Defines functions SEMCMC

Documented in SEMCMC

#' @name SEMCMC
#' @rdname SEMCMC
#' @title Function to fit spatial econometrics models using MCMC with jags
#' @description This function will fit several spatial econometrics models
#' with jags. Models included are SEM, SLM, SDM, SDEM, SLX, SAC and SMA.
#' @param formula Formula with response and covariates.
#' @param data Data.frame with the dataset.
#' @param W An adjacency matrix, same as used in the call to SEMCMC().
#' @param model Model to be fitted: 'sem', 'slm', 'sdm', 'sdem', 'slx',  
#' 'sac', 'sacmixed' (SAC with lagged covariates), 'sma', 'smamixed' or 'car'.
#' @param link One of 'indentity', 'logit' or 'probit'.
#' @param n.burnin Number of burn-in iterations
#' @param n.iter Number of iterarions after bun-in
#' @param n.thin Thinning interval
#' @param linear.predictor Whether the linear predictor should be saved (default
#' is FALSE).
#' @param sampler One of 'jags' (default) or 'stan'.
#' @param INLA A boolean variable to decide whether the hierarchical model
#' is specified as with R-INLA. This is an experimental feature mainly for 
#' comparisson purposes and only implemented for the SEM model (in jags).
#' @return A named list with MCMC objects as returned by jags.
#' @seealso \code{\link[spdep]{lagsarlm}}, \code{\link[spdep]{errorsarlm}} and
#' \code{\link[spdep]{sacsarlm}} to fit similar models using maximum likelihood.
#' @keywords spatial models
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats model.frame
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @importFrom stats terms
#' @importFrom stats update
#' @importFrom rjags jags.model
#' @importFrom rjags coda.samples
#' @importFrom rstan stan
#' @examples
#' data(columbus, package = "spdep")
#' W <- spdep::nb2mat(col.gal.nb, style = "W")
#' m.form <-  CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL
#' #Fit models with SEMCMC
#' sem.jags <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W, model = "sem", sampler = "jags")
#' sem.stan <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W, model = "sem", sampler = "stan")
#'  #Compute impacts
#' impacts(sem.jags, W)
#' impacts(sem.stan, W)
#' \dontrun{
#' slm.jags <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W, model = "slm", sampler = "jags")
#' slm.stan <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W, model = "slm", sampler = "stan")
#' sdm.jags <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W, model = "sdm", sampler = "jags")
#' sdm.stan<- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W, model = "sdm", sampler = "stan")
#' sdem.jags <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W, model = "sdem", sampler = "jags")
#' sdem.stan <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W, model = "sdem", sampler = "stan")
#' slx.jags <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W, model = "slx",  sampler = "jags")
#' slx.stan <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W, model = "slx", sampler = "stan")
#' sac.jags <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W, model = "sac", sampler = "jags")
#' sac.stan <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W, model = "sac", sampler = "stan")
#' sacmixed.jags <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W, model = "sacmixed", sampler = "jags")
#' sacmixed.stan <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W, model = "sacmixed", sampler = "stan")
#' #Use binary adjancecy matrix with CAR models
#' W.bin <- spdep::nb2mat(col.gal.nb, style = "B")
#' car.jags <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W.bin, model = "car",  sampler = "jags")
#' car.stan <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = W.bin, model = "car", sampler = "stan")
#' #SMA model requires 'W' (reponse term) and 'W.bin' (error term)
#' sma.jags <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = list(W, W.bin), model = "sma", sampler = "jags")
#' smamixed.jags <- SEMCMC(m.form, data = columbus, W = list(W, W.bin), model = "smamixed", sampler = "jags")
#' #Compute impacts
#' impacts(slm.jags, W)
#' impacts(slm.stan, W)
#' impacts(sdm.jags, W)
#' impacts(sdm.stan, W)
#' impacts(sdem.jags, W)
#' impacts(sdem.stan, W)
#' impacts(slx.jags, W)
#' impacts(slx.stan, W)
#' impacts(sac.jags, W)
#' impacts(sma.jags, W)
#' impacts(smamixed.jags, W)
#' impacts(sac.stan, W)
#' impacts(sacmixed.jags, W)
#' impacts(sacmixed.stan, W)
#' impacts(car.jags, W)
#' impacts(car.stan, W)
#' }
#' #Example on logit and probit models
#' \dontrun{
#' #Example form the spatialprobit package using the Katrina dataset
#'  data(Katrina, package = "spatialprobit")
#' #Subset 100 shops
#' set.seed(1)
#' Katrina.red <- Katrina[sample(1:nrow(Katrina), 50), ]
#'  nb <- spdep::knn2nb(spdep::knearneigh(cbind(Katrina.red$lat, Katrina.red$long), k=11))
#'  W <- spdep::nb2mat(nb, style="W")
#' m.formlogit <- y1 ~ flood_depth + log_medinc + small_size + large_size +
#'   low_status_customers +  high_status_customers + owntype_sole_proprietor +
#'   owntype_national_chain
#'  #Logit model
#'  semlogit.jags <- SEMCMC(m.formlogit, data = Katrina.red, W = W, 
#'    model = "sem", sampler = "jags", link = "logit")
#'  semlogit.stan <- SEMCMC(m.formlogit, data = Katrina.red, W = W,
#'    model = "sem", sampler = "stan", link = "logit")
#'  #Probit model
#'  semprobit.jags <- SEMCMC(m.formlogit, data = Katrina.red, W = W,
#'    model = "sem", sampler = "jags", link = "probit")
#'  semprobit.stan <- SEMCMC(m.formlogit, data = Katrina.red, W = W,
#'    model = "sem", sampler = "stan", link = "probit")
#' }

SEMCMC <- function(formula, data, W, model = "sem", link = "identity",
  n.burnin = 1000, n.iter = 1000, n.thin = 1, linear.predictor = FALSE,
  sampler = "jags", INLA = FALSE) {

  #Check linear.predictor
  if(!is.logical(linear.predictor)) {
    stop("Value of 'linear.predictor' must be either TRUE or FALSE.")

  #Check model
  if(!model %in% c("sem", "slm", "sdm", "sdem", "slx", "sac", "sacmixed", "sma",
    "smamixed", "car")) {
    stop("Model is not available.")

  #Check link
  if(!link %in% c("identity", "logit", "probit")) {
    stop("Wrong link function")

  #Check what is in W
  if(model %in% c("sem", "slm", "sdm", "sdem", "slx", "car", "sma", "smamixed")) { 
    if(!is.matrix(W)) {
      stop("W must be of type matrix")
  } else if(model %in% c("sac", "sacmixed")) {
      if(!is.matrix(W) | (class(W) =="list" & length(W) ==2)) {
        stop("W must be of type matrix or list of length 2")

  #Check dimensions of W
  if( (model %in% c("sem", "slm", "sdm", "sdem", "slx", "car", "sma", "smamixed")) |
    (model %in% c("sac", "sacmixed") & is.matrix(W)) )  { 
    if(nrow(W) != ncol(W)) {
      stop("Adjacency matrix is not symmetric.")

    if(nrow(data) != nrow(W)) {
      stop("Data and adjancency matrix have different dimensions.")

  #Check matrices for the SAC model
  if(model %in% c("sac", "sacmixed") & class(W) == "list" & length(W) == 2) {
    if(!(is.matrix(W[[1]]) & is.amtrix(W[[2]]))) {
      stop("Elements of W must be of type matrix")
    if( !all.equal(dim(W[[1]]), dim(W[[2]])) | nrow(W[[1]]) != nrow(data) ) {
      stop("Data and adjancency matrix have different dimensions.")

  #Check sampler
  if(!(sampler %in% c("jags", "stan"))) {
    stop("Sampler must be either 'jags' or 'stan'")

  #Check INLA param
  if(!is.logical(INLA)) {
    stop("INLA must be a boolean variable.")

  #Lots of checks here

  #Define data for jags
  d.jags <- list(y = model.frame(formula, data)[,1])
  d.jags$X <- model.matrix(formula, data)
  d.jags$N <- nrow(data)

  #If SLX do not define spatial model
  if(!model %in% c("slx", "sac", "sacmixed")) {
    d.jags$I <- diag(d.jags$N)
    d.jags$W <- W

  #Adjacency matrices for SAC model
  if(model %in% c("sac", "sacmixed")) {
    if(is.matrix(W)) {
      d.jags$W.rho <- W
      d.jags$W.lambda <- W
    } else {
      d.jags$W.rho <- W[[1]]
      d.jags$W.lambda <- W[[2]]

  #Min./max. of spatial autocorrelation
  if(model %in% c("sem", "sdem", "sma", "smamixed")) {
    W.eigen <- eigen(W)$values
    #Get real eigenvalues only
    W.eigen <- as.numeric(W.eigen[Im(W.eigen) == 0])
    if(model %in% c("sem", "sdem")) { 
      d.jags$lambda_min <- 1/min(W.eigen)
      d.jags$lambda_max <- 1/max(W.eigen)
    } else {
      d.jags$lambda_min <- -1/max(W.eigen)
      d.jags$lambda_max <- -1/min(W.eigen)
  } else if(model %in% c("slm", "sdm")) {
    W.eigen <- eigen(W)$values
    #Get real eigenvalues only
    W.eigen <- as.numeric(W.eigen[Im(W.eigen) == 0])
    d.jags$rho_min <- 1/min(W.eigen)
    d.jags$rho_max <- 1/max(W.eigen)
  } else if(model %in% c("sac", "sacmixed")) {
    d.jags$I <- diag(d.jags$N)
    W.eigen.r <- eigen(d.jags$W.rho)$values
    #Get real eigenvalues only
    W.eigen.r <- as.numeric(W.eigen.r[Im(W.eigen.r) == 0])
    d.jags$rho_min <- 1/min(W.eigen.r)
    d.jags$rho_max <- 1/max(W.eigen.r)
    W.eigen.l <- eigen(d.jags$W.lambda)$values
    #Get real eigenvalues only
    W.eigen.l <- as.numeric(W.eigen.l[Im(W.eigen.l) == 0])
    d.jags$lambda_min <- 1/min(W.eigen.l)
    d.jags$lambda_max <- 1/max(W.eigen.l)
  } else if(model %in% "car") {
    d.jags$lambda_min <- -1
    d.jags$lambda_max <- 1

  #Lagged covariates
  if(model %in% c("sdm", "sdem", "slx", "sacmixed", "smamixed")) {
    #Check wehther there is an intercept in the model

    if(is.matrix(W)) {
      if(attr(terms(formula), "intercept")) {
        d.jags$X <- cbind(d.jags$X, W %*% d.jags$X[, -1])
      } else {
        d.jags$X <- cbind(d.jags$X, W %*% d.jags$X)
    } else {#W is a list
      if(attr(terms(formula), "intercept")) {
        d.jags$X <- cbind(d.jags$X, W[[1]] %*% d.jags$X[, -1])
      } else {
        d.jags$X <- cbind(d.jags$X, W[[1]] %*% d.jags$X)

  #COMMENT: An alternate way of computing (I - rho *W) ^{-1}
  # is to pass the powers of W so that they are not computed in jags
  # HOWEVER, this seems to increase the sie of the graph exponentially!!!!!
  #warning("Add powers of W to SLM")
  #if(model %in% c("slm")) {
  #  d.jags$W2 <- W%*%W
  #  d.jags$W3 <- d.jags$W2 %*%W
  #  d.jags$W4 <- d.jags$W3 %*% W
  #  d.jags$W5 <- d.jags$W4 %*% W

  #More data
  d.jags$nvar <- ncol(d.jags$X)

  #Define initial values
  d.inits <- list(b = matrix(0, nrow = d.jags$nvar, ncol = 1))

  #Model specific inits
  if(model %in% c("sem", "sdem", "car", "sma", "smamixed")) {
     d.inits$lambda <- 0 
     variable.names <- c("b", "lambda")
     if(model %in% c("sma", "smamixed")) {
       model.file <- "sma"
     } else {
       model.file <- ifelse(model == "car", "car", "sem")
  } else if(model %in% c("slm", "sdm")) {
     d.inits$rho <- 0 
     variable.names <- c("b", "rho")
     model.file <- "slm"
  } else if(model %in% c("slx")) {
     variable.names <- c("b")
     model.file <- "slx"
  } else if(model %in% c("sac", "sacmixed")) {
    d.inits$lambda <- 0
    d.inits$rho <- 0
    variable.names <- c("b", "lambda", "rho")
    model.file <- "sac"


  #Check link to add 'tau'
  if(!link %in% c("logit", "probit")) {
    d.inits$tau <- 1
    variable.names <- c(variable.names, "tau")

  #Save linear predictor?
  if(linear.predictor) {
    variable.names <- c(variable.names, "mu")

  #Check link for model file name
  link.mf <- switch(link,
    identity = "",
    probit = "_probit",
    logit = "_logit"

  #INLA version?
  if(INLA) {
    model.file <- paste0(model.file, "INLA")
    d.jags$inf.prec <- exp(25)
  #Complete model file
  if(sampler == "jags") {
    model.file <- paste0(model.file, link.mf, ".bug")
  } else { #stan
    model.file <- paste0(model.file, link.mf, ".stan")
  #path to model
  model.path <- system.file (paste0(sampler, "_models/", model.file),
    package = "SEMCMC")

  #Run models

  if(sampler == "jags") {
    #Run jags
    jm1 <- jags.model(model.path, data = d.jags,
      inits = d.inits, n.chains = 1, n.adapt = 100)

    update(jm1, n.burnin)

    #Variables to save
    #jm1.samp <- jags.samples(jm1, variable.names, n.iter = n.iter,
    #  n.thin = n.thin)
    jm1.samp <- coda.samples(jm1, variable.names, n.iter = n.iter,
      n.thin = n.thin)

  } else { #stan
    warning("Add inits to stan")
    #stan_model(model.path) #This should avoid recompiling the model each time it is run, but this does not seem to work...

    jm1.samp <- stan(model.path, data = d.jags, chains = 1,
      iter = n.iter * n.thin + n.burnin, warmup = n.burnin, thin = n.thin,
      pars = variable.names, verbose = TRUE)

  #Pack inside a list to have a class
  jm1.samp <- list(results = jm1.samp)

  #Add some extra info
  class(jm1.samp) <- c("SEMCMC")  #, class(jm1.samp))
  attr(jm1.samp, "formula") <- formula
  attr(jm1.samp, "nvar") <- d.jags$nvar
  attr(jm1.samp, "model") <- model
  attr(jm1.samp, "sampler") <- sampler
  attr(jm1.samp, "link") <- link

becarioprecario/SEMCMC documentation built on Feb. 25, 2021, 4:03 p.m.