.time = total.time)
  result$time = time.record
  sendMsg("Finished the whole process in ", total.time, ' secs.', 
          verbose = verbose)
aydindemircioglu/ConfSVM documentation built on May 11, 2019, 4:12 p.m.