
# SVMBridge
#		(C) 2015, by Aydin Demircioglu
# SVMBridge is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SVMBridge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# Please do not use this software to destroy or spy on people, environment or things.
# All negative use is prohibited.

createTrainingArguments.Pegasos = function (x,
											trainDataFile = "",
                                            modelFile = "",
                                            extraParameter = "",
                                            primalTime = 10,
                                            wallTime = 8*60,
                                            cost = 1,
                                            gamma = 1,
                                            epochs = 1, ...) {

    n = R.utils::countLines(trainDataFile)

    # we make pegasos non linear by using budgeted SVM with an
    # excessively high budget-- i.e. n+1.

    # arguments for training
    args = c(
        "-A 4",
        "-r 0",
        "-m 2", # this makes sure that an error is thrown whenever the reduce-budget routine is called. makes it extra safe.
        sprintf("-a %d", floor(primalTime)),
        sprintf("-l %d", floor(wallTime)),         # rbf kernel
        sprintf("-B %.16f", n + 1 ),
        sprintf("-L %.16f", (1.0 / (n * cost))),
        sprintf("-e %.16f", epochs ),
        sprintf("-g %.16f", 2 * gamma),

    return (args)

createTestArguments.Pegasos = function (x, testDataFile = NULL, modelFile = NULL, predictionsFile = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
    args = c(
		"-v 1",

	return (args)

extractTrainingInfo.Pegasos = function (x, output) {

    # ---- grep the error rate
    pattern <- ".*Testing error rate: (\\d+\\.?\\d*).*"
    err = as.numeric(sub(pattern, '\\1', output[grepl(pattern, output)])) / 100

    return (err)

extractTestInfo.Pegasos = function (x, output) {

    # ---- grep the error rate
    pattern <- ".*Testing error rate: (\\d+\\.?\\d*).*"
    err = as.numeric(sub(pattern, '\\1', output[grepl(pattern, output)])) / 100

    return (err)

readModel.Pegasos = function (x, modelFile = "./model", verbose = FALSE)
	if (verbose == TRUE) {
		BBmisc::messagef("Reading Pegasos model from %s", modelFile)

    # open connection
    con  <- file(modelFile, open = "r")

	# do we need to invert the labels?
	invertLabels = FALSE

	# grep needed information step by step, the bias is on the threshold line
    while (length(oneLine <- readLines(con, n = 1, warn = FALSE)) > 0)
        if (grepl("MODEL", oneLine) == TRUE) break;

        # gamma value
        if (grepl("KERNEL_GAMMA_PARAM", oneLine) == TRUE)
            pattern <- "KERNEL_GAMMA_PARAM: (.*)"
            gamma = as.numeric(sub(pattern, '\\1', oneLine[grepl(pattern, oneLine)]))

        # bias
        if (grepl("BIAS_TERM", oneLine) == TRUE)
            pattern <- "BIAS_TERM: (.*)"
            bias = as.numeric(sub(pattern, '\\1', oneLine[grepl(pattern, oneLine)]))

        # order of labels
        if (grepl("LABELS", oneLine) == TRUE)
            pattern <- "LABELS: (.*)"
            order = (sub(pattern, '\\1', oneLine[grepl(pattern, oneLine)]))

            if ((order != "1 -1") && (order != "-1 1")) {
                stop ("Label ordering %s is unknown!", order)

            if (order == "1 -1") {
                invertLabels = FALSE

            if (order == "-1 1") {
                invertLabels = TRUE

	# read and interprete data
	# basically all data is sparse data format, but the data around this differs
	svmatrix = readSparseFormat(con)

	# add header information
	svmatrix$gamma = gamma
	svmatrix$bias = bias
	svmatrix$modelType = "Pegasos"

	# do we need to invert the labels? in this case we invert the coefficients
	if (invertLabels == TRUE) {
		if (verbose == TRUE)
			BBmisc::messagef(" Inverting Labels.")

		# invert alphas
		svmatrix$a = -svmatrix$a

		# this is also needed..
		svmatrix$bias = -bias

	# close connection

	# return
	return (svmatrix)

writeModel.Pegasos = function (x, model = NA, modelFile = "./model", verbose = FALSE) {
	ret = writeModel.LIBSVM (model = model, modelFile = modelFile, verbose = verbose)
	return (ret)

readPredictions.Pegasos = function (x, predictionsFile = "", verbose = FALSE) {
	ret = readPredictions.LIBSVM (predictionsFile = predictionsFile, verbose = verbose)
	return (ret)

# same method as for BSGD
findSoftware.Pegasos = function (x, searchPath = "./", verbose = FALSE) {
	if (verbose == TRUE) {
		cat ("    BSGD Object: Executing search for software for ", x$method)

	# can do now OS specific stuff here
	if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
		if (verbose == TRUE) {
			cat ("    Unix binaries.\n")
		trainBinaryPattern = "budgetedsvm-train"
		testBinaryPattern = "budgetedsvm-predict"
	} else {
		if (verbose == TRUE) {
			cat ("    Windows binaries.\n")
		trainBinaryPattern = "budgetedsvm-train.exe"
		testBinaryPattern = "budgetedsvm-predict.exe"

	# can do now OS specific stuff here
	x$trainBinaryPath = findBinaryInDirectory (trainBinaryPattern, dir = searchPath, patterns = list ('budgetedsvm-train .options. train_file .model_file.'), verbose = verbose)
	x$testBinaryPath = findBinaryInDirectory (testBinaryPattern, dir = searchPath, patterns = list ('budgetedsvm-predict .options. test_file model_file output_file'), verbose = verbose)


print.Pegasos = function(x) {
	cat("Solver: ", x$method)
	cat("    Training Binary at ", x$trainBinaryPath)
	cat("    Test Binary at ", x$testBinaryPath)
aydindemircioglu/SVMBridge documentation built on May 11, 2019, 4:13 p.m.