isInputDesignConsistent: Test whether the input design matrix is consistent with the...

View source: R/DesignContrast.R

isInputDesignConsistentR Documentation

Test whether the input design matrix is consistent with the sample names


Test whether the input design matrix is consistent with the sample names


isInputDesignConsistent(descon, sampleNames)



A DesignContrast object


A vector of string characters, specifying sample names

If the sample names in DesignContrast are identical with the given sample names, an invisible TRUE is returned.

If the two sets are identical, however the order of sample names do not match, a warning message is raised, and an invisible FALSE is returned

If the two sets have differences, the mismatching sample names are printed for diagnosis.


A invisible logical value. TRUE if and only if the sample names match perfectly.

bedapub/ribiosExpression documentation built on Sept. 2, 2023, 4:37 a.m.