
Defines functions conn_comp_3D

Documented in conn_comp_3D

#' Extract connected components from a 3D mask
#' @export
#' @import purrr
#' @param mask a 3D binary array
#' @param connect the connectiivty constraint: "6-connect", "18-connect", or "26-connect"
#' @return a two-element list of the connected components (cluster \code{index} and cluster \code{size})
#' The first element \code{index} is a 3D array containing the cluster index of the connected component for each voxel.
#' The second element \code{size} is a 3D array consisting of the size of the connected component inhabited by each voxel.
#' @examples
#' dat <- array(as.logical(rnorm(10*10*10)>.5), c(10, 10, 10))
#' res1 <- conn_comp_3D(dat, connect="6-connect")
#' res2 <- conn_comp_3D(dat, connect="18-connect")
#' res3 <- conn_comp_3D(dat, connect="26-connect")
conn_comp_3D <- function(mask,connect=c("26-connect", "18-connect", "6-connect")) {
	stopifnot(length(dim(mask)) == 3 && is.logical(mask[1]))

  connect <- match.arg(connect)

	nodes <- numeric(length(mask)/9)
	labels <- array(0, dim(mask))

	DIM <- dim(mask)
	xdim <- DIM[1]
	ydim <- DIM[2]
	zdim <- DIM[3]

	local.mask <- if (connect == "6-connect") {
	    rbind(expand.grid(x=c(-1,0,1), y=0, z=0),
	          expand.grid(x=0, y=c(-1, 1), z=0),
	          expand.grid(x=0, y=0, z=c(-1, 1)))
	} else if (connect == "18-connect") {
	    expand.grid(x=c(-1,0,1), y=0, z=0),
	    expand.grid(x=0, y=c(-1,1), z=0),
	    expand.grid(x=0, y=0, z=c(-1,1)),
	    expand.grid(x=c(-1,1), y=c(-1,1), z=0),
	    expand.grid(x=c(-1,1), y=0, z=c(-1,1)),
	    expand.grid(x=0, y=c(-1,1), z=c(-1,1)))
	} else {
	  as.matrix(expand.grid(x=c(-1,0,1), y=c(-1,0,1), z=c(-1,0,1)))

	dimnames(local.mask) <- NULL
	local.mask <- local.mask[-(ceiling(nrow(local.mask)/2)),,drop=FALSE]
	tlocal.mask <- t(local.mask)

	neighbors <- function(vox) {

	  vox.hood <- t(tlocal.mask + vox)
	  if (any(vox == 1) || any(vox == DIM)) {
	    vox.hood <- vox.hood[apply(vox.hood, 1, function(coords) {
	      all(coords > 1 & coords <= DIM)

	  vox.hood[labels[vox.hood] != 0,,drop=F]

	find <- function(i) {
		while (nodes[i] != i) {
			i <- nodes[i]


	nextlabel <- 1

	grid <-  .indexToGrid(which(mask>0), dim(mask))

	for (i in 1:NROW(grid)) {
		vox <- grid[i,]
		nabes <- neighbors(vox)
		if (nrow(nabes) == 0) {
			nodes[nextlabel] <- nextlabel
			labels[vox[1],vox[2],vox[3]] <- nextlabel
		} else {
			L <- labels[nabes]
			ML <- min(L)
			labels[vox[1],vox[2], vox[3]] <- ML
			nodes[nextlabel] <- ML
			for (lab in L) {
				rootx <- find(lab)
				nodes[rootx] <- find(ML)

		nextlabel <- nextlabel + 1

	## pass2
	for (k in 1:zdim) {
		for (j in 1:ydim) {
			for (i in 1:xdim) {
				if (labels[i,j,k] > 0) {
					labels[i,j,k] <- find(labels[i,j,k])

	labs <- labels[labels!=0]
	forelabs <- labels > 0

	clusters <- sort(table(labs), decreasing=TRUE)
	SVol <- array(0, dim(mask))
	SVol[forelabs] <- clusters[as.character(labs)]

	indices <- 1:length(clusters)
	names(indices) <- names(clusters)
	IVol <- array(0, dim(mask))
	IVol[forelabs] <- indices[as.character(labs)]

	list(index=IVol, size=SVol)

bbuchsbaum/neuroim2 documentation built on April 20, 2024, 4:20 p.m.