# Package load hook that set up the default options
.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg){
sn <- tolower(Sys.info()["sysname"])
term <- tolower(Sys.getenv("TERM"))
if(term %in% c("ansi", "apple_terminal")){
options(style = "ansi")
} else if(sn == "windows" || term == "") {
# RStudio also ends up here
options(style = "off")
} else {
# Presumably linux or unix
options(style = "xterm-256color")
#' Color termnal output
#' Talk about the different options. style.mode, style.palette.
#' @param ... Sent to \code{\link{cat}}.
#' @param fg Foreground color i.e. color of the text. Can be any number in
#' [0, 255] or a string such as \code{"grey"} or \code{"dark red"} (for the
#' basic 16 colors).
#' @param bg Background color. Takes the same values as \code{fg}.
#' @param font A vector containg any combination of the following font styles:
#' \code{"normal"}, \code{"bold"}, \code{"underline"},
#' \code{"blink"} (renders as bold on most terminals), \code{"inverse"}.
#' Note that these may not be rendered on all terminals.
#' @param mode Escape code mode.
#' @return Nothing, sends all output to \code{\link{cat}}.
#' @author Christofer \enc{Bäcklin}{Backlin}
#' @seealso style
#' @examples
#' style("Blue suede shoes\n", bg="blue")
#' style(fg="red")
#' cat("everything is red now!")
#' style(NULL)
#' cat("but not anymore!")
#' @author Christofer \enc{Bäcklin}{Backlin}
#' @export
style <- function(..., fg=NA, bg=NA, font=NA, mode=c("xterm-256color", "ansi", "off")){
mode <- getOption("style")
} else if(missing(...)){
options(style = mode)
if(mode != "off") options(style.if.on = mode)
named.colors <- switch(mode,
`ansi` = c("black", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "white"),
`xterm-256color` = c("black", "dark red", "dark green", "dark yellow",
"dark blue", "dark magenta", "dark cyan", "grey",
"dark grey", "red", "green", "yellow", "blue",
"magenta", "cyan", "white"),
if(is.null(fg)) fg <- NA
if(is.null(bg)) bg <- NA
if(is.null(font)) font <- NA
if(is.character(fg)) fg <- match(fg, named.colors)-1
if(is.character(bg)) bg <- match(bg, named.colors)-1
fonts <- c(normal=0, bold=1, underline=4, underscore=4, blink=5, inverse=7)
if(is.character(font)) font <- fonts[font]
if(mode == "xterm-256color"){
escape.str <- c(
if(!is.na(fg)) sprintf("\033[38;5;%im", fg) else NULL,
if(!is.na(bg)) sprintf("\033[48;5;%im", bg) else NULL
} else if(mode == "ansi"){
escape.str <- c(
if(!is.na(fg)) sprintf("\033[%im", 30 + xterm256.to.ansi(fg)) else NULL,
if(!is.na(bg)) sprintf("\033[%im", 40 + xterm256.to.ansi(bg)) else NULL
} else {
escape.str <- ""
if(!is.na(font)) escape.str <- c(escape.str, sprintf("\033[%im", font))
out <- paste(escape.str, collapse="")
# Make the settings stick
options(style.mode = mode)
} else {
out <- sprintf("%s%s\033[0m", out, paste(...))
structure(out, class="xtermStyle")
#' @export
#' @rdname style
style.clear <- function(...) style("", ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname style
style.off <- function()
options(style = "off")
#' @export
#' @rdname style
style.on <- function()
options(style = getOption("style.if.on"))
#' Print a style object
#' @param x \code{\link{style}} object.
#' @param ... Ignored, kept for S3 consistency.
#' @seealso style
#' @author Christofer \enc{Bäcklin}{Backlin}
#' @export
print.xtermStyle <- function(x, ...){
#' Define the palette for auto-styling
#' @param x Palette name or definition.
#' @param ... Settings that override the defaults.
#' @return Nothing, sets the approprite \code{\link{options}} variables.
#' @examples
#' style.palette("light")
#' style.palette(list(fg=c(numeric=10, character=13)))
#' style.palette("light", fg=c(numeric=10, character=13))
#' @seealso style.auto, display.xterm.colors
#' @author Christofer \enc{Bäcklin}{Backlin}
#' @export
style.palette <- function(x, ...){
x <- get.palette(x)
} else if(missing(x)){
x <- getOption("style.palette", list())
} else if(!is.list(x)){
stop("Invalid palette")
l <- list(...)
stopifnot(all(sapply(l, is.vector)))
x[names(l)] <- Map(function(x, y) c(x, y[!names(y) %in% names(x)]),
l, x[names(l)])
options(style.palette = x)
#' @rdname style.palette
#' @export
get.palette <- function(x = c("dark", "light")){
dark = list(
fg = c(
null = 246, # grey
character = 2, # green
numeric = 6, # cyan
factor = 5, # magenta
logical = 3, # yellow
list = 1, # red
`function` = 4 # blue
bg = c(
scalar = NA,
vector = 255,
matrix = 195,
array = 224
levels = xterm.pal()$paired[c(FALSE, TRUE)],
range = xterm.pal()$DownUp,
logical = xterm.pal()$Accent[c(5,3)]
light = list(
fg = c(
null = 236, # Dark grey
character = 10, # green
numeric = 14, # cyan
factor = 13, # magenta
logical = 11, # yellow
list = 9, # red
`function` = 33 # blue
bg = c(
scalar = NA,
vector = 235,
matrix = 18,
array = 88
levels = xterm.pal()$paired[c(TRUE, FALSE)],
range = xterm.pal()$long,
logical = xterm.pal()$Accent[2:1]
#' Automatic styling according to object properties.
#' @param x Object to decide formatting from.
#' @param \dots Sent to \code{\link{style}}.
#' @return See \code{\link{style}}.
#' @seealso style, style.palette
#' @author Christofer \enc{Bäcklin}{Backlin}
#' @export
style.auto <- function(x, ...){
pal <- getOption("style.palette", get.palette("dark"))
fg <- pal$fg[
if(is.null(x)) "null"
else if(is.character(x)) "character"
else if(is.numeric(x)) "numeric"
else if(is.factor(x)) "factor"
else if(is.logical(x)) "logical"
else if(is.list(x)) "list"
else if(is.function(x)) "function"
else ""
ld <- max(1, min(3, length(dim(x))))
bg <- pal$bg[switch(ld, if(length(x) > 1) "vector" else "scalar", "matrix", "array")]
style(..., fg=fg, bg=bg)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.