
checkInput <- function (errors = NULL, strata = NULL, sampframe = NULL) 
  if (!is.null(strata)) {
    colnames(strata) <- toupper(colnames(strata))
    if (sum(grepl("N", colnames(strata))) < 1) 
      stop("In strata dataframe the indication of population (N) is missing")
    if (sum(grepl("X", colnames(strata))) < 1) 
      stop("In strata dataframe the indication of at least one auxiliary variable (X) is missing")
    if (sum(grepl("STRAT", toupper(colnames(strata)), fixed = TRUE)) < 
      stop("In strata dataframe the indication of stratum (STRATUM) is missing")
    if (sum(grepl("DOM1", toupper(colnames(strata)), fixed = TRUE)) < 
      stop("In strata dataframe the indication of at least Ine domain (DOM1) is missing")
    if (sum(grepl("CENS", toupper(colnames(strata)), fixed = TRUE)) < 
      stop("In strata dataframe the indication of strata to be sampled or censused (CENS) is missing")
    if (sum(grepl("COST", toupper(colnames(strata)), fixed = TRUE)) < 
      stop("In strata dataframe the indication of interviewing cost in strata (COST) is missing")
    if (sum(grepl("M1", toupper(colnames(strata)), fixed = TRUE)) < 
      stop("In strata dataframe the indication of at least one mean (M1) is missing")
    if (sum(grepl("S1", toupper(colnames(strata)), fixed = TRUE)) < 
      stop("In strata dataframe the indication of at least one standard deviation (S1) is missing")
    if (sum(grepl("M+[0123456789]", toupper(colnames(strata)), 
                  perl = TRUE)) != sum(grepl("S+[0123456789]", toupper(colnames(strata)), 
                                             perl = TRUE)) + 1) 
      stop("In strata dataframe the number of means (Mx) differs from the number of standard deviations (Sx)")
  if (!is.null(errors)) {
    colnames(errors) <- toupper(colnames(errors))
    if (sum(grepl("DOM", toupper(colnames(errors)), fixed = TRUE)) < 
      stop("In errors dataframe the indication of domain (DOM) is missing")
    if (sum(grepl("CV", toupper(colnames(errors)), fixed = TRUE)) < 
      stop("In errors dataframe the indication of at least one constraint (CV) is missing")
  if (!is.null(errors) && !is.null(strata)) {
    if (sum(grepl("S+[0123456789]", toupper(colnames(strata)), 
                  perl = TRUE)) != sum(grepl("CV", toupper(colnames(errors)), 
                                             fixed = TRUE))) 
      stop("In strata dataframe the number of means and std deviations differs from the number of coefficient of variations in errors dataframe")
    if (nrow(errors) != length(levels(as.factor(strata$DOM1)))) 
      stop("In the 'errors' dataframe the number of domain values if different from the number of domain values in 'strata' dataframe")
  if (!is.null(sampframe)) {
    colnames(sampframe) <- toupper(colnames(sampframe))
    if (sum(grepl("X", colnames(sampframe))) < 1) 
      stop("In frame dataframe the indication of at least one auxiliary variable (X) is missing")
    if (sum(grepl("Y", colnames(sampframe))) < 1) 
      stop("In frame dataframe the indication of at least one target variable (Y) is missing")
    if (sum(grepl("DOMAINVALUE", colnames(sampframe))) < 
      stop("In frame dataframe the indication of the domain (DOMAINVALUE) is missing")
    for (i in (1:(sum(grepl("Y", colnames(sampframe)))))) {
      stmt <- paste("if (min(sampframe$Y",i,") < 0) stop('Variable Y",i," has negative values in sampframe
                    This can cause an incorrect optimization
                    if the mean of the variable is negative
                    in one or more domains.
                    In this case you should use a derived variable with shifted values')",sep="")
    # for (i in (1:(sum(grepl("Y", colnames(sampframe)))))) {
    #   eval(parse(text=paste0("y <- sampframe$Y",i)))
    #   result <- tryCatch({
    #     if (min(y) < 0) {
    #       warning("")
    #     }
    #     # your function here
    #   }, warning = function(w) {
    #     message("*** Variable Y",i," has negative values in sampframe ***
    # This can cause an incorrect optimization
    # if the mean of the variable is negative in one or more domains
    # In this case you should use a derived variable with shifted values
    #             ")
    #   })
    # }  
    for (i in (1:(sum(grepl("X", colnames(sampframe)))))) {
      stmt <- paste("if (min(sampframe$X",i,") < 0) stop('Variable X",i," has negative values in sampframe')",sep="")
    # for (i in (1:(sum(grepl("X", colnames(sampframe)))))) {
    #   eval(parse(text=paste0("x <- sampframe$X",i)))
    #   result <- tryCatch({
    #     if (min(x) < 0) {
    #       warning("")
    #     }
    #     # your function here
    #   }, warning = function(w) {
    #     message("*** Variable X",i," has negative values in sampframe ***
    # This may cause an incorrect optimization
    #             ")
    #   })
    # } 
  if (!is.null(sampframe) && !is.null(strata)) {
    if (sum(grepl("S+[0123456789]", toupper(colnames(strata)), 
                  perl = TRUE)) != sum(grepl("Y", toupper(colnames(sampframe)), 
                                             fixed = TRUE))) 
      stop("In frame dataframe the number of target variables differ from the number of means and std deviations in strata dataframe")
    if (sum(grepl("X", toupper(colnames(strata)), fixed = TRUE)) != 
        sum(grepl("X", toupper(colnames(sampframe)), fixed = TRUE))) 
      stop("In frame dataframe the number of auxiliary variables (X) differ from the number of auxiliary variables in strata dataframe")
  if (!is.null(strata) || !is.null(sampframe) || !is.null(errors)) 
    cat("\nInput data have been checked and are compliant with requirements\n")
  # if (is.null(strata) & is.null(sampframe) & is.null(errors)) 
  #   cat("\nNo input data indicated\n")
barcaroli/SamplingStrata documentation built on Oct. 13, 2023, 8:56 a.m.