
Defines functions multiply3.flat.matrices multiply3.slice bilinear3.flat.matrices bilinear3.slice handle3.flat.matrices check3.flat.matrices quadform2symm.slice quadform2.slice quadform2.flat.matrices outer2.flat.vectors solve2.slice solve2.flat.matrices multiply2.slice multiply2.flat.matrices handle2.flat.matrices check2.flat.matrices outersquare.flat.vector invert.slice average.flat.matrix transpose.flat.matrix trace.flat.matrix invert.flat.matrix as.flat.matrix check.flat.matrix

Documented in as.flat.matrix average.flat.matrix bilinear3.flat.matrices bilinear3.slice check2.flat.matrices check3.flat.matrices check.flat.matrix handle2.flat.matrices handle3.flat.matrices invert.flat.matrix invert.slice multiply2.flat.matrices multiply2.slice multiply3.flat.matrices multiply3.slice outer2.flat.vectors outersquare.flat.vector quadform2.flat.matrices quadform2.slice quadform2symm.slice solve2.flat.matrices solve2.slice trace.flat.matrix transpose.flat.matrix

# flatmat.R
# Code for performing linear algebra operations "in parallel"
# on each of a list of matrices/vectors, e.g.
#     answer[[i]] <- A[[i]] %*% B[[i]]
# where dim(A[[i]]) is the same for all i,
# and dim(B[[i]]) is the same for all i. 
# Instead of storing the arguments as lists of matrices,
# we flatten each matrix A[[i]] into a vector,
# and store them as the rows of a single gigantic matrix,
# which can then be processed in parallel.
# In the spatstat package, for example,
# this code is used for handling 'vector-valued'
# and 'matrix-valued' spatial covariates.
#  $Revision: 1.14 $  $Date: 2016/10/02 02:06:32 $

check.flat.matrix <- function(A, dimA) {
  # 'A' represents a list of matrices of dimension 'dimA'
  Aname <- short.deparse(substitute(A))
  dimAname <- short.deparse(substitute(dimA))
    stop(paste(Aname, "should be a matrix"))
  if(!is.vector(dimA) || length(dimA) != 2)
    stop(paste(dimAname, "should be a vector of length 2"))
  if(ncol(A) != prod(dimA))
    stop(paste("Incorrect dimensions supplied for", Aname))

as.flat.matrix <- function(X, ncopies) {
  Y <- matrix(as.vector(X), ncol=prod(dim(X)), nrow=ncopies, byrow=TRUE)
  dn <- as.list(dimnames(X))
  if(is.null(dn[[1]])) dn[[1]] <- 1:nrow(X)
  if(is.null(dn[[2]])) dn[[2]] <- 1:ncol(X)
  colnames(Y) <- outer(dn[[1]], dn[[2]], paste, sep=".")

# general operation on one matrix

handle.flat.matrix <- local({

  handle.flat.matrix <- function(A, dimA, matrixop, ...) {
    ## apply some matrix operation to a stack of flat matrices
    y <- apply(A, 1, handleone, 
               nr=dimA[1], nc=dimA[2], matrixop=matrixop, ...)
    y <- if(is.matrix(y)) t(y) else matrix(y, ncol=1)

  handleone <- function(z, nr, nc, matrixop, ...) {
    x <- matrix(z, nr, nc)
    y <- matrixop(x, ...)

eigenvalues.flat.matrix <- local({

  eigenvalues.flat.matrix <- function(X, p) {
    check.flat.matrix(X, c(p,p))
    handle.flat.matrix(X, c(p,p), eigenvals)

  eigenvals <- function(M) {
    eigen(M, symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$values


invert.flat.matrix <- function(X, p, special=TRUE) {
  # X is a matrix whose rows can be interpreted as p * p matrices.
  # Invert them.
  check.flat.matrix(X, c(p, p))
  if(special && p == 1) {
    # scalar
    Y <- 1/X
  } else if(special && p == 2) {
    # 2 * 2 matrix, by hand
    aa <- X[,1]
    bb <- X[,3]
    cc <- X[,2]
    dd <- X[,4]
    dets <- aa * dd - bb * cc
    invdet <- ifelse(dets == 0, NA, 1/dets)
    Y <- invdet * cbind(dd, -cc, -bb, aa)
  } else {
    # use general algorithm
    Y <- apply(X, 1, invert.slice, p=p)
    Y <- if(p != 1) t(Y) else matrix(Y, ncol=1)
  colnames(Y) <- colnames(X)

trace.flat.matrix <- function(X, p) {
  # X is a matrix whose rows can be interpreted as p * p matrices.
  # Extract the traces of the matrices.
  check.flat.matrix(X, c(p,p))
  ind <- diag(matrix(1:(p^2), p, p))
  Y <- if(p == 1) as.vector(X) else rowSums(X[,ind])

transpose.flat.matrix <- function(X, dimX) {
  check.flat.matrix(X, dimX)
  indices <- matrix(1:prod(dimX), dimX[1], dimX[2])
  indices <- as.vector(t(indices))
  X[, indices, drop=FALSE]

average.flat.matrix <- function(X, dimX, weights=NULL) {

  if(is.null(weights)) {
    Xbar <- colMeans(X, na.rm=TRUE)
  } else {
    check.nvector(weights, nrow(X), things="matrices", oneok=TRUE)
    if(length(weights) == 1) weights <- rep(weights, nrow(X))
    Xbar <- apply(X, 2, weighted.mean, w=weights, na.rm=TRUE)
  Xbar <- matrix(Xbar, dimX[1], dimX[2])

# functions named '*.slice' act on an individual row.
# They unpack the matrix, and perform the desired operation.

invert.slice <- function(x, p) {
  mat <- matrix(x, p, p)
  y <- try(solve(mat), silent=TRUE)
  if(!inherits(y, "try-error")) return(y)
  return(matrix(NA, p, p))

# compute outer(A[[i]], A[[i]])
outersquare.flat.vector <- function(A) {
  nc <- ncol(A)
  if(nc == 1) return(A^2)
  if(nc == 2) {
    A1A1 <- A[,1]^2
    A1A2 <- A[,1] * A[,2]
    A2A2 <- A[,2]^2
    return(cbind(A1A1, A1A2, A1A2, A2A2))
  ans <- apply(A, 1, function(z) { outer(z, z, "*") })

# ................... two matrices ..........................

check2.flat.matrices <- function(A, B, dimA, dimB) {
  # 'A', 'B' represent lists of matrices of dimension 'dimA', 'dimB' resp
  check.flat.matrix(A, dimA)
  check.flat.matrix(B, dimB)
  # check that A and B are lists of the same length
  stopifnot(nrow(A) == nrow(B))

handle2.flat.matrices <- function(A, B, dimA, dimB, operation) {
  # apply some operation to a pair of compatible stacks of matrices
  lA <- ncol(A)
  lB <- ncol(B)
  z <- apply(cbind(A,B),
             dimA = dimA, dimB=dimB,
             indA = 1:lA, indB = lA + (1:lB))
  z <- if(is.vector(z)) matrix(z, ncol=1) else t(z)

multiply2.flat.matrices <- function(A, B, dimA, dimB) {
  # multiply two stacks of matrices
  check2.flat.matrices(A, B, dimA, dimB)
  z <- if(prod(dimA) == 1 && prod(dimB) == 1) {
    # scalars
    A * B
  } else if(dimA[1] == 1 && dimB[2] == 1) {
    # row vector * column vector = scalar
    matrix(rowSums(A * B), ncol=1)
  } else {
    handle2.flat.matrices(A, B, dimA, dimB, multiply2.slice)

multiply2.slice <- function(x, dimA, dimB, indA, indB) {
  A <- matrix(x[indA], dimA[1], dimA[2])
  B <- matrix(x[indB], dimB[1], dimB[2])
  A %*% B

solve2.flat.matrices <- function(A, B, dimA, dimB) {
  # solve(A,b) = A^{-1} b
  check2.flat.matrices(A, B, dimA, dimB)
  if(dimA[1] != dimA[2])
    stop("The dimensions of A should be square")
  if(dimA[2] != dimB[1])
    stop("Incompatible matrix dimensions for solve(A,B)")
  z <- if(prod(dimA) == 1) {
    # A is a scalar
  } else {
    handle2.flat.matrices(A, B, dimA, dimB, solve2.slice)

solve2.slice <- function(x, dimA, dimB, indA, indB) {
  A <- matrix(x[indA], dimA[1], dimA[2])
  B <- matrix(x[indB], dimB[1], dimB[2])
  y <- try(solve(A, B), silent=TRUE)
  if(!inherits(y, "try-error")) return(y)
  return(matrix(NA, dimB[1], dimB[2]))

outer2.flat.vectors <- function(A, B) {
  # compute outer(A[[i]], B[[i]])
  stopifnot(identical(dim(A), dim(B)))
  nc <- ncol(A)
  if(nc == 1) return(A * B)
  AB <- apply(cbind(A,B), 1,
               function(z, nc) { outer(z[1:nc], z[nc + (1:nc)]) },

quadform2.flat.matrices <- function(A, B, dimA, dimB, Bsymmetric=FALSE) {
  # compute the quadratic form B[[i]] %*% A[[i]] %*% t(B[[i]])
  check2.flat.matrices(A, B, dimA, dimB)
  z <- if(prod(dimA) == 1 && prod(dimB) == 1) {
    # scalars
    A * B^2
  } else if(Bsymmetric) {
    handle2.flat.matrices(A, B, dimA, dimB, quadform2symm.slice)
  } else {
    handle2.flat.matrices(A, B, dimA, dimB, quadform2.slice)

quadform2.slice <- function(x, dimA, dimB, indA, indB) {
  A <- matrix(x[indA], dimA[1], dimA[2])
  B <- matrix(x[indB], dimB[1], dimB[2])
  return(B %*% A %*% t(B))
quadform2symm.slice <- function(x, dimA, dimB, indA, indB) {
  A <- matrix(x[indA], dimA[1], dimA[2])
  B <- matrix(x[indB], dimB[1], dimB[2])
  return(B %*% A %*% B)
# ................... three matrices ..........................

check3.flat.matrices <- function(X, Y, Z, dimX, dimY, dimZ) {
  check.flat.matrix(X, dimX)
  check.flat.matrix(Y, dimY)
  check.flat.matrix(Z, dimZ)
  stopifnot(nrow(X) == nrow(Y))
  stopifnot(nrow(X) == nrow(Z))

handle3.flat.matrices <- function(X, Y, Z, dimX, dimY, dimZ, operation) {
  lX <- ncol(X)
  lY <- ncol(Y)
  lZ <- ncol(Z)
  ans <- apply(cbind(X,Y,Z),
               dimX = dimX, dimY=dimY, dimZ=dimZ,
               indX = 1:lX, indY = lX + (1:lY), indZ=lX + lY + (1:lZ))
  ans <- if(is.vector(ans)) matrix(ans, ncol=1) else t(ans)

bilinear3.slice <- function(x, dimX, dimY, dimZ, indX, indY, indZ) {
  X <- matrix(x[indX], dimX[1], dimX[2])
  Y <- matrix(x[indY], dimY[1], dimY[2])
  Z <- matrix(x[indZ], dimZ[1], dimZ[2])
  return(X %*% Y %*% t(Z))

bilinear3.flat.matrices <- function(X, Y, Z, dimX, dimY, dimZ) {
  # compute the quadratic form X[[i]] %*% Y[[i]] %*% t(Z[[i]])
  check3.flat.matrices(X, Y, Z, dimX, dimY, dimZ)
  z <- if(prod(dimX) == 1 && prod(dimY) == 1 && prod(dimZ) == 1) {
    # scalars
    X * Y * Z
  } else {
    handle3.flat.matrices(X, Y, Z, dimX, dimY, dimZ, bilinear3.slice)

multiply3.slice <- function(x, dimX, dimY, dimZ, indX, indY, indZ) {
  X <- matrix(x[indX], dimX[1], dimX[2])
  Y <- matrix(x[indY], dimY[1], dimY[2])
  Z <- matrix(x[indZ], dimZ[1], dimZ[2])
  return(X %*% Y %*% Z)

multiply3.flat.matrices <- function(X, Y, Z, dimX, dimY, dimZ) {
  # compute X[[i]] %*% Y[[i]] %*% Z[[i]]
  check3.flat.matrices(X, Y, Z, dimX, dimY, dimZ)
  z <- if(prod(dimX) == 1 && prod(dimY) == 1 && prod(dimZ) == 1) {
    # scalars
    X * Y * Z
  } else {
    handle3.flat.matrices(X, Y, Z, dimX, dimY, dimZ, multiply3.slice)
baddstats/spatstat.local documentation built on July 18, 2024, 4:36 p.m.