#' Extend stem mapping to a target area and shape.
#' @description The function cuts a circle stem map into a largest hexagon in circle and extends this hexagon to a target area and
#' shape. This is a generic function.
#' @param objectID character, A object's ID, e.g., a tree's ID.
#' @param bearing numeric, Azimuth of a object from the north. It should be between 0 to 360.
#' @param distance numeric, Distance between a object and the centre of the circle.
#' @param plotRadius numeric, Radius of the plot circle. If missing, \code{11.28} will be used, as it presents the
#' radius of a circle for big trees (i.e., trees DBH >= 9).
#' @param targetArea numeric, Defines the area you may want to extend. The unit of this input is \code{ha}.
#' Default is 1 ha.
#' @param targetShape character, Defines the shape of the target area. It currently supports \code{circle}
#' and \code{square}. The default is \code{square}.
#' @param randomRotate logical, Defines whether need to random rotate the hexagon when merge into
#' a \code{targetArea}. The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param randomSeed numeric, Defines random seed for the random number generator.
#' This arguement is called when \code{randomRotate} is TRUE.
#' If missing, NA is used, suggesting no random seed is
#' set.
#' @return A table contains the x and y for all the objects in the extended area.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## randomly generate some trees
#' library(data.table)
#' smallplottrees <- data.table(expand.grid(angle = seq(0, 360, 1),
#' distance = seq(0.1, 5.6, 0.1)))
#' smallplottrees[, tree_id := 1:nrow(smallplottrees)]
#' ## extend it to 1 ha
#' treelist_smallplot <- stemMappingExtension(objectID = smallplottrees$tree_id,
#' bearing = smallplottrees$angle,
#' distance = smallplottrees$distance,
#' plotRadius = 5.64,
#' randomRotate = TRUE)
#' smallplottrees[tree_id %in% treelist_smallplot$objectID,
#' inHexigon := "Yes"]
#' smallplottrees[is.na(inHexigon),
#' inHexigon := "No"]
#' smallplottrees[,':='(x = sin(angle*pi/180)*distance,
#' y = cos(angle*pi/180)*distance)]
#' library(ggplot2)
#' trees_inplot <- ggplot(data = smallplottrees, aes(x = x, y = y))+
#' geom_point(aes(col = inHexigon))
#' trees_all <- ggplot(data = treelist_smallplot, aes(x = x, y = y))+
#' geom_point(aes(col = hexagonID))
#' bigplottrees <- data.table(tree_id = 1:20,
#' angle = runif(20, min = 0, max = 360),
#' distance = runif(20, min = 0, max = 11.28))
#' ## extend it to 1 ha
#' treelist_bigplot <- stemMappingExtension(objectID = bigplottrees$tree_id,
#' bearing = bigplottrees$angle,
#' distance = bigplottrees$distance,
#' plotRadius = 11.28)
#' treelist_smallplot[, source := "smallplot"]
#' treelist_bigplot[, source := "bigplot"]
#' alltreelist <- rbind(treelist_bigplot, treelist_smallplot)
#' alltreeplot <- ggplot(data = alltreelist, aes(x, y))+
#' geom_point(aes(col = factor(source)))+
#' geom_point(data = alltreelist[hexagonID == 0,],
#' aes(x, y), col = "red")
#' }
#' @importFrom sf st_as_sf st_area st_cast st_intersection
#' @importFrom data.table data.table shift
#' @importFrom dplyr summarise
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname stemMappingExtension
#' @author Yong Luo
stemMappingExtension <- function(objectID, bearing, distance,
plotRadius = 11.28, ## large plot of CMI standard 11.28 m
targetArea = 1, ## unit is ha, defines how big the target extended plot
targetShape = "square",
randomRotate = FALSE,
randomSeed = as.numeric(NA)){
if(tolower(targetShape) == "circle"){
targetPolygon <- data.table::data.table(angle = seq(0, 359.9, 0.5),
distance = sqrt(targetArea*10000/pi))
targetPolygon[, ':='(x = sin(angle*pi/180)*distance,
y = cos(angle*pi/180)*distance)]
# targetPolygon <- SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(Polygon(targetPolygon[,.(x, y)])),
# ID = 0)))
targetPolygon <- data.frame(targetPolygon) %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("x", "y")) %>%
summarise(geometry = st_combine(geometry)) %>%
} else if(tolower(targetShape) == "square"){
halfLength <- sqrt(targetArea*10000)/2
targetPolygon <- data.table(matrix(data = c(halfLength, halfLength,
halfLength, -halfLength,
-halfLength, -halfLength,
-halfLength, halfLength),
byrow = TRUE, nrow = 4))
names(targetPolygon) <- c("x", "y")
# targetPolygon <- SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(Polygon(targetPolygon[,.(x, y)])),
# ID = 0)))
targetPolygon <- data.frame(targetPolygon) %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("x", "y")) %>%
summarise(geometry = st_combine(geometry)) %>%
initialStemMapping <- data.table::data.table(objectID,
initialStemMapping[,':='(x = sin(bearing*pi/180)*distance,
y = cos(bearing*pi/180)*distance)]
initialStemMapping <- rbind(initialStemMapping[, NOTE := NA],
data.table(objectID = 0,
distance = 0,
bearing = 0,
x = c(0, plotRadius-1),
y = 0,
initialStemMapping[,':='(x_temp = x,
y_temp = y)]
initialStemMapping <- data.frame(initialStemMapping) %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("x", "y"))
central_hexagon <- data.table(angle = seq(from = 30, to = 360, by = 60),
distance = plotRadius)
central_hexagon[, ':='(x = sin(angle*pi/180)*distance,
y = cos(angle*pi/180)*distance)]
central_hexagon <- data.frame(central_hexagon) %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("x", "y")) %>%
summarise(geometry = st_combine(geometry)) %>%
initialStemMapping <- suppressWarnings(sf::st_intersection(initialStemMapping, central_hexagon))
initialStemMapping <- initialStemMapping %>% data.table
initialStemMapping <- initialStemMapping[is.na(NOTE),
.(objectID, distance, bearing,
x = x_temp,
y = y_temp)]
if(nrow(initialStemMapping) == 0){
warning("No tree found in the maximum hexagon, empty table is returned.")
return(data.table(hexagonID = numeric(),
objectID = numeric(),
x = numeric(),
y = numeric()))
} else {
initialStemMapping <- initialStemMapping[,.(k = 1,
objectID, x, y, distance, bearing)]
newcenters <- data.table(hexagonID = numeric(),
x_move = numeric(),
y_move = numeric())
i <- 1
needmore <- TRUE
## for the first donut
while(needmore == TRUE){
newcenters_donut <- data.table(angle = seq(0, 359, by = 60),
distance = i*2*cos(30*pi/180)*plotRadius)
newcenters_donut <- newcenters_donut[, .(hexagonID = 1:6,
x_move = sin(angle*pi/180)*distance,
y_move = cos(angle*pi/180)*distance)]
newcenters <- rbind(newcenters, newcenters_donut)
if(i == 1){
newcenters_add <- newcenters[0,]
} else {
newcenters_add <- newcenters[0,]
mediumtable <- newcenters_donut[,.(hexagonID, x_start = x_move,
y_start = y_move)]
mediumtable[, ':='(x_end = shift(x_start, fill = NA, type = "lead"),
y_end = shift(y_start, fill = NA, type = "lead"))]
mediumtable[hexagonID == 6, ':='(x_end = mediumtable$x_start[1],
y_end = mediumtable$y_start[1])]
for(j in 1:(i-1)){
newcenters_add_add <- mediumtable[,':='(x_move = x_start + (x_end - x_start)*j/i,
y_move = y_start + (y_end - y_start)*j/i)]
newcenters_add <- rbind(newcenters_add,
newcenters_add_add[,.(hexagonID = NA,
x_move, y_move)])
newcenters <- rbind(newcenters, newcenters_add)
donutPolygon <- data.table(angle = seq(0, 359, by = 60),
distance = (i*2)*cos(30*pi/180)*plotRadius+0.5*plotRadius)
donutPolygon <- donutPolygon[, .(x_move = sin(angle*pi/180)*distance,
y_move = cos(angle*pi/180)*distance)]
donutPolygon <- data.frame(donutPolygon) %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("x_move", "y_move")) %>%
summarise(geometry = st_combine(geometry)) %>%
intersectpolygon <- sf::st_intersection(donutPolygon, targetPolygon)
if(st_area(intersectpolygon) == st_area(targetPolygon)){
needmore <- FALSE
i <- i+1
newcenters[, ':='(k = 1,
hexagonID = 1:(length(x_move)),
rotateAngle = sample(0:5, size = length(x_move),
replace = TRUE))]
newcenters[, rotateAngle := rotateAngle*60]
} else {
newcenters[, ':='(k = 1,
hexagonID = 1:(length(x_move)),
rotateAngle = 0)]
newstemmap <- merge(initialStemMapping, newcenters,
by = "k", allow.cartesian = TRUE)
newstemmap[, bearing := bearing - rotateAngle]
newstemmap[,':='(x = sin(bearing*pi/180)*distance,
y = cos(bearing*pi/180)*distance)]
newstemmap[,':='(x = x + x_move,
y = y + y_move,
distance = NULL,
bearing = NULL,
rotateAngle = NULL)]
allstemmap <- rbind(initialStemMapping[,.(hexagonID = 0, objectID, x, y)],
newstemmap[,.(hexagonID, objectID, x, y)])
allstemmap[,':='(x_temp = x,
y_temp = y)]
allstemmap <- data.frame(allstemmap) %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("x", "y"))
allstemmap <- suppressWarnings(sf::st_intersection(allstemmap, targetPolygon))
allstemmap <- allstemmap %>% data.table
allstemmap <- allstemmap[,.(hexagonID, objectID, x = x_temp, y = y_temp)]
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