
Defines functions print.rcTable validate describer.function describe.default describe

Documented in describe print.rcTable

#' Formats Summary Tables to Text, LaTeX, and HTML
#' Given a dataframe and a list of summary statistics, \code{describe} outputs
#' a text table summarizing the data while simultaneously outputting the
#' equivalent LateX code.
#' @param data Dataframe of variables.
#' @param note Optional note displayed at bottom of table.
#' @param silent No text is outputted if true.
#' @param path File path to write tex file.
#' @param max_precision Maximum number of digits in each table cell.
#' @param statistics A list of functions to be applied to each column of the data frame or tibble.
#'   Each function must be vectorized.
#' @param md Allows for outputting in either latex ("latex") or html ("html") for markdown formatting.
#'   The Markdown chunk must be set to \code{results = "asis"}.
#' @param landscape If true, the Latex table will be landscaped.
#' @param label Latex label.
#' @param title Table title.
#' @param header Includes RCHITEX header as a Latex comment if true.
#' @param as_table True values wrap the underlying Latex Tabular object in a table.
#' @param flip Invert tables when set to TRUE.
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame("first" = c(4,5,6), "second" = c(7,5,3))
#' describe(df)
#' stats <- list(N=length, Average = mean, foo = function(x) x[1]+2)
#' describe(df, statistics=stats)
#' @return None
#' @export
describe <- function(data, note='', silent = F, path = NA, max_precision = 6,
                     statistics = list('N' = length,
                                      'Mean' = mean,
                                      'St. Dev' = stats::sd,
                                      'Min' = min,
                                      'Max' = max),
                     md = NA, landscape=FALSE, label='sumStats', title="Summary statistics",
                     header=TRUE, as_table=FALSE, flip=FALSE, ...) {

#' @export
describe.default <- function(data, note='', silent = F, path = NULL, max_precision = 3,
                     statistics = list('N' = length,
                                       'Mean' = mean,
                                       'Median' = median,
                                       'St. Dev' = stats::sd,
                                       'Min' = min,
                                       'Max' = max),
                     md = NULL, landscape=FALSE, label='sumStats', title="Summary statistics",
                     header=TRUE, as_table=FALSE, flip=FALSE, ...) {

  validate(md=md, max_precision=max_precision)

  d <- structure(list(data    = NA,
                      text    = NA,
                      options = list(caption=title, label=label,
                                     table = as_table, landscape=landscape)),
  round_n <- roundr_fac(max_precision=max_precision, min_digs=0)

  # handles statistics as a vector
  if (is.null(names(statistics))) {
    names(statistics) <- paste0('S', as.character(1:length(statistics)))

  col_stats <- function(data, fs) {
    lapply(fs, function(f)  {
      tryCatch(round_n(f(data, ...)),
               error = function(c) round_n(f(data)))})

  d$data <- lapply(colnames(data), function(column) {
    col_stats(data[[column]], statistics)

  d$data <- t(matrix(unlist(d$data), ncol=length(data)))
  rownames(d$data) <- colnames(data)
  colnames(d$data) <- names(statistics)

  # flips table if necessary
  if (flip) {
    temp_data <- t(d$data)
    colnames(temp_data) <- rownames(d$data)
    rownames(temp_data) <- colnames(d$data)
    d$data <- temp_data

  d$options$table <- as_table
  d$options$landscape <- landscape
  d$options$type <- md
  d$text <- data2text(d$data, title=title)
  # this is a cluster fuck of an if statement
  if (is.null(md) || tolower(md) == 'latex' || tolower(md) == 'tex') {
    d$code <- summary2tex(stats_mat = d$data, note=note)
    if ((tolower(md) == 'latex' || tolower(md) == 'tex') && as_table != FALSE)
      d$code <- table_wrap(d$code)
    if (landscape)
      d$code <- lan_wrap(table_wrap(d$code))
    else if (is.null(md) && as_table)
      d$code <- table_wrap(d$code)
    if (header)
      d$code <- header_wrap(d$code)
  } else if (!is.null(md) || tolower(md) == 'html') {
    d$code <- to_html(d$data, title=title, header=header)

  # dealing with landscaping and tables
  code <- d$code
  #if (landscape) code <- lan_wrap(table_wrap(d$code))
  #else if (as_table) code <- table_wrap(d$code)

  if (!silent) {
    if (is.null(md)) writeLines(d$text, con=stdout())
    if (!is.null(path)) writeLines(code, con=path)
    if (!is.null(md)) writeLines(code, con=stdout())


describer.function <- function(...) {
  stop('How did we get here?!')

validate <- function(md, max_precision) {
  if(!is.null(md) && !(tolower(md) %in% c('html', 'text', 'latex', 'tex'))) {
    stop('output type ', md, ' is not supported. Must be html, latex, or text',
         call. = FALSE)

  if (max_precision < 0) stop('Max precision must be greater than 0.', call. = FALSE)

#' print statement for build
#' @param x Rchitex summary table to be printed.
#' @param ... Additional parameters
#' @export
print.rcTable <- function(x, ...){
  if (is.null(x$options$type))
    writeLines(x$text, con=stdout())
    writeLines(x$code, con=stdout())
bdempe18/rchitex documentation built on Nov. 9, 2020, 11:33 p.m.