Defines functions MDiD compute.MDiD

Documented in compute.MDiD MDiD

###Mean Difference-in-Differences
##Note that you need to pass in data where treated status is noted in
##every period.  Data is form of (year-individual-outcome-x-evertreated)
#' @title compute.MDiD
#' @description Internal function for computing the actual value for MDiD
#' @inheritParams panel.qtet
#' @keywords internal
compute.MDiD <- function(formla, xformla=NULL, t, tmin1, tname, data,
                         idname=NULL, uniqueid=NULL, probs=seq(0.05,0.95,0.05)) {
    form = as.formula(formla)
    dta = model.frame(terms(form,data=data),data=data) #or model.matrix
    colnames(dta) = c("y","treatment")

    ## Setup x variables if using formula
    if (!(is.null(xformla))) {
        ##in this case, we need to drop the intercept
        x <- colnames(model.matrix(terms(as.formula(xformla)), data=data))[-1]
        data <- cbind(data[,c(yname,treat,idname,tname)],
                      model.matrix(terms(as.formula(xformla)), data=data))[,c(1:4, 6:(5+length(x)))]

    ##drop the always treated.  Note that this also relies
    ##on no "switchback" or no return to untreated status
    ##after joining treatment.
    ##first line gets the correct two years of data
    data = subset(data, (data[,tname]==tmin1 | data[,tname]==t))

    if (panel) {
        data = makeBalancedPanel(data, idname, tname)
    ##just to make sure the factors are working ok
    data = droplevels(data)

    ##adjust for covariates
    ##after adjustment then everything should proceed as before
    if (!(is.null(x))) {
        cov.data <- data
        cov.data$group <- as.factor(paste(cov.data[,treat],
        group <- "group"
        xmat = cov.data[,x]
        first.stage <- lm(cov.data[,yname] ~ -1 + cov.data[,group] +
        ##get residuals not including group dummies
        bet <- coef(first.stage)[5:length(coef(first.stage))]
        yfit <- cov.data[,yname] - as.matrix(xmat)%*%bet
        data[,yname] <- yfit

    ##Setup each of the datasets used below
    ##a) get all the treated (in the last period) observations
    treated.t = data[data[,tname]==t & data[,treat]==1,]
    ##b) set ever.treated to 1 if observation is treated in last period
    ##Try not to use this b/c won't work in the case with repeated cross sections
    ##data$ever.treated = data$treatment
    ##data$ever.treated = 1*(data[,idname] %in% treated.t[,idname])  
    ##ever.treated = "ever.treated"
    ##Setup each of the datasets used below
    ##treated.t = subset(data, data[,treat]==1 & data[,tname]==t)
    ##just get the lagged value of y; otherwise keep the same
    ##dataset.  Note: this will not work if there are x covariates;
    ##well, could follow similar procedure, but as is, would
    ##require some modification.
    treated.tmin1 = data[ data[,tname] == tmin1 & data[,treat] == 1, ]
    ##this is right
    untreated.t = data[data[,tname]==t & data[,treat]==0,]
    ##get lagged of untreated y
    untreated.tmin1 = data[ data[,tname] == tmin1 & data[,treat] == 0, ]
    ##5) Compute Quantiles
    ##a) Quantiles of observed distribution
    q1 = quantile(treated.t[,yname],probs=probs)
    q0 = quantile(treated.tmin1[,yname] ,probs=probs) + mean(untreated.t[,yname]) - mean(untreated.tmin1[,yname])
    ##7) Estimate ATT using MDID
    att = mean(treated.t[,yname]) - ( mean(treated.tmin1[,yname]) + mean(untreated.t[,yname]) - mean(untreated.tmin1[,yname]) )
    out <- QTE(ate=att, qte=(q1-q0),probs=probs)

##MDiD is a function that computes bootstrap
##standard errors for quantile treatment effects
#' @title Mean Difference in Differences
#' @description \code{MDiD} is a Difference in Differences type method for
#' computing the QTET.
#' The method can accommodate conditioning on covariates though it does so
#' in a restrictive way:  It specifies a linear model for outcomes conditional
#' on group-time dummies and covariates.  Then, after residualizing (see details
#' in Athey and Imbens (2006)), it computes the Change in Changes model
#' based on these quasi-residuals.
#' @inheritParams panel.qtet
#' @inheritParams CiC
#' @examples
#' ## load the data
#' data(lalonde)
#' ## Run the Mean Difference in Differences method conditioning on
#' ## age, education, black, hispanic, married, and nodegree
#' md1 <- MDiD(re ~ treat, t=1978, tmin1=1975, tname="year",
#'  xformla=~age + I(age^2) + education + black + hispanic + married + nodegree,
#'  data=lalonde.psid.panel, idname="id", se=FALSE,
#'  probs=seq(0.05, 0.95, 0.05))
#' summary(md1)
#' @references
#' Athey, Susan and Guido Imbens.  ``Identification and Inference in Nonlinear
#'  Difference-in-Differences Models.'' Econometrica 74.2, pp. 431-497,
#'  2006.
#' Thuysbaert, Bram.  ``Distributional Comparisons in Difference in Differences
#'  Models.'' Working Paper, 2007.
#' @return A \code{QTE} object
#' @export
MDiD <- function(formla, xformla=NULL, t, tmin1, tname, data,
                 panel=FALSE, se=TRUE,
                 alp=0.05, probs=seq(0.05,0.95,0.05), iters=100,
                 retEachIter=FALSE) {
    form = as.formula(formla)
    dta = model.frame(terms(form,data=data),data=data) #or model.matrix
    colnames(dta) = c("y","treatment")

    ##drop the always treated.  Note that this also relies
    ##on no "switchback" or no return to untreated status
    ##after joining treatment.
    ##first line gets the correct two years of data
    data = subset(data, (data[,tname]==tmin1 | data[,tname]==t))

    if (panel) {
        if (is.null(idname)) {
            stop("Must provide idname when using panel option")
        data = makeBalancedPanel(data, idname, tname)
    ##just to make sure the factors are working ok
    data = droplevels(data)

    ##Setup each of the datasets used below
    ##a) get all the treated (in the last period) observations
    treated.t = data[data[,tname]==t & data[,treat]==1,]
    treated.tmin1 = data[ data[,tname] == tmin1 & data[,treat] == 1, ]
    untreated.t = data[data[,tname]==t & data[,treat]==0,]
    untreated.tmin1 = data[ data[,tname] == tmin1 & data[,treat] == 0, ]

    ##first calculate the actual estimate
    mdid = compute.MDiD(formla, xformla, t, tmin1, tname, data,
        panel, idname, probs)

    if(se) {
        ##now calculate the bootstrap confidence interval
        eachIter = list()
        ##Need to build dataset by sampling individuals, and then
        ##taking all of their time periods
        ##when it's a panel make draws by individual
        if (panel) {
            ##all.ids = unique(data[,idname])
            ##here we rely on having a balanced panel to get the right obs.
            treated.t <- treated.t[order(treated.t[,idname]),]
            treated.tmin1 <- treated.tmin1[order(treated.tmin1[,idname]),]
            untreated.t <- untreated.t[order(untreated.t[,idname]),]
            untreated.tmin1 <- untreated.tmin1[order(untreated.tmin1[,idname]),]
            nt <- nrow(treated.t)
            nu <- nrow(untreated.t)
            ##out.bootdatalist <<- list()
            for (i in 1:iters) {
                ##reset boot.data
                ##boot.data = data[0,]
                randy.t = sample(1:nt, nt, replace=T)
                randy.u <- sample(1:nu, nu, replace=T)
                ##there has to be a way to do this faster, but go with the loop
                ##for now
                ##for (j in all.ids[randy]) {
                ##    boot.data = rbind(boot.data, data[(data[,idname]==j),])
                ##these.ids <- data[,idname][randy]
                boot.data.treated.t <- treated.t[randy.t, ]
                boot.data.treated.tmin1 <- treated.tmin1[randy.t, ]
                boot.data.untreated.t <- untreated.t[randy.u, ]
                boot.data.untreated.tmin1 <- untreated.tmin1[randy.u, ]
                boot.data <- rbind(boot.data.treated.t, boot.data.untreated.t,
                ##boot.data = process.bootdata(boot.data, idname, uniqueid)
                ##out.bootdatalist[[i]] <<- boot.data
                thisIter = compute.MDiD(formla, xformla, t, tmin1, tname,
                    panel=F, idname, probs)
                ##already have a balanced panel so can increase speed by calling
                ##with panel option set to F.
                eachIter[[i]] = QTE(ate = thisIter$ate, qte=thisIter$qte,

        } else { #make draws within each sample
            treated.t = data[data[,tname]==t & data[,treat]==1,]
            treated.tmin1 = data[data[,tname]==tmin1 & data[,treat]==1,]
            untreated.t = data[data[,tname]==t & data[,treat]==0,]

            untreated.tmin1 = data[data[,tname]==tmin1 & data[,treat]==0,]

            for (i in 1:iters) {
                n <- nrow(treated.t)
                ran <- sample(1:n, n, replace=T)
                boot.treated.t <- treated.t[ran,]

                n <- nrow(treated.tmin1)
                ran <- sample(1:n, n, replace=T)
                boot.treated.tmin1 <- treated.tmin1[ran,]

                n <- nrow(untreated.t)
                ran <- sample(1:n, n, replace=T)
                boot.untreated.t <- untreated.t[ran,]

                n <- nrow(untreated.tmin1)
                ran <- sample(1:n, n, replace=T)
                boot.untreated.tmin1 <- untreated.tmin1[ran,]

                boot.data <- rbind(boot.treated.t, boot.untreated.t,
                                   boot.treated.tmin1, boot.untreated.tmin1)
                thisIter = compute.MDiD(formla, xformla, t, tmin1, tname,
                    panel, idname, probs)
                eachIter[[i]] = QTE(ate = thisIter$ate, qte=thisIter$qte,

        SEobj <- computeSE(eachIter, mdid, alp=alp)

        if(!retEachIter) {

        out <- QTE(qte=mdid$qte, qte.upper=SEobj$qte.upper,
                   qte.lower=SEobj$qte.lower, ate=mdid$ate,
                   ate.upper=SEobj$ate.upper, ate.lower=SEobj$ate.lower,
                   qte.se=SEobj$qte.se, ate.se=SEobj$ate.se,
    } else {
bcallaway11/qte documentation built on Sept. 22, 2023, 10:15 a.m.