
Defines functions mboot2 process_att_gt

Documented in mboot2 process_att_gt

#' @title process_att_gt
#' @description process attgt results when influence function is available
#' @param att_gt_results ATT(g,t)'s
#' @inheritParams pte_results
#' @export
process_att_gt <- function(att_gt_results, ptep) {

  # extract ATT(g,t) and influence functions
  attgt.list <- att_gt_results$attgt.list
  inffunc <- att_gt_results$inffunc
  # a bit of a hack way to get standard errors 
  # with a universal base period when some ATT(g,t)'s
  # are 0 by construction and have no s.e.'s / inf. func.
  # if (isTRUE(ptep$base_period == "universal")) {
  #  set0cols <- sapply(1:ncol(inffunc), function(i) {
  #    (all(is.na(inffunc[,i])))
  #  })
  #  inffunc[,set0cols] <- 0

  # process results
  attgt.results <- do.call("rbind.data.frame", attgt.list)
  att <- attgt.results$att
  group <- attgt.results$group
  time.period <- attgt.results$time.period
  extra_gt_returns <- att_gt_results$extra_gt_returns

  # analytical standard errors
  #   * estimate variance
  #     this is analogous to cluster robust standard errors that
  #     are clustered at the unit level
  n <- nrow(inffunc)
  V <- Matrix::t(inffunc)%*%inffunc/n
  se <- sqrt(Matrix::diag(V)/n)
  cband <- ptep$cband
  alp <- ptep$alp

  # critical value from N(0,1), for pointwise
  cval <- qnorm(1-alp/2)

  # multiplier bootstrap results
  bout <- mboot2(inffunc, alp=alp)

  if (cband) cval <- bout$crit_val
  # compute Wald pre-test
  # select which periods are pre-treatment
  pre <- which(group > time.period)

  # pseudo-atts in pre-treatment periods
  preatt <- as.matrix(att[pre])

  # covariance matrix of pre-treatment atts
  preV <- as.matrix(V[pre,pre])

  # check if there are actually any pre-treatment periods
  W <- NULL
  Wpval <- NULL
  if (length(preV) == 0) {
    message("No pre-treatment periods to test")
  } else if(sum(is.na(preV))) {
    warning("Not returning pre-test Wald statistic due to NA pre-treatment values")
  } else if (rcond(preV) <= .Machine$double.eps) {
    # singluar covariance matrix for pre-treatment periods
    warning("Not returning pre-test Wald statistic due to singular covariance matrix")
  } else {
    # everything is working...
    W <- n*t(preatt)%*%solve(preV)%*%preatt
    q <- length(pre) # number of restrictions
    Wpval <- round(1-pchisq(W,q),5)

  # convert tlist and glist to be compatible with did::aggte
  # from "new" time to "original" time
  original_time.periods <- sort(unique(ptep$data[,ptep$tname]))
  if ( ! all(ptep$tlist %in% original_time.periods) ) {
    ptep$tlist <- sapply(ptep$tlist,
    ptep$glist <- sapply(ptep$glist,
    group <- sapply(group,
    time.period <- sapply(time.period,
    extra_gt_returns <- lapply(extra_gt_returns,
                               function(egr) {
                                 egr$group <- t2orig(egr$group, original_time.periods)
                                 egr$time.period <- t2orig(egr$time.period, original_time.periods)

  # set groups to be untreated so that we do not drop them later (would be better to have this in
  # aggte code, but no changes there.  The only place where I know this is used is for staggered_ife
  #ptep$data[,ptep$gname] <- ifelse( !(ptep$data[,ptep$gname] %in% ptep$glist), 0, ptep$data[,ptep$gname])
  ptep$data$.w <- 1

  # Return list for ATT(g,t)
  return(group_time_att(group=group, time.period=time.period, att=att, V_analytical=V, se=bout$boot_se, crit_val=cval, inf_func=inffunc, n=n, W=W, Wpval=Wpval, cband=cband, alp=alp, ptep=ptep, extra_gt_returns=extra_gt_returns))

#' @title mboot2
#' @description function for using multiplier bootstrap to conduct
#'  inference
#' @param inffunc influence function matrix
#' @inheritParams pte
#' @export
mboot2 <- function(inffunc, biters=1000, alp=.05) {
  n <- nrow(as.matrix(inffunc))

  # run the multiplier bootstrap 
  bout <- lapply(1:biters, function(b) {
    # draw from -1,1 each with p=1/2
    Ub <- sample(c(-1,1), size=n, replace=TRUE)
    Rb <- sqrt(n)*(apply(Ub*inffunc, 2, mean))
  bres <- do.call("rbind", bout)

  # bootstrap compatible standard errors
  boot_se <- apply(bres, 2,
                  function(b) (quantile(b, .75, type=1, na.rm = T) -
                                 quantile(b, .25, type=1, na.rm = T))/(qnorm(.75) - qnorm(.25))) / sqrt(n)

  # bootstrap t-stat (i.e., sup-t)
  bT <- apply(bres, 1, function(b) max( abs(b/boot_se), na.rm=TRUE)) / sqrt(n)

  # new critical value for uniform confidence bands
  crit_val <- quantile(bT, 1-alp, type=1, na.rm = T)
  if (crit_val < qnorm(1-alp/2)) {
    warning("critical value for uniform confidence band is somehow smaller than 
            critical value for pointwise confidence interval...using pointwise 
            confidence interal")
    crit_val <- cval <- qnorm(1-alp/2)

  return(list(boot_se=boot_se, crit_val=crit_val))
bcallaway11/pte documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 3:21 p.m.