
Defines functions dc.glm

Documented in dc.glm

dc.glm = function(model, values = NULL, sim.count = 1000, conf.int = 0.95, sigma = NULL, set.seed = NULL, values1 = NULL, values2 = NULL,
                  type = c("any", "simulation", "bootstrap"), summary = TRUE){
    # check inputs
    if(is.null(values) && (is.null(values1) || is.null(values2))){
      stop("Either values1 and values2 or values has to be specified!")
      l = length(values)
      values1 = values[1 : (l/2)]
      values2 = values[(l/2 + 1) : l]
    if(sum("glm" %in% class(model)) == 0){
      stop("model has to be of type glm()")
    if(length(values1) != length(coef(model))){
      stop("the length of values1 is not identical to the number of coefficient of the model")
    if(length(values2) != length(coef(model))){
      stop("the length of values2 is not identical to the number of coefficient of the model")
    if(!is.numeric(sim.count) | round(sim.count) != sim.count){
      stop("sim.count has to be whole number")
      stop("conf.int has to be numeric")
    if(!is.null(set.seed) & !is.numeric(set.seed)){
      stop("set.seed must be numeric")
    type = match.arg(type)
    if(type == "bootstrap" && "svyglm" %in% class(model)){
      warning("Boostrap not supported for survey()-models, using simulations instead.")
      type = "simulation"
    # model type
    model.type = family(model)
    link = model.type[2]  
    if(type == "any"){
      if("svyglm" %in% class(model)){
        type = "simulation"
      }else if(nrow(model$data) < 500){
        type = "bootstrap"
        message("Type not specified: Using bootstrap as n < 500")
        type = "simulation"
        message("Type not specified: Using simulation as n >= 500")
    if(type == "simulation"){
        sigma = stats::vcov(model)
      if(nrow(sigma) != length(values1)){
        warning("sigma and values do not match, ignoring the specified sigma")
        sigma = vcov(model)
      betas_sim = MASS::mvrnorm(sim.count, coef(model), sigma)
      pred1 = calculate_glm_pred(betas_sim, values1, link)
      pred2 = calculate_glm_pred(betas_sim, values2, link)
    }else{ # bootstrap
      boot = function(x, model){
        data = model$data
        sample_data = data[sample(seq_len(nrow(data)), replace = TRUE), ]
        coef(update(model, data = sample_data))
      betas_boot = do.call('rbind', lapply(seq_len(sim.count), boot, model))
      pred1 = calculate_glm_pred(betas_boot, values1, link)
      pred2 = calculate_glm_pred(betas_boot, values2, link)
    diff = pred1 - pred2
    all = cbind(pred1, pred2, diff)
    # return all simulated / bootstrapped values if summary is FALSE
    confint_lower = (1 - conf.int) / 2 
    result = apply(all, 2, quantile, probs = c(confint_lower, 1 - confint_lower))
    result = t(rbind(apply(all, 2, mean), result))
    colnames(result) = c("Mean", 
                         paste0(100 * confint_lower,"%"), 
                         paste0(100 * (1 - confint_lower),"%"))
    rownames(result) = c("Case 1", "Case 2", "Difference")
benjaminschlegel/glm.predict documentation built on March 18, 2024, 6:46 a.m.