contrastSampleIndices: Return indices of samples involved in the given contrast of...

contrastSampleIndicesR Documentation

Return indices of samples involved in the given contrast of two or more coefficients


Return indices of samples involved in the given contrast of two or more coefficients


contrastSampleIndices(object, contrast)

## S4 method for signature 'DesignContrast,character'
contrastSampleIndices(object, contrast)

## S4 method for signature 'DesignContrast,numeric'
contrastSampleIndices(object, contrast)



A DesignContrast object


Either a contrast name or a integer indicating the index of the contrast


An integer vector, indices of samples that are involved, sorted by the ascending order of the coefficients of the contrast

Methods (by class)

  • contrastSampleIndices(object = DesignContrast, contrast = character): Use character string to specify the contrast

  • contrastSampleIndices(object = DesignContrast, contrast = numeric): Use integer indices to specify the contrast


## one-way ANOVA
myDesCon <- parseDesignContrast(sampleGroups="As,Be,As,Be,As,Be",
   groupLevels="Be,As", dispLevels="Beryllium,Arsenic", contrasts="As-Be")
contrastSampleIndices(myDesCon, 1L)
myInterDesCon <- DesignContrast(
    designMatrix=matrix(c(rep(1,6), rep(0,2), rep(1,2), rep(0,2),
           rep(0,4), rep(1,2)), nrow=6, byrow=FALSE),
    contrastMatrix=matrix(c(0,1,0, 0,0,1, 0,-1,1), byrow=FALSE, nrow=3),
    groups=factor(rep(c("As", "Be", "Cd"), each=2)),
    dispLevels=c("Arsenic", "Beryllium", "Cadmium"))
cont1Ind <- contrastSampleIndices(myInterDesCon, 1L)
cont2Ind <- contrastSampleIndices(myInterDesCon, 2L)
cont3Ind <- contrastSampleIndices(myInterDesCon, 3L)
stopifnot(identical(cont1Ind, 1:4))
stopifnot(identical(cont2Ind, c(1:2, 5:6)))
stopifnot(identical(cont3Ind, c(3:6)))

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