
Defines functions grad_offset grad

Documented in grad grad_offset

#' Gradient for Logistic Regression
#' @description A function that computes the gradient of the for a logistic
#'  regression model. Used by \code{\link[stats]{optim}} on occasion.
#' @param beta A vector of coefficients in a logistic glm
#' @param X The design matrix
#' @param Y The outcome
#' @importFrom stats plogis
#' @return Numeric vector of the gradient of the parameter vector.
grad <- function(beta, Y, X) {
  pi <- stats::plogis(X %*% beta)
  pi[pi == 0] <- .Machine$double.neg.eps
  pi[pi == 1] <- 1 - .Machine$double.neg.eps
  gr <- crossprod(X, Y - pi)

#' Gradient for Logistic Regression with Offsets
#' @description A function that computes the gradient of the for a logistic
#'  regression model with an offset term. Used by \code{\link[stats]{optim}} on
#'  occasion.
#' @param beta A vector of coefficients in a logistic glm
#' @param H The covariate matrix
#' @param offset The offset vector
#' @param Y The outcome
#' @importFrom stats plogis
#' @return Numeric vector of the gradient of the parameter vector.
grad_offset <- function(beta, Y, H, offset = NULL) {
  pi <- stats::plogis(cbind(offset, H) %*% c(1, beta))
  pi[pi == 0] <- .Machine$double.neg.eps
  pi[pi == 1] <- 1 - .Machine$double.neg.eps
  gr <- crossprod(H, Y - pi)
benkeser/survtmle documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 4:45 a.m.