
Defines functions check_array estimate_equations compute_sigma estimate_df df_correction_2 df_correction_1 df_correction_prep bias_correction compute_matrices eeroot

# These functions are borrowed from a deprecated version of the geex package

# Compute roots for a set of estimating equations
eeroot <- function(geex_list,
                   start        = NULL,
                   rootsolver   = rootSolve::multiroot,
                   root_options = NULL,

  # Create estimating equation functions per group
  psi_i <- lapply(geex_list$splitdt, function(data_i){
    geex_list$eeFUN(data = data_i, ...)

  # Create psi function that sums over all ee funs
  psi <- function(theta){
    psii <- lapply(psi_i, function(f) f(theta))
    apply(check_array(simplify2array(psii)), 1, sum)

  # Find roots of psi
  rargs <- append(root_options, list(f = psi, start = start))
  do.call(rootsolver, args = rargs)

# Compute component matrices for covariance matrix
compute_matrices <- function(geex_list,
                             corrections = NULL,
                             correction_options = list(),
                             numDeriv_options = list(method = 'Richardson'),
                             silent = TRUE,

  correct_bias <- any(c('bias') %in% corrections)
  correct_df   <- any(c('df') %in% corrections)

  with(geex_list, {
    m <- length(splitdt)

    # Create list of estimating eqn functions per unit
    psi_i <- lapply(splitdt, function(data_i){
      eeFUN(data = data_i, ...)

    # Compute the negative of the derivative matrix of estimating eqn functions
    # (the information matrix)
    A_i <- lapply(psi_i, function(ee){
      args <- append(list(fun = ee, x = theta), numDeriv_options)
      val  <- do.call(numDeriv::jacobian, args = args)
    A_i_array <- check_array(simplify2array(A_i))
    A   <- apply(A_i_array, 1:2, sum)

    # Compute outer product of observed estimating eqns
    B_i <- lapply(psi_i, function(ee) ee(theta) %*% t(ee(theta)) )
    B   <- apply(check_array(simplify2array(B_i)), 1:2, sum)

    out <-  list(A = A, A_i = A_i, B = B, B_i = B_i)

    #### Compute corrections ####

    # Bias correction #
      bias_try <- try(bias_correction(m = m, A = A, Ai = A_i, Bi = B_i,
                                      b = correction_options$b),
                      silent = silent)

      if(is(bias_try, 'try-error')){
        bias_fail <- TRUE
      } else {
        bias_fail <- FALSE
        bias_mats <- bias_try
        Bbc <- bias_mats$Bbc
        H_i <- bias_mats$H_i
        out$Bbc <- Bbc

      out$bias_fail <- bias_fail

    # Degrees of Freedom corrections #
        stop('contrast must be specified for df correction')

      contrast <- correction_options$contrast


        df_prep <- df_correction_prep(m = m, L = contrast,
                                      A = A, A_i = A_i, H_i = H_i)

        # DF correction 1 #
        df1 <- df_correction_1(A_d = df_prep$A_d, C = df_prep$C)

        # DF correction 2 #
        df2_try <- try(df_correction_2(m = m, A = A, A_i = A_i, C = df_prep$C,
                                       L = contrast, Bbc = Bbc), silent = silent)
        if(is(df2_try, 'try-error')){
          df2 <- NA_real_
        } else {
          df2 <- df2_try

        out$df1 <- df1
        out$df2 <- df2


# Estimate Fay's bias correction
bias_correction <- function(m, A, Ai, Bi, b = 0.75){

  H_i <- lapply(Ai, function(m){
    diag( (1 - pmin(b, diag(m %*% solve(A)) ) )^(-0.5) )

  Bbc_i <- lapply(1:m, function(i){
    H_i[[i]] %*% Bi[[i]] %*% H_i[[i]]
  Bbc   <- apply(simplify2array(Bbc_i), 1:2, sum)

  list(H_i = H_i, Bbc = Bbc)

# Preparations for Fay's degrees of freedom corrections
df_correction_prep <- function(m, L, A, A_i, H_i){
  p <- ncol(A)

  II   <- diag(1, p*m)
  AA   <- do.call(rbind, A_i)
  calI <- do.call(cbind, args = lapply(1:m, function(i) diag(1, p) ))
  G    <- II - (AA %*% solve(A) %*% calI)

  M_i  <- lapply(H_i, function(mat){
    mat %*% solve(A) %*% L %*% t(L) %*% t(solve(A)) %*% mat
  M    <- Matrix::bdiag(M_i)

  C    <- t(G) %*% M %*% G

  A_d  <- Matrix::bdiag(A_i)

  list(A_d = A_d, C = C)

# Estimate Fay's degrees of freedom corrections 1
df_correction_1 <- function(A_d, C){
  estimate_df(A = A_d, C = C)

# Estimate Fay's degrees of freedom correction 2
df_correction_2 <- function(m, A, A_i, C, L,  Bbc){
  w_i  <- lapply(1:m, function(i) {
    # exclude the ith element
    Oi <- apply(simplify2array(A_i[-i]), 1:2, sum)
    t(L) %*% (solve(Oi) - solve(A) ) %*% L
  wbar <- sum(unlist(w_i))

  Abc_i <- lapply(w_i, function(w){
    as.numeric(w/wbar) * Bbc
  Abc  <- Matrix::bdiag(Abc_i)

  estimate_df(A = Abc, C = C)

# Estimate Fay's degrees of freedom corrections
estimate_df <- function(A, C){
  AC <- A %*% C
  (sum(Matrix::diag(AC)))^2 / sum(Matrix::diag(AC %*% AC))

# Compute covariance matrix for set of estimating equations
compute_sigma <- function(matrices, corrections = NULL){
       if(any('bias' %in% corrections)){
         solve(A) %*% Bbc %*% t(solve(A))
       } else {
         solve(A) %*% B %*% t(solve(A))

# Estimate parameters and their covariance from a set of estimating
# equations
estimate_equations <- function(eeFUN,
                               corrections = NULL,
                               correction_options = list(),
                               numDeriv_options = list(method = 'Richardson'),
                               rootsolver = rootSolve::multiroot,
                               rootsolver_options = NULL,
                               findroots  = TRUE,
                               roots = NULL,

  ## Warnings ##
  if(missing(roots) & findroots){
    stop('If findroots = TRUE, then starting values for the rootsolver must be specified in roots argument.')

  split_data <- split(x = data, f = data[[units]] )
  geex_list  <- list(eeFUN = eeFUN, splitdt = split_data)

  ## Compute estimating equation roots ##
    eesolved <- eeroot(geex_list, start = roots,
                       root_options = rootsolver_options,
    theta_hat <- eesolved$root
  } else {
    theta_hat <- roots

  ## Compute variance estimates ##
  mats <- compute_matrices(geex_list   = geex_list,
                           theta       = theta_hat,
                           corrections = corrections,
                           numDeriv_options = numDeriv_options,
                           correction_options = correction_options,

  Sigma_hat <- compute_sigma(mats)

  list(parameters = theta_hat, vcov = Sigma_hat)

# Check an array object
check_array <- function(object){
    array(object, dim = c(1, 1, length(object)))
  } else {
bblette1/psbinary documentation built on June 18, 2021, 10:11 p.m.