
Defines functions treeVolEst_RegRatioMethod

Documented in treeVolEst_RegRatioMethod

#' Estimate volume for H-enhanced and non-enhanced trees-VRI specific
#' @description This function estimates the volumes for JH-enhanced and non-enhanced trees using \code{BA-WSV} equation and
#'              \code{toWSV} ratio methods. For H-enhanced trees, the whole stem volume and gross merchantable volume are already calculated directly using
#'              taper equations; and rest of volume components will be calculated using ratio method in this function.
#'              For non-enhanced trees, the whole stem volume is derived using regression equation between basal area
#'              and whole stem volume and the rest of volume components will be computed using ratio method in this function.
#' @param nonVolTrees data.table, H-enhanced trees and non-enhanced trees.
#' @param regressionTable data.table, Specifies the WSV-BA equations by project group \code{PRJ_GRP}, live and dead status \code{LV_D},
#'                                   stand and falling status \code{SF_COMPILE} and species code \code{SP0}. The table can be
#'                                   generated using \code{\link{WSV_BARegression}}.
#' @param ratioTable data.table, Specifies \code{toWSV} ratio by project group \code{PRJ_GRP}, live and dead status \code{LV_D},
#'                                   stand and falling status \code{SF_COMPILE} and species code \code{SP0}.
#'                                   The table can be generated using \code{\link{toWSVRatio}}.
#' @return A data table that has compiled non volume trees.
#' @importFrom data.table ':='
#' @importFrom fpCompare '%<=%' '%==%' '%>=%' '%!=%' '%>>%' '%<<%'
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname treeVolEst_RegRatioMethod
#' @author Yong Luo
treeVolEst_RegRatioMethod <- function(nonVolTrees, regressionTable, ratioTable){
  ## standardize the species code
  nonVolTrees[substr(SPECIES, 1, 1) %in% c("X", "Z"), SP0 := "X"]
  nonVolTrees[, PRJ_GRP := prj_ID2Grp(substr(CLSTR_ID, 1, 4)),]
  volVariables <- c(paste("VOL_",c("WSV", "NET", "MER", "NETM", "NTW2",
                                   "NTWB", "D", "DW", "DWB"),
                          sep = ""), "VAL_MER")
  ## why the last one is included?? val_mer is value not volume

  ratioVariables <- paste("RATIO_",c("WSV", "NET", "MER", "NETM", "NTW2",
                                     "NTWB", "D", "DW", "DWB", "VAL"),
                          sep = "")
  nonVolTrees <- merge_dupUpdate(nonVolTrees, regressionTable,
                                 by = c("PRJ_GRP", "LV_D", "SF_COMPILE", "SP0"),
                                 all.x = TRUE)
  nonVolTrees[!is.na(SOURCE), METHOD := "reg_log10"]
  nonVolTrees[is.na(SOURCE), METHOD := "not computed"]
  nonVolTrees[MEAS_INTENSE != "H-ENHANCED" & (DBH %<=% 1 | DBH %>>% 1000), METHOD := "not computed"]

  nonVolTrees[METHOD == "reg_log10", VOL_WSV := 10^(INTERCEPT + L10BA * log10(BA_TREE) + MSE/2)]
  nonVolTrees[METHOD == "reg_log10" & VOL_WSV %<<% 0, VOL_WSV := 0]
  set(nonVolTrees, ,c("TYPE", "COUNT", "MODEL", "INTERCEPT", "L10BA",
                      "EDF", "RSQ", "MSE", "SOURCE"), NULL)
  nonVolTrees <- merge_dupUpdate(nonVolTrees, ratioTable,
                                 by = c("PRJ_GRP", "LV_D", "SP0"),
                                 all.x = TRUE)
  # nonVolTrees[, NET_FCT_METHOD := "Ratio"]
  nonVolTrees[is.na(VOL_WSV), VOL_WSV := 0]
  ### estimate volumn components for tree with dbh >= 10cm
  output <- nonVolTrees[DBH %<<% 10 | is.na(DBH),] # add is.na to make the whole dataset
  ## is covered
  output[, NET_FCT_METHOD := as.character(NA)]
  nonVolTrees <- nonVolTrees[DBH %>=% 10,]
  nonVolTrees[, NET_FCT_METHOD := "Ratio"]
  ### for trees with height information in the recent inventoried data
  ### vol_mer can be estimated directly using kozak equations, and do not need to apply ratio method.
  ### for the trees without height (I.E., NON-ENHANCED), assign vol_net using ratio method
              volVariables[3] := unlist(nonVolTrees[MEAS_INTENSE == "NON-ENHANCED",
                                                    ratioVariables[3], with = FALSE]) * VOL_WSV]
  ### for all trees, i.e., with and without height information, estimate the rest of volume components
  ### using ratio method
  for(i in c(2, 4:length(volVariables))){
    nonVolTrees[, volVariables[i] := unlist(nonVolTrees[, ratioVariables[i],
                                                        with = FALSE]) * VOL_WSV]
  output <- rbindlist(list(nonVolTrees, output), fill = TRUE)
  set(output, ,c(ratioVariables, "COUNT", "SOURCE", "TYPE", "PRJ_GRP"), NULL)
  output[VOL_WSV %<<% VOL_NTWB, VOL_NTWB := VOL_WSV]
bcgov/BCForestGroundSample documentation built on May 25, 2019, 3:21 p.m.