
Defines functions src_argos find_config_files read_config_file .dir.defaults .basename.defaults .suffix.defaults

Documented in find_config_files read_config_file src_argos

#' Connect to database using config file
#' \code{src_argos} sets up a \pkg{dplyr} or \pkg{DBI} data source using
#' information from a JSON configuration file, and returns the data source.
#' The configuration file must provide all of the information necessary to set
#' up the \code{\link[dplyr]{src}} or \link[DBI]{DBI} connection.  Given the
#' variety of ways a data source can be specified, the JSON must be a
#' two-element hash.  The \verb{src_name} key points to a string containing name
#' of a \pkg{dplyr} function that sets up the data source (e.g.
#' \code{\link[dplyr]{src_postgres}}), or of a \pkg{DBI} driver method (e.g.
#' \verb{SQLite}), as one might pass to \link[DBI]{dbDriver}.  If the
#' \verb{src_name} begins with \code{src_}, it is taken as the former, otherwise
#' it is taken as the latter.  In this case, an attempt will be made to load an
#' appropriate \pkg{DBI} library if the driver function is not found.
#' The \verb{src_args} key points to a nested hash, whose keys are the arguments
#' to that function, and whose values are the argument values.
#' If \code{paths} is present, only the specified paths are checked. Otherwise,
#' \code{\link{find_config_files}} is called to locate candidate configuration
#' files, using \code{dirs} and \code{basenames}, if present.  The first file
#' that exists, is readable, and evaluates as legal JSON is used as the source
#' of configuration data.
#' Finally, \code{allow_post_connect_sql} and \code{allow_post_connect_fun} let
#' you permit the configuration file to operate on the database connection after
#' it is made, in order to set session behaviors or the like.  Because this entails
#' the configuration file providing code that you won't see prior to runtime, you
#' need to opt in to these features.  You can make this choice globally by setting
#'  the  \code{src_argos.allow_post_connect_sql} and
#'   \code{src_argos.allow_post_connect_fun} via \link{\code{base::options()}}.
#'  `
#' @param basenames A vector of file names to use in searching for configuration
#'   file, if \code{paths} is absent.  It defaults to the name of this file.
#' @param dirs A vector of directory names to use in searching for configuration
#'   files, if \code{paths} is absent.  It defaults to \verb{$HOME}, the
#'   location of the file containing the calling function, and the location of
#'   this file.
#' @param paths A vector of full path names for the configuration file.  If
#'   present, only \code{paths} is checked.
#' @param config A list containg the configuration data, to be used instead of
#'   reading a configuration file, should you wish to skip that step.
#' @param allow_post_connect_sql A Boolean value indicating whether the contents
#'   of a \code{post_connect_sql} list in the configuration should be executed
#'   if present. If TRUE, each element of the list is treated as a separate SQL
#'   statement.
#' @param allow_post_connect_fun A Boolean value indicating whether the contents
#'   of a \code{post_connect_fun} list in the configuration should be executed
#'   if present. If TRUE, the list elements are concatened and evaluated.  They
#'   must define a function taking a single argument, the database connection.
#'   The return value will replace the database connection, and become the
#'   return value for src_argos().
#' @return A database connection.  The specific class of the object is determined
#'   by the \code{src_name} in the configuration data.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Search all the (filename-based) defaults
#' src_argos()
#' # "The usual"
#' src_argos('myproj_prod')
#' # Look around
#' src_argos( dirs = c(Sys.getenv('PROJ_CONF_DIR'), 'var/lib', getwd()),
#'            basenames = c('myproj', Sys.getenv('PROJ_NAME')) )
#' # No defaults
#' src_argos(paths = c('/path/to/known/config.json'))
#' }

src_argos <- function(basenames = NA, dirs = NA, paths = NA, config = NA,
                      allow_post_connect_sql =
                          getOption('src_argos.allow_post_connect_sql', FALSE),
                      allow_post_connect_fun =
                          getOption('src_argos.allow_post_connect_fun', FALSE)) {

    if (is.na(config)) {
        if (is.na(paths)) {
            args <- mget(c('dirs','basenames'))
            args <- args[ !is.na(args) ]
            paths <- do.call(find_config_files, args)
        config <- read_config_file(paths)

    if(!grepl('^src_', config$src_name)) {
        drv <- tryCatch(DBI::dbDriver(config$src_name), error = function(e) NULL)
        if (is.null(drv)) {
            library(paste0('R', config$src_name), character.only = TRUE)
            drv <- DBI::dbDriver(config$src_name)
        config$src_name <- function(...) DBI::dbConnect(drv,...)

    db <- do.call(config$src_name, config$src_args)

    if (allow_post_connect_sql &&
        exists('post_connect_sql', where = config)) {
        con <- if (inherits(db, 'src_dbi')) db$con else db
        lapply(config$post_connect_sql, function(x) DBI::dbExecute(con, x))
    if (allow_post_connect_fun &&
        exists('post_connect_fun', where = config)) {
        pc <- eval(parse(text = paste(config$post_connect_fun,
                                      sep = "\n", collapse = "\n")))
        db <- do.call(pc, list(db))

#' Locate candidate configuration files
#' Given vectors of directories, basenames, and suffices,
#' \code{find_config_files} combines them to find existing files.
#' This function is intended to support a variety of installation patterns, so
#' it attempts to be flexible in looking for configuration files.  First,
#' environment variables of the form \emph{basename}\verb{_CONFIG}, where
#' \emph{<basename>} is the uppercase form of each candidate basename, are
#' examined to see whether any translate to a file path.
#' Following this, the path name parts supplied as arguments are used to
#' build potential file names.  If \code{dirs} is not specified, the
#' following directories are checked by default: \enumerate{
#'    \item the user's \verb{$HOME} directory
#'    \item the directory in which the executing script is located
#'    \item the directory in which the calling function's calling function's
#'       source file is located (typically an application-level library)
#'    \item the directory in which the calling function's source file is located
#'       (typically a utility function, such as \code{src_argos})
#' }.  In each location, the file names given in \code{basenames} are checked; if
#' not specified, several default file names are tried: \enumerate{
#'    \item the name of the calling function's source file
#'    \item the name of the executing script
#'    \item the directory in which the calling function's calling function's
#'       source file is located (typically an application-level library)
#' }.  The suffices (file "type"s) of \verb{.json}, \verb{.conf}, and nothing,
#' are tried with each candidate path; you may override this default by
#' specifying \code{suffices}.  Finally, in order to accommodate the Unix
#' tradition of "hidden" configuration files, each basename is prefixed with
#' \verb{.} before tryng the basename alone.
#' @param basenames A vector of file names to use in searching for configuration
#'   files.
#' @param dirs A vector of directory names to use in searching for configuration
#'   files.
#' @param suffices A vector of suffices (file "type"s) to use in searching for
#'   the configuration file.
#' @return A vector of path specifications
#' @examples
#' find_config_files() # All defaults
#' find_config_files(dirs = c(file.path(Sys.getenv('HOME'),'etc'),
#'                           '/usr/local/etc', '/etc'),
#'                  basenames = c('my_app'),
#'                  suffices = c('.conf', '.rc'))
find_config_files <- function(basenames = .basename.defaults(),
                              dirs = .dir.defaults(),
                              suffices = .suffix.defaults()) {

    files <- c()

    for (b in basenames) {
        cand <- Sys.getenv(paste0(toupper(b),'_CONFIG'))
        if (cand %in% files) next
        if (file.exists(cand)) files <- c(files,cand)

    for (d in dirs[ !is.na(dirs) ]) {
        for (b in basenames) {
            for (name in c(paste0('.',b), b)) {
                for (type in suffices) {
                    cand <- file.path(d,
                    if (nchar(cand) < 1 || cand %in% files) next
                    if (file.exists(cand)) files <- c(files,cand)

#' Read the content of a JSON config file
#' Given a vector of file paths, \code{read_config_file} attempts to read a JSON
#' configuration file, using each element of the vector to locate the file.
#' It returns the contents of the first file successfully read; subsequent path
#' specifications are ignored.  If no path succeeds, a fatal error is signalled.
#' @param paths A vector of path specifications to use in searching for
#'   the configuration file.
#' @return A data frame containing the contents of the configuration file,
#'   as parsed by \code{\link[jsonlite]{fromJSON}}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' read_config_file( c('~/my_app.json', '~/my_proj.json'))
#' }
read_config_file <- function(paths = NA) {
    for (p in paths) {
        config <-
                     error = function(e) NA)
        if (!is.na(config[1])) return(config)

    stop("No config files found")

### "Private" functions

# Internal function to generate vector of dirs to search
.dir.defaults <- function() {
    p <- c(Sys.getenv('HOME'),
           unlist(lapply(c(1, sys.parent(3), sys.parent(2)),
                         function (x)
                                      error = function(e) NULL)
#    p[nchar(p) > 0]

# Internal function to generate vector of basenames to search
.basename.defaults <- function() {
    p <- unlist(lapply(c(sys.parent(2), 1, sys.parent(3)),
                       function (x)
                           sub('\\.[^.]*$', '',
                                        error = function(e) NULL),
                               perl = TRUE)
    p[nchar(p) > 0]

# Internal function to generate vector of suffices to search
.suffix.defaults <- function() c('.json', '.conf', '')
baileych/ohdsi-argos documentation built on Dec. 1, 2019, 12:41 p.m.