## Copyright (c) 2018, 2019, 2020 Bernhard Pröll
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
## Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
## any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
## more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
defs <- function(..., collapse = "\n") {
paste0(c("<defs>", c(...), "</defs>"),
collapse = collapse)
args2attributes <- function(excl = c("...", "collapse")) {
nparent <- sys.parent()
xs <- as.list(sys.call(nparent))
name <- xs[1L]
xs[[1L]] <- NULL
defs <- formals(sys.function(nparent))
## Remove parameters associated with an empty name.
empty <- vapply(defs, function(x) identical(x, quote(expr =)),
logical(1L), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
defs <- defs[!empty]
xs <- c(xs, defs[setdiff(names(defs), names(xs))])
matched <- match.call(sys.function(nparent), as.call(c(name, xs)),
expand.dots = FALSE,
envir = parent.frame(2L))
matched[[1L]] <- NULL
matched <- matched[!match(names(matched), excl, nomatch = 0L)]
if (identical(length(matched), 0L)) return("")
args <- eval(matched, parent.frame(2L))
numidx <- suppressWarnings(!is.na(as.numeric(args)))
args[numidx] <- round(unlist(args[numidx]), 2L)
attrs <- paste(names(args), sQuote(args), sep = "=", collapse = " ")
return(sprintf(" %s", paste(attrs, collapse = " ")))
svg_filter <-
function(..., x = 0L, y = 0L, width, height, class, id, collapse = "\n") {
attrs <- args2attributes()
paste0(c(sprintf("<filter%s>", attrs), c(...), "</filter>"),
collapse = collapse)
fegaussianblur <-
function(`in`, stdDeviation, edgeMode, result, collapse = "\n") {
paste0("<feGaussianBlur", args2attributes(), "/>",
collapse = collapse)
feoffset <-
function(dx = 0L, dy = 0L, `in`, result, collapse = "\n") {
attrs <- args2attributes()
paste0("<feOffset", attrs, "/>", collapse = collapse)
feflood <- function(`in`, result, `flood-color`, `flood-opacity`,
collapse = "\n") {
paste0("<feFlood", args2attributes(), "/>", collapse = collapse)
femerge <- function(...) {
call <- match.call()
call[[1L]] <- quote(c)
nodes <- as.character(substitute(call)[-1L])
acc <- "<feMerge>"
for (node in nodes) {
acc <- paste0(acc, "<feMergeNode in=", sQuote(node), "/>",
collapse = " ")
return(paste0(acc, "</feMerge>"))
style <- function(..., collapse = "\n") {
rules <- c(...)
if (is.null(rules))
stop("No rules defined", call. = FALSE)
paste0(c("<style type='text/css'>", rules, "</style>"),
collapse = collapse)
css_rule <- function(selector, ..., collapse = "\n") {
sel <- substitute(selector)
if (is.call(sel))
sel <- deparse(sel, control = NULL)
decls <- paste0(c(...), sep = ";", collapse = collapse)
paste0(c(paste(sel, "{"),
paste0(decls, collapse = collapse),
collapse = collapse)
draw_svg <- function(..., width, height, version, preserveAspectRatio, file,
viewBox = c(x = 0L, y = 0L, width = 0L, height = 0L)) {
if (missing(file))
stop("Output file argument required", call. = FALSE)
attrs <- args2attributes(excl = c("...", "file", "viewBox"))
elements <- c(...)
cat("<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'",
as.list(c(" viewBox='%s %s %s %s'", viewBox))),
attrs, ">\n",
if (!is.null(elements))
paste0(elements, collapse = "\n"),
sep = "", file = file)
draw_text <- function(text, x = 0L, y = 0L, fill, `font-size`,
`font-family`, `font-weight`, `text-anchor`,
transform, class, id, visibility, sep = "") {
attrs <- args2attributes(excl = c("text", "sep"))
paste(paste0("<text", attrs, ">"), text, "</text>", sep = sep)
tspan <- function(text, x, y, dx, dy, `font-weight`, `text-anchor`,
fill, class, id) {
attrs <- args2attributes(excl = "text")
paste0("<tspan", attrs, ">", text, "</tspan>")
foreignobject <- function(..., x = 0L, y = 0L, width, height, style,
collapse = "\n") {
attrs <- args2attributes()
paste0("<foreignObject", attrs,
" requiredExtensions='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>\n",
c(...), "\n</foreignObject>",
collapse = collapse)
draw_polygon <- function(x, y, fill, stroke, class) {
paste0("<polygon points='",
paste(x, y, sep = ",", collapse = " "), "'",
args2attributes(excl = c("x", "y", "collapse")),
draw_rect <- function(x = 0L, y = 0L, width, height, rx, ry,
fill, stroke, class, id, animate) {
attrs <- args2attributes(excl = "animate")
paste0("<rect", attrs,
if (!missing(animate))
paste0(c(">", animate, "</rect>"), collapse = "\n")
else "/>")
animateTransform <- function(attributeName, type, from, to, dur, values, begin,
repeatCount, restart, fill) {
attrs <- args2attributes()
paste0("<animateTransform attributeType='XML'", attrs, "/>")
animate <- function(attributeName, from, to, dur, values, begin, repeatCount,
restart, calcMode, fill) {
attrs <- args2attributes()
paste0("<animate attributeType='XML'", attrs, "/>")
draw_line <- function(x1 = 0L, x2 = 0L, y1 = 0L, y2 = 0L, stroke,
`stroke-dasharray`, class, id, animate) {
attrs <- args2attributes(excl = "animate")
paste0("<line", attrs,
if (!missing(animate))
paste0(c(">", animate, "</line>"), collapse = "\n")
else "/>")
draw_circle <- function(cx = 0L, cy = 0L, r = 0L,
fill, stroke, class, id) {
attrs <- args2attributes()
paste0("<circle", attrs, "/>")
draw_path <- function(d = "", fill, stroke, class, id) {
attrs <- args2attributes()
paste0("<path", attrs, "/>")
d <- function(...) {
call <- substitute(list(...))
e <- parent.frame()
e$comma <- ","
call[[1L]] <- NULL
acc <- character(0L)
for (i in call) {
if (is.atomic(i))
acc <- c(acc, deparse(i, control = NULL))
else if (is.call(i))
acc <- c(acc, eval(i, envir = e))
else if (deparse(i, control = NULL) %in% objects(e))
acc <- c(acc, eval(i, envir = e))
acc <- c(acc, deparse(i, control = NULL))
str <- paste0(acc, collapse = " ")
return(gsub(" , ", ",", str))
g <- function(..., attrs, collapse = "\n") {
attributes <-
if (!missing(attrs))
mapply(function(n, v) sprintf(" %s=%s", n, sQuote(v)),
paste0("<g", paste0(attributes, collapse = ""), ">\n",
paste(c(...), collapse = collapse),
draw_title <- function(text) {
paste0("<title>", text, "</title>")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.