

## Copying example from run_sim and modifying it

##1. testing if Relative_value=1 and non-timevar run_sim are the same (done)
## MLi: This means I can always construct my own timevar for any time-varying simulation
## Move this to testhat?!?

params <- read_params("ICU1.csv")
paramsS <- update(params,c(proc_disp=0.1,obs_disp=100))
paramsSz <- update(paramsS, zeta=5)
state <- make_state(params=params)
startdate <- as.Date("2020-01-01")
enddate <- as.Date("2020-05-01")
time_pars <- data.frame(Date=as.Date(startdate:enddate),

## This is checking if we can get the same thing if we don't add stoch

res1 <- run_sim(params,state,start_date=startdate,end_date=enddate)
res2 <- run_sim(params,state,start_date=startdate,end_date=enddate)

## This fits a timevar dataframe where beta0 = 1
res1_t <- update(res1, params_timevar=time_pars)

## keep only numeric values

## This is the latest ON calibration using the break_date model
modlist <- readRDS("sandbox/ON.short.breaks.RDS")


## Not plotting the data exposes the spikes in death and hosp (these are the compartments where we do diff from accumulating boxes
## FIXME: may break with testify_eigvec branch?

# isolating cause (look down)

# the ndt that is read in comes in as 2.
# changing to 1 solves the problem
modlist$fit$forecast_args$sim_args$ndt = 2

## Projecting to Dec 2021 using the default settings
pp <- predict(modlist$fit,ensembles=FALSE
	, end_date = "2021-12-01"
	, keep_vars = c("hosp", "death","report","Rt")
## warning about testing time?

print(gg <- ggplot(pp,aes(date,value))
		+ geom_line()
		+ facet_wrap(~var,scale="free",nrow=2)

# isolating cause (look up)

## We can see the spikes and Rt does not account for depletion of S

## Now I am going to manually construct the break_date timevar dataframe and use run_sim to simulate

break_date <- modlist$fit$forecast_args$time_args$break_dates
rel_beta <- coef(modlist$fit,"fitted")$rel_beta0

## including the first date and last date (pp is the simulation above using the default settings, I am just using it to set up the same projection window

break_date2 <- c(min(pp$date),break_date,max(pp$date))

## Before the first break_date, relative_val = 1
rel_beta2 <- c(1,rel_beta)

rel_betaf <- data.frame()
for(i in 1:(length(break_date2)-1)){
	tempdf <- data.frame(Date = seq.Date(from = break_date2[i], to = break_date2[i+1], by=1)
			, Symbol = "beta0"
			, Relative_value = rel_beta2[i]
	rel_betaf <- rbind(rel_betaf,tempdf)

## manually  and use timevar to simulate it

pp2 <- run_sim(params=coef(modlist$fit,"all")
					, state = make_state(params = coef(modlist$fit,"all"))
					, params_timevar = rel_betaf

pp2 <- (pp2 %>% select(date,hosp,death,report)
	%>% gather(var,value,-date))

print(gg %+% pp2)

## compare modlist$fit params_timevar component with rel_betaf
## No more spikes!!

## 1. Allow MLi hack (construct timepars by hand) to work with ensembles
## 2. fix whatever's causing the spikes in the first place
bbolker/McMasterPandemic documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 6:35 p.m.