
Defines functions return_cumulative check_params

check_params <- function(name = NULL, data = NULL, sort_variable = NULL, sort_variables = NULL,

         price_variable = NULL, price_variables = NULL, update_frequency = NULL,
         return_frequency = NULL,  ranking_period = NULL, long_threshold = NULL,
         short_threshold = NULL, sort_levels = NULL, geometric = NULL,
         front = NULL, back = NULL, positions = NULL, long = NULL,
         factor_returns = NULL, assets_dates = NULL, factor_dates = NULL,
         weighted = NULL, risk_adjusted = NULL, format = NULL, underlying = NULL,
         unit = NULL, participant = NULL){
  if(! is.null(name))
    if(! rlang::is_scalar_character(name))
      stop("Parameter 'name' must be supplied as a scalar character vector.")

  if(! is.null(name))
    if(! is.data.frame(data))
      stop("Parameter 'data' must be supplied as a dataframe.")

  if(! is.null(sort_variable))
    if(! all(rlang::is_scalar_character(sort_variable), sort_variable %in% sort_variables))
      stop("The parameter 'sort_variable' must be supplied as scalar character vector; one of '",
           paste(sort_variables, collapse = "', '"), "'.")

  if(! is.null(price_variable))
    if(! all(rlang::is_scalar_character(price_variable), price_variable %in% price_variables))
      stop("The parameter 'price_variable' must be supplied as scalar character vector; one of '",
           paste(price_variables, collapse = "', '"), "'.")

  if(! is.null(update_frequency))
    if(! all(rlang::is_scalar_character(update_frequency),
             update_frequency %in% c("year", "semester", "quarter", "month", "week", "day")))
      stop("Parameter 'update_frequency' must be supplied as a scalar character vector;
           one of 'year', 'semester', 'quarter', 'month', 'week' or 'day'.")

  if(! is.null(return_frequency))
    if(! all(rlang::is_scalar_character(return_frequency),
             return_frequency %in% c("year", "semester", "quarter", "month", "week", "day")))
      stop("Parameter 'return_frequency' must be supplied as a scalar character vector;
           one of 'year', 'semester', 'quarter', 'month', 'week' or 'day'.")

  if(! is.null(ranking_period))
    if(! rlang::is_scalar_integer(ranking_period))
      stop("Parameter 'ranking_period' must be supplied as a scalar integeter vector.")

  if(all(! is.null(long_threshold), ! is.null(short_threshold)))
    if(! all(rlang::is_scalar_double(long_threshold), rlang::is_scalar_double(short_threshold),
             c(long_threshold, short_threshold) >= 0L, c(long_threshold, short_threshold) <= 1L))
      stop("Parameters 'long_threshold' & 'short_threshold' must be supplied as a scalar numeric
           vector; values must be between 0 and 1.")

  if(! is.null(sort_levels))
    if(! rlang::is_scalar_logical(sort_levels))
      stop("Parameter 'sort_levels' must be supplied as a scalar logical vector (TRUE or FALSE).")

  if(! is.null(geometric))
    if(! rlang::is_scalar_logical(geometric))
      stop("Parameter 'geometric' must be supplied as a scalar logical vector (TRUE or FALSE).")

  if(all(! is.null(front), ! is.null(back)))
    if(! all(rlang::is_scalar_integer(front), rlang::is_scalar_integer(back),
             as.integer(c(front, back)) %in% positions, front < back))
      stop("The parameters 'front' & 'back' must be supplied as scalar integer vectors; one of ",
           paste(positions, collapse = ", "), "; where front < back.")

  if(! is.null(long))
    if(! rlang::is_scalar_logical(long))
      stop("Parameter 'long' must be supplied as a scalar logical vector (TRUE or FALSE).")

  if(! is.null(factor_returns))
    if(ncol(factor_returns) < 2L)
      stop("Parameter 'factor_returns' must be supplied as a dataframe including 2 columns: 'date' and
           'factor' containing dates and corresponding factor returns respectively.")

  if(! c(is.null(assets_dates) & is.null(factor_dates)))
    if(NROW(intersect(assets_dates, factor_dates)) / max(NROW(assets_dates), NROW(factor_dates)) < 0.5)
      stop("Assets & factor returns dates unmatch.")

  if(! is.null(weighted))
    if(! rlang::is_scalar_logical(weighted))
      stop("Parameter 'weighted' must be supplied as a scalar logical vector (TRUE or FALSE).")

  if(! is.null(risk_adjusted))
    if(! rlang::is_scalar_logical(risk_adjusted))
      stop("Parameter 'risk_adjusted' must be supplied as a scalar logical vector (TRUE or FALSE).")

  if(! is.null(format)){
    utils::data(list = c("tickers_cftc"), package = "BBGsymbols", envir = environment())
    formats <- dplyr::filter(tickers_cftc, format != "index investment") %>%
      dplyr::distinct(format) %>% purrr::flatten_chr()
    if(! all(rlang::is_scalar_character(format), format %in% formats))
      stop(paste0("Parameter 'format' must be supplied as a scalar character vector; one of: '",
                  paste(formats, collapse = "', '"), "'."))

  if(! is.null(underlying)){
    utils::data(list = c("tickers_cftc"), package = "BBGsymbols", envir = environment())
    underlyings <- dplyr::filter(tickers_cftc, format != "index investment") %>%
      dplyr::distinct(underlying) %>% purrr::flatten_chr()
    if(! all(rlang::is_scalar_character(underlying), underlying %in% underlyings))
      stop(paste0("Parameter 'underlying' must be supplied as a scalar character vector; one of: '",
                  paste(underlyings, collapse = "', '"), "'."))

  if(! is.null(unit)){
    utils::data(list = c("tickers_cftc"), package = "BBGsymbols", envir = environment())
    units <- dplyr::filter(tickers_cftc, format != "index investment") %>%
      dplyr::distinct(unit) %>% purrr::flatten_chr()
    if(! all(rlang::is_scalar_character(unit), unit %in% units))
      stop(paste0("Parameter 'unit' must be supplied as a scalar character vector; one of: '",
                  paste(units, collapse = "', '"), "'."))

  if(! is.null(participant)){
    utils::data(list = c("tickers_cftc"), package = "BBGsymbols", envir = environment())
    participants <- dplyr::filter(tickers_cftc, format != "index investment") %>%
      dplyr::distinct(participant) %>% purrr::flatten_chr()
    if(! all(rlang::is_scalar_character(participant), participant %in% participants))
      stop(paste0("Parameter 'participant' must be supplied as a scalar character vector; one of: '",
                  paste(participants, collapse = "', '"), "'."))


return_cumulative <- function(x) prod(x + 1L) - 1L
bautheac/factorem documentation built on June 7, 2021, 12:11 p.m.