
#' An R6 object for creating Voting District -level choropleths.
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom choroplethr Choropleth
#' @importFrom grid grobTree
VotingDistrictChoropleth = R6Class("VotingDistrictChoropleth",
                        inherit = Choropleth,
                        public = list(

                          # initialize with Voting District map
                          initialize = function(user.df,ggplot_scale = NULL)

                            data(sf.df, package="scvotingdistrictr", envir=environment())

                            super$initialize(sf.df, user.df)
                            if(!is.null(ggplot_scale)) {
                              super$ggplot_scale = ggplot_scale
                            if (private$has_invalid_regions)
                              warning("Please see ?votingdistrict.regions for a list of mappable regions")

                          # All zooms, at the end of the day, are zip zooms. But often times it is more natural
                          # for users to specify the zoom in other geographical units
                          # This function name is a bit of a hack - it seems like I cannot override the parent set_zoom directly
                          # because this function has a different number of parameters than that function, and the extra parameters
                          # seeming just disappear
                          set_zoom_zip = function(state_zoom, county_zoom, msa_zoom, zip_zoom)
                            # user can zoom by at most one of these options
                            num_zooms_selected = sum(!is.null(c(state_zoom, county_zoom, msa_zoom, zip_zoom)))
                            if (num_zooms_selected > 1) {
                              stop("You can only zoom in by one of zip_zoom, county_zoom, state_zoom or msa_zoom")

                            data(zip.regions, package="scvotingdistrictr", envir=environment())

                            # if the zip_zoom field is selected, just do default behavior
                            if (!is.null(zip_zoom)) {
                              # if county_zoom field is selected, extract zips from counties
                            } else if (!is.null(county_zoom)) {
                              stopifnot(all(county_zoom %in% unique(zip.regions$county.fips.numeric)))
                              zips = zip.regions[zip.regions$county.fips.numeric %in% county_zoom, "region"]
                            } else if (!is.null(state_zoom)) {
                              stopifnot(all(state_zoom %in% unique(zip.regions$state.name)))
                              zips = zip.regions[zip.regions$state.name %in% state_zoom, "region"]
                            } else if (!is.null(msa_zoom)) {
                              stopifnot(all(msa_zoom %in% unique(zip.regions$cbsa.title)))
                              zips = zip.regions[zip.regions$cbsa.title %in% msa_zoom, "region"]

                          render_nationwide = function()
                            data(zip.regions, package="scvotingdistrictr", envir=environment())


                            # first render the continental us
                            continental_zips   = zip.regions[!zip.regions$state.name %in% c("alaska", "hawaii"), "region"]
                            continental.df     = self$choropleth.df[self$choropleth.df$region %in% continental_zips, ]
                            continental.ggplot = self$render_helper(continental.df, self$scale_name, self$theme_clean()) + ggtitle(self$title)

                            ret = continental.ggplot

                            # render ak and add as inset
                            ak_zips       = zip.regions[zip.regions$state.name == "alaska", "region"]
                            alaska.df     = self$choropleth.df[self$choropleth.df$region %in% ak_zips, ]
                            alaska.ggplot = self$render_helper(alaska.df, "", self$theme_inset())
                            alaska.grob   = ggplotGrob(alaska.ggplot)
                            ret           = ret + annotation_custom(grobTree(alaska.grob), xmin=-125, xmax=-110, ymin=22.5, ymax=30)

                            # render hi and add as inset
                            hi_zips       = zip.regions[zip.regions$state.name == "hawaii", "region"]
                            hawaii.df     = self$choropleth.df[self$choropleth.df$region %in% hi_zips, ]
                            hawaii.ggplot = self$render_helper(hawaii.df, "", self$theme_inset())
                            hawaii.grob   = ggplotGrob(hawaii.ggplot)
                            ret           = ret + annotation_custom(grobTree(hawaii.grob), xmin=-107.5, xmax=-102.5, ymin=25, ymax=27.5)

                            ret +

                          render_helper = function(choropleth.df, scale_name, theme)
                            # maps with numeric values are mapped with a continuous scale
                            if (is.numeric(choropleth.df$value))
                              ggplot(choropleth.df, aes(long, lat, group = group)) +
                                geom_polygon(aes(fill = value), size = 0) +
                                self$get_scale() +
                            } else { # assume character or factor
                              stopifnot(length(unique(na.omit(choropleth.df$value))) <= 9) # brewer scale only goes up to 9

                              ggplot(choropleth.df, aes(long, lat, group = group)) +
                                geom_polygon(aes(fill = value), size = 0) +
                                self$get_scale() +

#' Create a choropleth of US VotingDistrict Codes
#' Note that what is rendered are 2010 US Census VotingDistrict Code Tabulated Areas (ZCTAs), not USPS VotingDistrict Codes. The
#' map used is zip.map in the choroplethrVotingDistrict package. See zip.regions for
#' an object which can help you coerce your regions into the required format.
#' @param df A data.frame with a column named "region" and a column named "value".  Elements in
#' the "region" column must exactly match how regions are named in the "region" column in ?zip.map.
#' @param title An optional title for the map.
#' @param legend An optional name for the legend.
#' @param num_colors The number of colors on the map. A value of 1
#' will use a continuous scale. A value in [2, 9] will use that many colors.
#' @param zip_zoom An optional vector of zip codes to zoom in on. Elements of this vector must exactly
#' match the names of zips as they appear in the "region" column of ?zip.regions.
#' @param county_zoom An optional vector of county FIPS codes to zoom in on. Elements of this
#' vector must exactly match the names of zips as they appear in the "county.fips.numeric" column
#' of ?zip.regions.
#' @param state_zoom An optional vector of State names to zoom in on. Elements of this
#' vector must exactly match the names of the state names as they appear in the "state.name" column
#' of ?zip.regions.
#' @param msa_zoom An optional vector of MSA (Metroplitan/Micropolitan Statistical Area) names to zoom in on. Elements of this
#' vector must exactly match the names of the state names as they appear in the "cbsa.title" column
#' of ?zip.regions.
#' @param reference_map If true, render the choropleth over a reference map from Google Maps.
#' @note Nationwide zip choropleths can take a few minutes to render.
#' It is much faster to view a subset of the country by selecting a zoom.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(choroplethrVotingDistrict)
#' data(df_pop_zip)
#' # Simple Working Example
#' data(df_charleston_winners)
#' c <- VotingDistrictChoropleth$new(df_charleston_winners)
#' c$title = "2016 Charleston Winners"
#' c$set_num_colors(2)
#' c$render()
#' # zooming on a state
#' zip_choropleth(df_pop_zip,
#'                state_zoom = "new york",
#'                title      = "2012 New York State ZCTA Population Estimates",
#'                legend     = "Population")
#' # adding a reference map
#' zip_choropleth(df_pop_zip,
#'                state_zoom    = "new york",
#'                title         = "2012 New York State ZCTA Population Estimates",
#'                legend        = "Population",
#'                reference_map = TRUE)
#' # viewing on a set of counties
#' # note we use numeric county FIPS codes
#' nyc_fips = c(36005, 36047, 36061, 36081, 36085)
#' zip_choropleth(df_pop_zip,
#'                county_zoom = nyc_fips,
#'                title       = "2012 New York City ZCTA Population Estimates",
#'                legend      = "Population")
#' # zooming in on a few ZIPs
#' manhattan_les = c("10002", "10003", "10009")
#' manhattan_ues = c("10021", "10028", "10044", "10128")
#' zip_choropleth(df_pop_zip,
#'               zip_zoom = c(manhattan_les, manhattan_ues),
#'               title    = "2012 Lower and Upper East Side ZCTA Population Estimates",
#'               legend   = "Population")
#' # zooming in on an entire Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
#' zip_choropleth(df_pop_zip,
#'                msa_zoom = "New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA",
#'                title    = "2012 NY-Newark-Jersey City MSA\nZCTA Population Estimates",
#'                legend   = "Population")
#'  # showing the entire country
#'  # note: this takes a few minutes to run
#'  zip_choropleth(df_pop_zip,
#'                title  = "2012 US ZCTA Population Estimates",
#'                legend = "Population")
#' }
#' @seealso \url{https://www.census.gov/geo/reference/zctas.html} for an explanation of ZCTAs and how they relate to US VotingDistrict Codes.
#' @export
#' @importFrom Hmisc cut2
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract_all
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_polygon scale_fill_brewer ggtitle theme theme_grey element_blank geom_text
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_fill_continuous scale_colour_brewer ggplotGrob annotation_custom
#' @importFrom scales comma
zip_choropleth = function(df, title="", legend="", num_colors=7, 
  # nationwide map is special - no borders and insets for AK and HI
  if (is.null(state_zoom) && is.null(county_zoom) && is.null(msa_zoom) && is.null(zip_zoom))
    if (reference_map == TRUE)
      stop("Reference maps do not currently work with maps that have insets, such as maps of the 50 US States.")
    warning(paste0("Nationwide zip choropleths can take a few minutes to render. ",
                   "It is much faster to view a subset of the country by selecting a zoom. ",
                   "See ?zip_choropleth for zoom options."))

    c = VotingDistrictChoropleth$new(df)
    c$title  = title
    c$legend = legend
  } else {
    c = VotingDistrictChoropleth$new(df)
    c$title  = title
    c$legend = legend
    c$set_zoom_zip(state_zoom=state_zoom, county_zoom=county_zoom, msa_zoom=msa_zoom, zip_zoom=zip_zoom)
    if (reference_map) {
    } else {
barkingcave/scvotingdistrictr documentation built on May 11, 2019, 6:23 p.m.