pre_treat_Penda: Pre-treatment of the Penda results

View source: R/ritmic_analysis.R

pre_treat_PendaR Documentation

Pre-treatment of the Penda results


pre_treat_Penda takes as input the Penda result lists and combines them to make only one matrix of size genes*samples, with 1 for deregulated genes and 0 for conserved genes. Then, the matrix is sorted to conserved only the genes with a different deregulation status in more than thres_p samples.


pre_treat_Penda(penda_res, thres_p)



List of two matrices, $up_genes and $down_genes with 1 or 0 for each gene and each sample obtained by the Penda method. See: penda_test


Minimal number of samples in each deregulation group to conserved the gene.


A binary matrix of deregulation 0/1 with the genes that can be used for the statistical analysis and their status for each sample.

bcm-uga/RiTMIC documentation built on June 16, 2022, 2:41 p.m.