Man pages for b-coli/ICITools
R Implementation of Tools for Calculating the Index of Cell Identity

bin_expression_dataCompute bins for expression data
compute_ici_for_cellCompute ici score for all cell types for a given cell's...
compute_ici_pvalCompute p-values for a single expression/cell type profile...
compute_ici_score_for_cell_typeCompute ICI score for a given cell type (Internal)
compute_ici_scoresCompute ICI scores for a set of cells
compute_mean_exprComptue mean expression for an 'expression_data' object
compute_specCompute Specification Score
compute_spec_tableCompute specification table for cell-type expression data
efroni_binOptimize the selection of bin size for defining two...
efroni_get_background_binFind the background bin in an expression vector
efroni_get_binsizesGet binsize range for optimization
efroni_meanCompute mean expression for each cell type (Efroni method)
extract_signal_from_info_dataExtract mean, maximimum ICI signal per cell per information...
extract_var_from_info_dataExtract variation between information levels for all cells...
find_ici_markersFind Markers for ICI score computation
gather_information_level_dataFind ICI scores over a range of information levels
melted_to_matConvert melted data.frame (or tibble) to matrix
optimize_information_levelAttempt to optimize information level
test_birnbaumToy dataset adapted from Birnbaum, et al., 2011
test_iciRandom toy dataset simulating cell profiles
test_specRandom toy dataset simulating marker loci
b-coli/ICITools documentation built on Dec. 27, 2021, 7:40 a.m.