#' Nearest neighbor imputation
#' This function conducts nearest neighbor imputation with the added option
#' of using a sequence of neighbor values instead of picking one. One
#' imputed dataset is created for each value of nearest neighbors
#' (`k`).
#' @param data_ref a data frame.
#' @param data_new an optional data frame. If supplied, then `data_ref`
#' will be used as a reference dataset for `data_new` and the output
#' will contain imputed values for `data_new`. If not supplied,
#' the output will contain imputed values for `data_ref`.
#' @param cols columns that should be imputed and/or used to impute other
#' columns. Supports tidy select functions (see examples).
#' @param k_neighbors a numeric vector indicating how many neighbors should
#' be used to impute missing values.
#' @param aggregate a logical value. If `TRUE`, then neighbors
#' will be aggregated to generate imputations. If `FALSE`, then one
#' neighbor will be sampled at random to generate a missing value. Using
#' `aggregate = FALSE` can be helpful if you are conducting
#' multiple imputation.
#' @param fun_aggr_ctns a function used to aggregate neighbors for continuous
#' variables. If unspecified, the `mean()` function is used.
#' @param fun_aggr_intg a function used to aggregate neighbors for integer
#' values variables. If unspecified, the `medn_est()` function is used.
#' This function returns the median of neighbor values, rounded to the
#' nearest integer. `medn_est_conserve()` goes one step further and
#' identifies which neighbor value is closest to the median, and returns
#' that value. Both of these options can be helpful for integer valued
#' columns if you want to make sure the imputed values do not contain
#' impossible quantities, e.g. no. of children = 3/4.
#' @param fun_aggr_catg a function used to aggregate neighbors for categorical
#' variables. If unspecified, the `mode_est()` function is used.
#' @param epsilon Computed numbers (variable ranges) smaller than eps are
#' treated as zero
#' @param nthread Number of threads to use for parallelization. By default,
#' for a dual-core machine, 2 threads are used. For any other machine n-1
#' cores are used so your machine doesn't freeze during a big computation.
#' The maximum nr of threads are determined using omp_get_max_threads
#' at C level.
#' @param verbose logical value. If `TRUE`, output is printed on the
#' console. If `FALSE`, nothing is printed.
#' @return a list of imputed datasets the same length as `k_neighbors`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(diabetes, package = 'ipa')
#' trn <- diabetes$missing[1:25, ]
#' tst <- diabetes$missing[26:50, ]
#' trn_imputes <- impute_nbrs(data_ref = trn, k = 1:5)
#' tst_imputes <- impute_nbrs(data_ref = trn, data_new = tst, k = 1:5)
impute_nbrs <- function(
data_new = NULL,
cols = dplyr::everything(),
k_neighbors = 10,
aggregate = TRUE,
fun_aggr_ctns = NULL,
fun_aggr_intg = NULL,
fun_aggr_catg = NULL,
nthread = getOption("gd_num_thread"),
epsilon = 1e-08,
verbose = FALSE
) {
# Safety checks start:
check_min_lax(k_neighbors, value = 0,
label = 'neighbor count (k_neighbors)')
check_bool(aggregate, label = 'neighbor aggregation (aggregate)')
check_l1_stop(aggregate, label = 'neighbor aggregation (aggregate)')
check_min_lax(epsilon, value = 0, label = 'epsilon')
check_min_strict(epsilon, value = 0, label = 'epsilon')
check_bool(verbose, label = 'verbosity')
check_l1_stop(verbose, label = 'verbosity')
# keep_cols = columns to be imputed
keep_cols <- names(data_ref) %>%
if(length(keep_cols) == 1) stop("1 column was selected (",
keep_cols, ") but 2+ are needed", call. = FALSE)
# convert data frames into data.table objects if needed
# subset to the columns we are imputing
DT_ref <- as.data.table(data_ref)[, ..keep_cols]
DT_ref <- data_ref[, ..keep_cols]
# the row numbers that contain missing data for each keep_col
miss_indx <- mindx(DT_ref, drop_empty = FALSE)
# the number of missing values in each row
check_missingness(miss_indx, N = nrow(DT_ref),
P = ncol(DT_ref), label = 'reference data')
# variable types should be...
vt <- c('numeric', 'integer', 'logical', 'character', 'factor')
# check that the columns in DT_ref fit this constraint
check_var_types(DT_ref, valid_types = vt)
# initialize a null DT_new object in case there isn't any new data
DT_new <- NULL
# If new data are not supplied, impute data_ref using miss_indx.
# If new data are supplied, impute data_new and re-create miss_indx
# --- Also, run the same tests on data_new
# convert data frames into data.table objects if needed
# subset to the columns we are imputing
DT_new <- as.data.table(data_new)[, ..keep_cols]
} else {
DT_new <- data_new[, ..keep_cols]
# protect against errors due to factors with different levels
# in DT_new versus data_ref. Since data_ref is used to impute,
# any levels of factors not in data_ref should be considered
# missing (and then imputed).
for(col in keep_cols){
set(DT_new, j = col,
value = factor(DT_new[[col]],
levels = levels(DT_ref[[col]]))
# should have exactly the same names and types as reference data
check_data_new_names(DT_ref, DT_new)
check_data_new_types(DT_ref, DT_new)
# the row numbers that contain missing data for each keep_col
miss_indx <- mindx(DT_new, drop_empty = FALSE)
# Safety checks done
# identify which columns (if any) don't need to be imputed
complete_cols <- which(sapply(miss_indx, is_empty))
# if there are complete columns, remove them from missing index
if(!is_empty(complete_cols)) miss_indx <- miss_indx[-complete_cols]
# initialize the list of imputed values (the function's output)
imputed_values <- vector(mode = 'list', length = length(k_neighbors))
for(i in seq_along(imputed_values)) {
# each item in imputed values is a list
imputed_values[[i]] <- vector(mode = 'list', length = length(miss_indx))
names(imputed_values[[i]]) <- names(miss_indx)
for(impute_col in names(miss_indx)){
var_type <- class(DT_ref[[impute_col]])[1]
aggregate_function <- if(aggregate){
'numeric' = fun_aggr_ctns %||% mean,
'integer' = fun_aggr_intg %||% medn_est,
'logical' = fun_aggr_catg %||% mode_est,
'character' = fun_aggr_catg %||% mode_est,
'factor' = fun_aggr_catg %||% mode_est,
stop(impute_col, " has unsupported variable type ", var_type,
call. = FALSE)
} else {
# if user has indicated that they do not want to aggregate
# neighbor values, then sample one value at random from the
# set of nearest neighbors
function(x) sample(x, size = 1)
# initial set of predictors:
# everything except the column we are imputing
impute_prds <- base::setdiff(keep_cols, impute_col)
# rows for imputation - reference data
# keep rows that have data for the column we want to impute.
irows_ref <- which(!is.na(DT_ref[[impute_col]]))
# rows for imputation - new data
# keep rows that are missing (i.e., the ones we need to impute)
irows_new <- miss_indx[[impute_col]]
gwr_n <- max(k_neighbors)
if(length(irows_ref) < gwr_n){
### rationale for the error below:
# sometimes you can't get enough neighbors because the data
# have too few observations. If this is the case, we'd rather
# not throw a hard error and stop the entire imputation procedure,
# but we do need to say that the number of neighbors requested
# exceeded the number of observed cases. HOWEVER, if we do not throw
# the error, then the output will be very hard to manage and possibly
# incorrect (i.e., it may say we used 20 neighbors when we only use 8).
stop("some values of k_neighbors (",
") exceed or match the number", " of observed values (",
length(irows_ref), ") for ", impute_col, ".", call. = FALSE)
if(verbose) message(
glue::glue("Imputing {impute_col}, N observed = {length(irows_ref)}")
# identify nearest neighbors via gower's distance
gwr_topn <- gower::gower_topn(
x = DT_new[irows_new, ..impute_prds],
y = DT_ref[irows_ref, ..impute_prds],
n = gwr_n,
eps = epsilon,
nthread = nthread
} else {
gwr_topn <- gower::gower_topn(
x = DT_ref[irows_new, ..impute_prds],
y = DT_ref[irows_ref, ..impute_prds],
n = gwr_n,
eps = epsilon,
nthread = nthread
# above, we filtered DT_ref instead of creating a copy and subsetting.
# This saves memory, but causes the index from gower_topn to correspond
# with the indices of the filtered DT_ref instead of DT_ref. The code
# here back-transforms those indices and overwrites gower_topn with a
# version that corresponds to DT_ref.
gwr_topn <- matrix(irows_ref[gwr_topn], ncol = ncol(gwr_topn))
# modify gower_topn in place for efficiency.
# loop through the columns, replacing each set of indices with
# the corresponding imputed values from DT_ref
for(i in seq(nrow(gwr_topn))){
gwr_topn[i, ] <- DT_ref[[impute_col]][ as.numeric(gwr_topn[i, ]) ]
impute_vals <- lapply(k_neighbors, function(x){
apply(gwr_topn[seq(x), , drop = FALSE], 2, aggregate_function)
# factor values are converted to integers when they get passed to
# gwr_vals - convert them back to the given levels of impute_vals.
if(var_type == 'factor'){
labels <- levels(DT_ref[[impute_col]])
names(labels) <- seq(length(labels))
impute_vals <- purrr::map(
.x = impute_vals,
.f = ~ factor(dplyr::recode(.x, !!!labels), levels = labels)
for(i in seq_along(imputed_values)){
imputed_values[[i]][[impute_col]] <- impute_vals[[i]]
impute = seq_along(k_neighbors),
k_neighbors = k_neighbors,
imputed_values = imputed_values
#' Neighbor aggregates
#' @param x a vector of character or integer values for `mode_est`. For
#' `medn_est`, only integer values are allowed.
#' @param random_ties a logical value indicating whether ties should be
#' broken at random when two values occur at the same frequency in `x`.
#' @return an aggregate scalar with the same type as `x`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- c('a', 'a', 'b')
#' mode_est(x)
#' x <- c(1L, 1L, 2L)
#' medn_est(x)
mode_est <- function(x, random_ties = FALSE){
# stopifnot(is.character(x) | is.integer(x))
tab <- table(x, useNA = 'no')
modes <- names(tab)[tab == max(tab)]
sample(modes, size = 1)
} else {
#' @rdname mode_est
#' @export
medn_est <- function(x){
stop("missing values should not be passed to medn_est",
call. = FALSE)
as.integer(round(median(x), digits = 0))
#' @rdname mode_est
#' @export
medn_est_conserve <- function(x){
output <- medn_est(x)
if(output %in% x){
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