
#' @name Info.Add
#' @docType data
#' @title Data frame with adducts/fragments knowledge
#' @description This data provides a data frame containing information about
#' adducts and fragments to build a \code{Cpd.Add} table.
#' @usage data(Info.Add)
#' @format An object of class data frame with 269 rows and 8 columns.
#' @source Generated using information from CAMERA, cliqueMS 
#' and Tong et al.
#' @references 
#' Tong, H. et al. \emph{Automated Data Massaging, Interpreta-tion,  
#' and E-Mailing 
#' Modules for High Throughput Open Access Mass Spectrometry}
#' American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 1999
#' Senan, O. et al. \emph{CliqueMS:  A  computational  tool  for  
#' annotating 
#' in-source metabolite ions from LC-MS untargeted metabolomics 
#' data based on a 
#' coelution similarity network} Bioinformatics, 2019
#' Kuhl, C. et al. \emph{ CAMERA: Anintegrated  strategy  for  
#' compound  spectra  
#' extraction  and  annotation  of  liquid  chro-matography/mass 
#' spectrometry data sets}
#' Analytical chemistry, 2012
b2slab/mWISE documentation built on Feb. 2, 2022, 12:24 a.m.