
Defines functions get_missing_phf_games build_phf_db update_phf_db load_phf_games load_phf_rosters load_phf_schedule load_phf_player_box load_phf_team_box load_phf_pbp

Documented in load_phf_pbp load_phf_player_box load_phf_rosters load_phf_schedule load_phf_team_box update_phf_db

#' **Load fastRhockey PHF play-by-play**
#' @name load_phf_pbp
#' @title
#' **Load cleaned PHF play-by-play from the data repo**
#' @rdname load_phf_pbp
#' @description helper that loads multiple seasons from the data repo either into memory
#' or writes it into a db using some forwarded arguments in the dots
#' @param seasons A vector of 4-digit years associated with given PHF seasons. (Min: 2011)
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to an underlying function that writes
#' the season data into a database (used by `update_phf_db()`).
#' @param dbConnection A `DBIConnection` object, as returned by [DBI::dbConnect()]
#' @param tablename The name of the play by play data table within the database
#' @return A dataframe
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'   try(load_phf_pbp(2021))
#' }
load_phf_pbp <- function(seasons = most_recent_phf_season(),...,
                         dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL) {
  old <- options(list(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, scipen = 999))
  dots <- rlang::dots_list(...)

  loader <- rds_from_url

  if (!is.null(dbConnection) && !is.null(tablename)) in_db <- TRUE else in_db <- FALSE

  if(isTRUE(seasons)) seasons <- 2016:most_recent_phf_season()

            seasons >= 2016,
            seasons <= most_recent_phf_season())

  urls <- paste0("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sportsdataverse/fastRhockey-data/main/phf/pbp/rds/play_by_play_",seasons,".rds")

  p <- NULL
  if (is_installed("progressr")) p <- progressr::progressor(along = seasons)

  out <- lapply(urls, progressively(loader, p))
  out <- rbindlist_with_attrs(out)
  if (in_db) {
    DBI::dbWriteTable(dbConnection, tablename, out, append = TRUE)
    out <- NULL
  } else {
    class(out) <- c("fastRhockey_data","tbl_df","tbl","data.table","data.frame")
#' **Load fastRhockey PHF team box scores**
#' @name load_phf_team_box
#' @title
#' **Load cleaned PHF team box scores from the data repo**
#' @rdname load_phf_team_box
#' @description helper that loads multiple seasons from the data repo either into memory
#' or writes it into a db using some forwarded arguments in the dots
#' @param seasons A vector of 4-digit years associated with given PHF seasons. (Min: 2011)
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to an underlying function that writes
#' the season data into a database (used by `update_phf_db()`).
#' @param dbConnection A `DBIConnection` object, as returned by [DBI::dbConnect()]
#' @param tablename The name of the team box data table within the database
#' @return Returns a tibble
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'   try(load_phf_team_box(2021))
#' }
load_phf_team_box <- function(seasons = most_recent_phf_season(), ...,
                              dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL) {
  old <- options(list(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, scipen = 999))
  dots <- rlang::dots_list(...)

  loader <- rds_from_url
  if (!is.null(dbConnection) && !is.null(tablename)) in_db <- TRUE else in_db <- FALSE

  if(isTRUE(seasons)) seasons <- 2016:most_recent_phf_season()

            seasons >= 2016,
            seasons <= most_recent_phf_season())

  urls <- paste0("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sportsdataverse/fastRhockey-data/main/phf/team_box/rds/team_box_",seasons,".rds")

  p <- NULL
  if (is_installed("progressr")) p <- progressr::progressor(along = seasons)

  out <- lapply(urls, progressively(loader, p))
  out <- rbindlist_with_attrs(out)
  class(out) <- c("fastRhockey_data","tbl_df","tbl","data.table","data.frame")

#' **Load fastRhockey PHF player box scores**
#' @name load_phf_player_box
#' @title
#' **Load cleaned PHF player box scores from the data repo**
#' @rdname load_phf_player_box
#' @description helper that loads multiple seasons from the data repo either into memory
#' or writes it into a db using some forwarded arguments in the dots
#' @param seasons A vector of 4-digit years associated with given PHF seasons. (Min: 2011)
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to an underlying function that writes
#' the season data into a database (used by `update_phf_db()`).
#' @param dbConnection A `DBIConnection` object, as returned by [DBI::dbConnect()]
#' @param tablename The name of the player box data table within the database
#' @return Returns a tibble
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'   try(load_phf_player_box(2021))
#' }
load_phf_player_box <- function(seasons = most_recent_phf_season(), ...,
                                dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL) {
  old <- options(list(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, scipen = 999))
  dots <- rlang::dots_list(...)
  loader <- rds_from_url
  if (!is.null(dbConnection) && !is.null(tablename)) in_db <- TRUE else in_db <- FALSE

  if(isTRUE(seasons)) seasons <- 2016:most_recent_phf_season()

            seasons >= 2016,
            seasons <= most_recent_phf_season())

  urls <- paste0("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sportsdataverse/fastRhockey-data/main/phf/player_box/rds/player_box_",seasons,".rds")

  p <- NULL
  if (is_installed("progressr")) p <- progressr::progressor(along = seasons)

  out <- lapply(urls, progressively(loader, p))
  out <- rbindlist_with_attrs(out)
  if (in_db) {
    DBI::dbWriteTable(dbConnection, tablename, out, append = TRUE)
    out <- NULL
  } else {
    class(out) <- c("fastRhockey_data","tbl_df","tbl","data.table","data.frame")

#' **Load fastRhockey PHF schedules**
#' @name load_phf_schedule
#' @title
#' **Load cleaned PHF schedules from the data repo**
#' @rdname load_phf_schedule
#' @description helper that loads multiple seasons from the data repo either into memory
#' or writes it into a db using some forwarded arguments in the dots
#' @param seasons A vector of 4-digit years associated with given PHF seasons. (Min: 2011)
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to an underlying function that writes
#' the season data into a database (used by `update_phf_db()`).
#' @param dbConnection A `DBIConnection` object, as returned by [DBI::dbConnect()]
#' @param tablename The name of the schedule data table within the database
#' @return Returns a tibble
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'   try(load_phf_schedule(2021))
#' }
load_phf_schedule <- function(seasons = most_recent_phf_season(), ...,
                              dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL) {
  old <- options(list(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, scipen = 999))
  dots <- rlang::dots_list(...)

  loader <- rds_from_url
  if (!is.null(dbConnection) && !is.null(tablename)) in_db <- TRUE else in_db <- FALSE

  if(isTRUE(seasons)) seasons <- 2016:most_recent_phf_season()

            seasons >= 2016,
            seasons <= most_recent_phf_season())

  urls <- paste0("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sportsdataverse/fastRhockey-data/main/phf/schedules/rds/phf_schedule_",seasons,".rds")

  p <- NULL
  if (is_installed("progressr")) p <- progressr::progressor(along = seasons)

  out <- lapply(urls, progressively(loader, p))
  out <- rbindlist_with_attrs(out)
  if (in_db) {
    DBI::dbWriteTable(dbConnection, tablename, out, append = TRUE)
    out <- NULL
  } else {
    class(out) <- c("fastRhockey_data","tbl_df","tbl","data.table","data.frame")

#' **Load fastRhockey PHF team rosters**
#' @name load_phf_rosters
#' @title
#' **Load cleaned PHF team rosters from the data repo**
#' @rdname load_phf_rosters
#' @description helper that loads multiple seasons from the data repo either into memory
#' or writes it into a db using some forwarded arguments in the dots
#' @param seasons A vector of 4-digit years associated with given PHF seasons. (Min: 2021)
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to an underlying function that writes
#' the season data into a database (used by `update_phf_db()`).
#' @param dbConnection A `DBIConnection` object, as returned by [DBI::dbConnect()]
#' @param tablename The name of the team rosters data table within the database
#' @return Returns a tibble
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'   try(load_phf_rosters(2021))
#' }
load_phf_rosters <- function(seasons = most_recent_phf_season(), ...,
                              dbConnection = NULL, tablename = NULL) {
  old <- options(list(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, scipen = 999))
  dots <- rlang::dots_list(...)

  loader <- rds_from_url
  if (!is.null(dbConnection) && !is.null(tablename)) in_db <- TRUE else in_db <- FALSE

  if(isTRUE(seasons)) seasons <- 2021:most_recent_phf_season()

            seasons >= 2021,
            seasons <= most_recent_phf_season())

  urls <- paste0("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sportsdataverse/fastRhockey-data/main/phf/rosters/rds/rosters_",seasons,".rds")

  p <- NULL
  if (is_installed("progressr")) p <- progressr::progressor(along = seasons)

  out <- lapply(urls, progressively(loader, p))
  out <- rbindlist_with_attrs(out)
  if (in_db) {
    DBI::dbWriteTable(dbConnection, tablename, out, append = TRUE)
    out <- NULL
  } else {
    class(out) <- c("fastRhockey_data","tbl_df","tbl","data.table","data.frame")

# load games file
load_phf_games <- function(){
  .url <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sportsdataverse/fastRhockey-data/main/phf/phf_games_in_data_repo.csv"
  con <- url(.url)
  dat <- utils::read.csv(con)
  # close(con)
  return (dat)

#' @name update_phf_db
#' @aliases update_phf_db phf_db phf phf_pbp_db
#' @title
#' **Update or create a fastRhockey PHF play-by-play database**
#' @description update_phf_db() updates or creates a database with `fastRhockey`
#' play by play data of all completed and available games since 2011.
#' @details This function creates and updates a data table with the name `tblname`
#' within a SQLite database (other drivers via `db_connection`) located in
#' `dbdir` and named `dbname`.
#' The data table combines all play by play data for every available game back
#' to the 2016 season and adds the most recent completed games as soon as they
#' are available for `fastRhockey`.
#' The argument `force_rebuild` is of hybrid type. It can rebuild the play
#' by play data table either for the whole fastRhockey era (with `force_rebuild = TRUE`)
#' or just for specified seasons (e.g. `force_rebuild = c(2019, 2020)`).
#' Please note the following behavior:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{`force_rebuild = TRUE`}{: The data table with the name `tblname`
#'   will be removed completely and rebuilt from scratch. This is helpful when
#'   new columns are added during the Off-Season.}
#'  \item{`force_rebuild = c(2019, 2020)`}{: The data table with the name `tblname`
#'  will be preserved and only rows from the 2019 and 2020 seasons will be
#'  deleted and re-added. This is intended to be used for ongoing seasons because
#'  ESPN's data provider can make changes to the underlying data during the week.}
#' }
#' The parameter `db_connection` is intended for advanced users who want
#' to use other DBI drivers, such as MariaDB, Postgres or odbc. Please note that
#' the arguments `dbdir` and `dbname` are dropped in case a `db_connection`
#' is provided but the argument `tblname` will still be used to write the
#' data table into the database.
#' @param dbdir Directory in which the database is or shall be located
#' @param dbname File name of an existing or desired SQLite database within `dbdir`
#' @param tblname The name of the play by play data table within the database
#' @param force_rebuild Hybrid parameter (logical or numeric) to rebuild parts
#' of or the complete play by play data table within the database (please see details for further information)
#' @param db_connection A `DBIConnection` object, as returned by
#' [DBI::dbConnect()] (please see details for further information)
#' @return Logical TRUE/FALSE
#' @export
update_phf_db <- function(dbdir = ".",
                          dbname = "fastRhockey_db",
                          tblname = "fastRhockey_phf_pbp",
                          force_rebuild = FALSE,
                          db_connection = NULL) {
  old <- options(list(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, scipen = 999))

  rule_header("Update fastRhockey PHF Play-by-Play Database")

  if (!is_installed("DBI") | !is_installed("purrr") |
      (!is_installed("RSQLite") & is.null(db_connection))) {
    cli::cli_abort("{my_time()} | Packages {.val DBI}, {.val RSQLite} and {.val purrr} required for database communication. Please install them.")

  if (any(force_rebuild == "NEW")) {
    cli::cli_abort("{my_time()} | The argument {.val force_rebuild = NEW} is only for internal usage!")

  if (!(is.logical(force_rebuild) | is.numeric(force_rebuild))) {
    cli::cli_abort("{my_time()} | The argument {.val force_rebuild} has to be either logical or numeric!")

  if (!dir.exists(dbdir) & is.null(db_connection)) {
    cli::cli_alert_danger("{my_time()} | Directory {.file {dbdir}} doesn't exist yet. Try creating...")

  if (is.null(db_connection)) {
    connection <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), glue::glue("{dbdir}/{dbname}"))
  } else {
    connection <- db_connection

  # create db if it doesn't exist or user forces rebuild
  if (!DBI::dbExistsTable(connection, tblname)) {
    build_phf_db(tblname, connection, rebuild = "NEW")
  } else if (DBI::dbExistsTable(connection, tblname) & all(force_rebuild != FALSE)) {
    build_phf_db(tblname, connection, rebuild = force_rebuild)

  # get completed games
  user_message("Checking for missing completed games...", "todo")
  completed_games <- load_phf_games() %>%
    # completed games since 2002, excluding the broken games
    dplyr::filter(.data$season >= 2016) %>%

  # function below
  missing <- get_missing_phf_games(completed_games, connection, tblname)

  # rebuild db if number of missing games is too large
  if(length(missing) > 100) {
    build_phf_db(tblname, connection, show_message = FALSE, rebuild = as.numeric(unique(stringr::str_sub(missing, 1, 4))))
    missing <- get_missing_phf_games(completed_games, connection, tblname)

  # # if there's missing games, scrape and write to db
  # if (length(missing) > 0) {
  #   new_pbp <- build_fastRhockey_pbp(missing, rules = FALSE)
  #   if (nrow(new_pbp) == 0) {
  #     user_message("Raw data of new games are not yet ready. Please try again in about 10 minutes.", "oops")
  #   } else {
  #     user_message("Appending new data to database...", "todo")
  #     DBI::dbWriteTable(connection, tblname, new_pbp, append = TRUE)
  #   }
  # }

  message_completed("Database update completed", in_builder = TRUE)
  cli::cli_alert_info("{my_time()} | Path to your db: {.file {DBI::dbGetInfo(connection)$dbname}}")
  if (is.null(db_connection)) DBI::dbDisconnect(connection)

# this is a helper function to build fastRhockey database from Scratch
build_phf_db <- function(tblname = "fastRhockey_phf_pbp", db_conn, rebuild = FALSE, show_message = TRUE) {

  old <- options(list(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, scipen = 999))
  valid_seasons <- load_phf_games() %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$season >= 2016) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$season) %>%
    dplyr::summarise() %>%

  if (all(rebuild == TRUE)) {
    cli::cli_ul("{my_time()} | Purging the complete data table {.val {tblname}} in your connected database...")
    DBI::dbRemoveTable(db_conn, tblname)
    seasons <- valid_seasons %>% dplyr::pull("season")
    cli::cli_ul("{my_time()} | Starting download of {length(seasons)} seasons between {min(seasons)} and {max(seasons)}...")
  } else if (is.numeric(rebuild) & all(rebuild %in% valid_seasons$season)) {
    string <- paste0(rebuild, collapse = ", ")
    if (show_message){cli::cli_ul("{my_time()} | Purging {string} season(s) from the data table {.val {tblname}} in your connected database...")}
    DBI::dbExecute(db_conn, glue::glue_sql("DELETE FROM {`tblname`} WHERE season IN ({vals*})", vals = rebuild, .con = db_conn))
    seasons <- valid_seasons %>% dplyr::filter(.data$season %in% rebuild) %>% dplyr::pull("season")
    cli::cli_ul("{my_time()} | Starting download of the {string} season(s)...")
  } else if (all(rebuild == "NEW")) {
    cli::cli_alert_info("{my_time()} | Can't find the data table {.val {tblname}} in your database. Will load the play by play data from scratch.")
    seasons <- valid_seasons %>% dplyr::pull("season")
    cli::cli_ul("{my_time()} | Starting download of {length(seasons)} seasons between {min(seasons)} and {max(seasons)}...")
  } else {
    seasons <- NULL
    cli::cli_alert_danger("{my_time()} | At least one invalid value passed to argument {.val force_rebuild}. Please try again with valid input.")

  if (!is.null(seasons)) {
    # this function lives in R/utils.R
    load_phf_pbp(seasons, dbConnection = db_conn, tablename = tblname)

# this is a helper function to check a list of completed games
# against the games that exist in a database connection
get_missing_phf_games <- function(completed_games, dbConnection, tablename) {
  db_ids <- dplyr::tbl(dbConnection, tablename) %>%
    dplyr::select("game_id") %>%
    dplyr::distinct() %>%
    dplyr::collect() %>%

  need_scrape <- completed_games[!completed_games %in% db_ids]

  cli::cli_alert_info("{my_time()} | You have {length(db_ids)} games and are missing {length(need_scrape)}.")
benhowell71/fastRhockey documentation built on March 1, 2024, 9:23 a.m.